Results for: Republican National Committee

Spinning Plates
– And the Republican Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. … ABC News, "GOP leaders would now make 'some necessary improvements and refinements' to the legislation" in order to get enough Republican … "Should a coal miner in West Virginia pay for National Public Radio?" he asked on MSNBC's "Morning Joe". I don't know.…
– It was more about protecting the future of the country, rather than just protecting a Republican presidency. … Does it include most of the Republican opposition? The Obama administration used the IRS to go after the Tea Party. … We now know that, at least, James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, Susan Rice, former National Security Advisor, James Comey…
Channeling Baghdad Bob
– In June, when Manafort took over Trump's campaign and Spicer was the spokesman for the Republican National Committee, he told the Reuters…
Oh My: Former Obama NSA Susan Rice Reportedly Directed Dubious 'Unmasking' of Trump Allies
– Yes, that would be the same Susan Rice who made herself famous for delivering outright lies on national television about the Benghazi … One of the latest twists in all of this was the claim by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, a Republican, that Trump-tied … The National Security Council's senior director for intelligence, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, was conducting the review, according to two U.S…
Trump's Wall Is Already Collapsing
– When Politico's Jake Sherman asked Mitch McConnell whether Mexico will pay for the wall, the Senate Republican leader couldn't suppress … Republican enthusiasm is not abundant. Sen. … Cory Gardner of Colorado, head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said recently that "billions of dollars on a wall is…
Nunes Had Two White House Staffers Help Him Get Intel Reports And It Cost Him An Influential Media Defender…ports-and-it-cost-him-an-influential-media-defender-n2307186
– The way Nunes rolled out this new development was also bungled, not sharing this information with other members of the committee and … Nunes’s committee. Bloomberg’s Eli Lake has defended Nunes, even offering his take on the much-discussed White House visit. … His committee is probing ties between the Trump campaign and Russia's influence operation against the 2016 election.…
Obamacare Was Designed to Explode -- Dems Want Single-Payer
– Yes, despite a Republican in the Oval Office and Republican majorities in the Senate and House, Trump and Speaker Paul Ryan couldn't … Former Democratic National Committee Chair Howard Dean also said the end game is the so-called "public option." … reason why the United States of America, the wealthiest country in the history of the world, spending 14 percent of its gross national
Resist: Post-Trump Victory, Dems Finally Flip a State Legislature Republicans…finally-flip-a-state-legislature-seatto-republicans-n2304918
– The popular backlash to Obamaism was swift, deep, and now complete: The Republican Party now rules DC, too -- even if they seem incapable … showering national attention and money upon several of the races. … Via the Republican State Leadership Committee: For months, Democrats have bragged about state-level, special election strength and…
Flip-Flop: Senate Democrat Who Opposed Alito Filibuster Now Backs Blocking Gorsuch…opposed-alito-filibuster-now-backs-blocking-gorsuch-n2304921
– playing politics with President Trump's mainstream Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch," said Rick Gorka, a spokesman for the RepublicanNational Committee. … Bork’s nomination failed 42-58—his fate was sealed when the Senate Judiciary Committee voted down his nomination—and Clarence Thomas…
Republicans, You Won the Emerald City, But Don’t Forget Kansas…ans-you-won-the-emerald-city-but-dont-forget-kansas-n2312851
– for deep-red seat” “Republican Party invests last-minute infusion of cash into Republican seat” “Congressional seat in Republicannational Republican ticket. … Republican National Committee leaders must understand that a string of victories at the federal level will not guarantee victory at…
Democrats Think It's Wrong To Accuse Susan Rice Without Evidence. Did They Forget Their Obsession About Russia?…idence-did-they-forget-their-obsession-about-russia-n2310009
– Adam Schiff (D-CA), the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, had an epiphany last week: it’s not good to hurl accusations … The California Democrat was speaking with CNN’s Chris Cuomo, where he was discussing the recent allegations that former National Security … Even Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee admit that they may never find a smoking gun that could open the way for impeachment…
Testing 'The Resistance:' Can Democrats Pull Off Upsets in Kansas and Georgia?
– “Republican Ron Estes needs your vote and needs it badly,” Trump said in the minute-long call. “Our country needs help. … A raft of big GOP campaign donations and a last-minute ad buy last week of nearly $100,000 by the National Republican Congressional … In other words, this is a traditionally-Republican, Trump-skeptical district.  …
Tactical Nuclear Option Inside Reconciliation
– Today it is about 77 percent of national income. Not much discipline there. … Namely, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) score tax relief as a revenue loser and tax … Twenty years later, Republican Ronald Reagan duplicated the JFK tax cuts to liberate a stagflationary economy.…
True Detective: Clinton Says Misogyny Certainly Played A Role In Her 2016 Defeat…misogyny-certainly-played-a-role-in-her-2016-defeat-n2310092
Committee, passing along debate questions to Clinton’s team during the primaries. … The FBI angle of this story wouldn’t have been even a factor if you followed the 2009 regulations by the National Archives and Records … Instead, you called them deplorable, confident that the urban-base turnout for you would beat any Republican coalition.…
Progressive Magazine: Calling Susan Rice 'Typhoid Mary' Is Racist Because Irish People Were Treated Like Blacks…acist-because-irish-people-were-treated-like-blacks-n2309600
– Tom Cotton (R-AR) calling former National Security Adviser Susan Rice the “Typhoid Mary of the Obama administration.” … King is a member of the House Intelligence Committee. … What national security matter prompted Rice to make this request is unknown--and she didn't share it with Andrea Mitchell.…
As Unmasking Allegations Begin To Surround Susan Rice, Of Course The Media Tried To Smother The Story…to-surround-susan-rice-media-tries-to-smother-story-n2308905
– He took heat from the rest of the committee for keeping them in the dark on this development, but it must’ve been significant because … CNN’s Jim Sciutto, the national security correspondent at the network, also dismissed the development. … Peter King of New York, a member of the House Intelligence committee said.…
They Were Listening to Your People, Donald
– According to Fox News, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, a Republican from California, has known about this unmasking … Now, the leading Democrat on the committee, Rep. Adam Schiff, has seen it. … She had the names sent around to certain Defense Department personnel, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and then-CIA…
Trump Derangement Syndrome
– President Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka, at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, said she wanted to require companies … Yet the left's contempt for Trump was on full display in a recent speech by newly elected Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom … So why didn't Fey attack the black voters who voted for Trump in a greater percentage than for any Republican since Gerald Ford?…
Surviving Weather and Turbulence
– presidency represents a rejection of the class of ruling politicians as well as the political machines on both the Democratic and Republican … On the Democratic side, Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigned after Wikileaks released emails regarding … On the Republican side, attempts to maintain the status quo of the Republican establishment were crushed by the Trump campaign -- who…
Susan Rice is Stuck in the Rabbit Hole
– One involves the conclusion of intelligence that Russian-backed cyber thieves broke into Democratic National Committee emails and got … If you're a Democrat, you'll hold to one and brush off the other, and if you're a Republican, you'll do the opposite. … Rand Paul, the Kentucky Republican said. "She needs to be asked, 'Did President Obama ask her to do this?…
Trump-Putin Cooperation for Peace Is the Establishment's Fear…in-cooperation-for-peace-is-the-establishments-fear-n2308619
– security," Republican Sen. … McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, has long been an outspoken critic of Russia. … committee has yet to uncover any evidence of collusion between Russia and Trump.…
Sanders Slams UC Berkeley's Anti-Free Speech Zealots: 'It's A Sign Of Intellectual Weakness'…speech-zealots-its-a-sign-of-intellectual-weakness-n2317054
– The UC Berkeley College Republican chapter said they plan to file a lawsuit against the school if they don’t provide a venue for the … Absolutely protest these people you don’t like, absolutely write against them, denounce them,” the deputy chair of the Democratic NationalCommittee advised progressives angry at right-wing speakers.…
NYT: Former AG Loretta Lynch Tried To Play Down The True Nature Of FBI's Criminal Probe Into Clinton Emails…tried-to-play-down-the-true-nature-of-fbis-criminal-n2316975
– the nation’s largest domestic law enforcement and intelligence agency, has been in the crosshairs of both the Democratic and Republican … Toscas, a national security prosecutor, ribbed Mr. Comey. “I guess you’re the Federal Bureau of Matters now,” Mr. … Only after he was summoned to testify before the House Intelligence Committee looking into possible links between the Trump campaign…
Trump Lawyer Warned Carter Page to Stop Calling Himself Trump "Adviser"…d-carter-page-to-stop-calling-himself-trump-adviser-n2316881
– “You were merely one of the many people named to a foreign policy advisory committee in March of 2016 -- a committee that met one time … He has admitted to meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in Philadelphia at the 2016 Republican National Committee convention…
Dems Lights Go Out in Georgia
National Democrats spent $8 million trying to wrest this seat away. They failed. … I have been in the communications division of the National Republican Congressional Committee on election nights when, through the … The national Democrats put a great deal of time, effort, and money into trying to win these two specials.…
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