Results for: national political news

Axios Reporter: Biden Crew Did Some Grade-A Gaslighting Over Infrastructure Bill…w-doing-some-gradea-gaslighting-over-infrastructure-n2591668
– He also said expect some more tweak to occur before it’s signed into law—typical (via Fox News): President Biden’s complicated infrastructure … plan has only led the American public away from reality, Axios national political correspondent Jonathan Swan suggested on "Fox News
Dr. Fauci, America's Fallen Idol
– Anthony Fauci, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy, and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has been a constant fixture in the … A new Fox News poll indicates that 60% of Americans believe that COVID-19 emanated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Chinese … Fauci’s emails were released in early June by Buzzfeed News, Paul indicated his support for the firing of the NIAID Director.…
Newsflash: Trump Will Not Be Reinstated to the Presidency This Year…will-not-be-reinstated-to-the-presidency-this-year-n2591660
– It is very possible that Donald Trump will continue to have great political influence in the years to come. … Trump will also continue to snipe from the sidelines, as well as influence the news cycle and the direction of Republican politics. … do, remember not to look to Trump (again) as some kind of political savior – especially with hopes of his return to the presidency…
WaPo Thinks the Democratic Party Deserves an Emmy Award
– "For your Emmy consideration: The Democratic National Convention. … Seriously, Wednesday night was far and away the best full evening of political television. I have ever witnessed." … Doubtful we will be getting any coverage of this on Brian Stelter's show, which is centered on media news.…
A Quick, Compelling Bible Study Vol. 67: Common Sayings Rooted in the Bible…ble-study-vol-67-common-sayings-rooted-in-the-bible-n2591591
– But the good news is that reading the Bible is trending upward according to the American Bible Society’s 11th annual “State of the … That completes the Bible news and trivia portion of this study. Now let’s turn our attention to sayings rooted in Scripture. … Myra Kahn Adams is a media producer and conservative political and religious writer with numerous national credits.…
Oklahoma Man Will Face Federal Charges for Threatening President Biden…ace-federal-charges-for-threatening-president-biden-n2591430
– The threats were sent via email to local news outlet KOTV Channel 6.  … According to the article, an executive producer from the station contacted the FBI’s National Threat Operations Center to report the … “Making threats against candidates and fellow citizens for their political beliefs undermines our democracy and will not be tolerated…
Stop Perpetual Election Fraud Bill
– voting, which were enforced in many states before being suspended during Covid, are necessary to prevent ballots from being cast by political … But in breaking news on Tuesday, Sen. Manchin then fell in line with other Democrats to support advancing this legislation. … the outcome of the last presidential election was due to voter fraud, a percentage that has remained roughly constant in every national
Question for 'Progressive' Senator: Hey, Why Do You Still Belong to an All-White Club?…twing-senator-why-do-you-belong-to-an-allwhite-club-n2591281
– In fact, this issue bubbled up earlier in his political career, and Whitehouse promised change. … There has been no change, via this update in 2017: News Editor Kate Nagle finally caught up with U.S. … — Guy Benson (@guypbenson) June 21, 2021 There hasn't been a huge media feeding frenzy about Whitehouse yet, and certainly no "national
Will Bishops Deny Biden Communion?
Political leaders who endorse abortion rights and vote to fund abortions contribute to a systemic moral evil and a scandalizing of … No one can know what is in the heart and soul of Biden, who visibly manifests a devotion to his Catholic faith unrivaled in any national … Not good news for Joe Biden. Patrick J.…
Dear Conservatives: Cultural Symbols Like Juneteenth Really Do Matter
– Of course, Leftists will use the holiday for their own partisan political ends, but that is not reason to give up.  … BuzzFeed News, for instance, placed the Juneteenth holiday in seeming contradiction to opposition on the Right to critical race theory … An opinion article at MarketWatch encouraged us to take the opportunity to design a new national flag that “represented all Americans…
Democrats Need a Day of Atonement
– Proclamation in 1863 to the mid-20th century, members of the Democratic Party, dominant in the South due to its opposition to civil and political … rights for African Americans, were on the wrong side of civil rights.Federal troops finally brought the news of emancipation  to Galveston … Plan, the precursor to affirmative action.Republican Ronald Reagan signed legislation establishing the Martin Luther King Jr. national
CNN Attempts to Generate More Panic After Georgia Cleans Voter Rolls
– In other words, it hardly counts as news. … But these outrage cycles end up communicating "inaccurate information about your political opponent," he adds. … Brian Stelter was convinced he caught Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo in a blatant dose of misinformation.…
Study Finds Republicans Fare Better Than Democrats on Citizenship Test, But Most Eligible Voters Fail…s-on-citizenship-test-but-most-eligible-voters-fail-n2591265
– The report's summary beginning by noting: In this era of hyper-partisanship, political  frustration and skepticism with governance … , the question of how well voters understand  the political process is ripe for inquiry. … From there, users can see news and forums tailored to the issues they've selected as being important to them. …
For All of His TV Appearances, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan Reassures Nobody on China…ity-advisor-jake-sullivan-reassures-nobody-on-china-n2591258
National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan went on no less than three Sunday shows. … While "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace had more so relentlessly pushed former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo about the origins … And it is that diplomatic spade work, rallying the nations of the world, imposing political and diplomatic pressure on China, that…
The Biden-Putin Summit: Much Ado About Nothing
– Most commentators from across the political spectrum offered a much different analysis of the summit. … The poll, which was conducted by Rasmussen and National Pulse, asked Americans to rate the President’s European trip, including his … These results are extraordinary since Americans have been hearing so much positive spin about Biden from the mainstream news media.…
Suicide of the GOP -- or Rebirth?
– Whatever one may think of the Donald, he has exposed not only how far out of touch our political elites are, but how insular is the … As for National Review, The Weekly Standard and the accredited conservative columnists of the big op-ed pages, their hostility to Trump … This is not unwelcome news. Let them go.…
Anti-Trump Thugs, Not ‘Protesters’, and Their Apologists
– Protest, at its finest, enriches the national dialogue. … Fox News), insists upon referring to these savages as “protesters” is a tragic commentary on the age, for it reflects a profound loss … ’s events, insulted and accosted those in attendance, and attempted to deprive them of their opportunity to participate in the political
No Insider - Mr. Cruz Goes to Washington
– But, the edicts of liberalism, as embodied in the political machinery of the Democrat Party, can only be enforced by threats followed … The incessant barrage of everything Trump, mortared into living rooms all across the fruited plain by Fox News and the rest of the … And, recently, national radio host and author Mark Levin has given Ted Cruz his unequivocal endorsement.…
From Sarah Palin to Donald Trump
– Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., extolled her at the GOP national convention as "a breath of fresh air" and bragged that she was "the only candidate … The ensuing months and years exposed Palin as a glib egomaniac with a penchant for lying who knew little about national and international … Fox News hired her. She became an annual draw at the Conservative Political Action Conference.…
Education, the Great Equalizer
– I discussed how John Locke, the classical liberal political theorist, developed the individual rights of life, liberty, and property … centered around President Abraham Lincoln’s suspension of said writ during the Civil War and the relevance to the recent violent political … It’s a 9:30 interview on Fox Business News between host Neil Cavuto and Keely Mullen, the representative of the “Million Student March…
The Mad Men Primary
– I am pretty sure I am not the first person to bemoan the tendency of political reporting to resemble entertainment. … Neither am I the first to comment on Trump’s dominance of the news cycle. … I do not fault news producers for following the Big Story, it’s just their job.…
Cruz's Constitutionalism Trumps Trump's Trumpism
– opposed the federal government's mass collection of our phone records, the indefinite detention of Americans deemed threats to national … He has castigated Democrats for trying to suppress political speech in the name of fighting corruption and criticized Republicans as … "It should absolutely take congressional approval," he told ABC News in 2014.…
Establishment Elites Going All Out to Derail the Trump Express…nt-elites-going-all-out-to-derail-the-trump-express-n2134180
News flash: You're being used, guys. You're mere pawns in a billionaire's ongoing game of subversion. … America isn't the only place where Soros has attempted to flex his political muscle. … This is the last stand of the political establishments, and they're using every tactic in their arsenal.…
Cruz Surges in Florida While Rubio Loses His Way
– A new CBS News poll published Sunday shows Ted Cruz flying past Marco Rubio in the final stretch of Florida's race for the White House … There is only one candidate who can beat Donald Trump on the national stage: That person is Ted Cruz. … And in the majority of national polls, Ted Cruz is the only GOP candidate who soundly beats Hillary Clinton. …
Clinton and Sanders Migrate on Immigration
– It was a classic Clinton chameleon maneuver executed in the service of political expediency. Sen. … Democratic operatives may think their national committee was sly in agreeing to a limited number of political debates -- none of them … on Fox News Channel.…
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