Results for: is the us at war with iran

Staying Out of Other People's Wars
– They are urging another look at air strikes. North Korea is warning that should the annual U.S. … The possibility of America being dragged into a new war is growing. … Dating back to the early years of the Cold War, in the 1950s, we signed treaties obligating us to fight for scores of nations on five…
America's Unsustainable Empire
– Yet the White House position is that the Iran nuclear deal should be scrapped, and no deal with Kim Jong Un signed that does not result … By some estimates, the United States accounted for roughly 50 percent of global output at the end of World War II. ... … That was 1943, at the height of a war that found us unprepared. We are hugely overextended today.…
'Locked and Loaded' for War on Iran?
– Given Pompeo's public accusation that Iran was behind the attack, a Trump meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at the U.N. … -Iran-Saudi war would do to the world economy. … Divided again: The War Party is giddy with excitement over the prospect of war with Iran, while the nation does not want another war
Ahmadinejad's target audience
– Ignoring completely the fact that Hizbullah is controlled by Iran, Brennan said that the US seeks to "build up the more moderate elements … With the US even standing aside as Iran paralyzes Iraq's post-election government, no one can take US guarantees seriously anymore. … But events preceding that war - including Egypt's move from the Soviet to the US side of the Cold War -- convinced Egyptian president…
Everyone Has A Different Take On Soleimani And Iran, But There’s Only One That Trump Should Listen To…ran-but-theres-only-one-that-trump-should-listen-to-n2558920
– Yet, like many, the Times also expressed concern that his death could mean the end of any chance of peace or a deal with Iran. … “It is not just Suleimani’s death, but likely the death knell of the Iran nuclear deal and any prospect of diplomacy between Iran and … and caution that the “Constitution dictates that we declare war” if we are going to go to war with Iran. …
Iran Agreement Boosts Peace, Defeats Neocons
The agreement has reduced the chance of a U.S. attack on Iran, which is a great development. … It is that the elimination of sanctions, which are an act of war, will open up opportunities for trade with Iran. … This obsession with Iran is bewildering.…
Mr. Netanyahu and the End of Days
– Our pundits assure us that either Iran does not need and thus want a bomb, or that Iran at least could be contained if it got one. … Iran can test a nuclear bomb -- that the Iranian leader is a duplicitous "wolf in sheep's clothing." … Again, ask the Tutsis of Rwanda. The disastrous idea of a preemptory war to disarm Iran seems to us apocalyptic.…
Why This Obsession With Iran?
– "Iran is not seeking to have the atomic bomb, possession of which is pointless, dangerous and is a great sin from an intellectual and … Where, then, is the mortal threat to justify the U.S. preparations for war with Iran described in the national press this week? … The Financial Times' Gideon Rachman argues that our obsession with Iran is obscuring a far greater potential threat.…
The Folly of Attacking Iran
War on Iran: Israel wants it. Various Arab rulers want it. The Obama administration has not ruled it out. … The assumption of hawks in the U.S. and Israel is that once Iran acquires nuclear weapons, it will use them -- that it is bent on wiping … Iran didn't miss the lesson there.In the event that sanctions fail to dissuade Tehran from going nuclear, war is no answer.…
The Age of Nuclear Chaos
is small potatoes in comparison to the destruction that Tuesday’s deal with Iran has wrought. … The other possible outcome of a congressional rejection of the deal is that Iran will stay in the deal and the US will be the odd man … at war not only with Turkey, but with NATO.…
Mughniyeh's True Legacy
– Although Iran and the Taliban nearly went to war against one another in 2000, in the wake of the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in … October 2001, according to jailed Taliban leaders, Iran pledged to assist the Taliban in their war against the US. … After the war, he oversaw Hizbullah's rearmament as well as the training of Hizbullah and Hamas forces in Iran.…
The Hagel Pick Telegraphs Weakness
– It is Iran that backs Hezbollah in Lebanon. We haven’t heard much about the Cedar Revolution in that war-torn country. … The Germans, then at war with Britain, complained that their enemies had cut their Atlantic cable and were intercepting their radio … (California was reserved for the deal Zimmermann planned to offer Japan to enter the war against us.)…
Putin, Iran Find Obama Really Flexible After Election
– , the consequences of which will travel far with us along our road. – Winston S. … “A Sunni-Shiite war is brewing across the region with the U.S.' … At the same time the U.S. is relinquishing its role in the Middle East to Russia much to the consternation of Saudi Arabia and Israel…
Prelude to Appeasement
– 6) even tough sanctions will not deter Iran -- moreover, Russia is too invested in Iran to truly cooperate with us, and even Europe … And, factually, they assume the danger is off by at least a year -- and that Iran is running into technical problems. … There is nothing wrong with appeasement if the aggressor can be appeased at acceptable costs.…
Message From Ukraine – Nukes Do Deter
– Last week, Pyongyang warned that in the event of a clash with the South, its nuclear weapons would be used "at the outset of war." … A nuclear weapons test, if successful, would bring to Iran the possibility of war with a nuclear-armed Israel, as well as the potential … What the Ukraine war has demonstrated is the vulnerability of not having nukes.…
Have Iranian Threats Spurred a Saudi-Israeli Alliance?
The stakes in lives are high and with expansionary powers like Khomeinist Iran eventually the stakes include mass casualties. … Which brings us to another feature of the escalating Saudi-Iran war -- Saudi Arabia's quasi-alliance with Israel. … Because the threat Iran presents to Gulf Arab states is deadly, and Israel has military capabilities that give Iran great pause.…
Obama's Enemies List
– While the US was negotiating the nuclear deal with Iran, the Revolutionary Guards unlawfully interdicted – that is hijacked – the Marshall … to the deal is war, is a lie. … “But,” he quoted Obama as saying, “the result of such a strike won’t be war with Iran.”…
Israel's Risk Aversion Problem
– Finally, there is Iran’s war with Israel and the US. A nuclear-armed Iran is a direct threat to both countries. … The more Iran is seen as fighting Israel and the US the more legitimate it appears to Sunni jihadists. … At an early stage of the war our leaders recognized that aside from the Kurds, who have no shared border with us, there are no viable…
Libertarians Versus Conservatives
– He supported the Iraq War and says that if Iran were close to getting nuclear weapons, the U.S should attack. … Bush's failed attempts at negotiation with Iran, "negotiation based on the delusion from the get-go that Iran was ever serious about … They are not as quick to talk about the fact that Iran has a population three times the size of Iraq's -- and the Iraq War wasn't as…
Texas Dem Accuses Trump of ‘Scaring the S*** Out of Your Own People’…uses-trump-of-scaring-the-sh-out-of-your-own-people-n2503176
– President, starting a war — or even just a war of words — with Iran won’t save you from Bob Mueller. … “War with Iran is an idea that has a lot of support among conservatives and members of Trump’s cabinet. … “What this means is that, as scary as it sounds, we have to take the possibility of war with Iran seriously.…
Here's What Trump Had to Say About Iran's Attack on Israel
– So he managed the escalation to avoid a war. Is Biden capable of thinking this way? … that he was "worried" it would be Trump who would get the U.S. involved in a conflict with Iran. …  Flashback: Joe Biden warned America before the 2020 election that Trump "is going to get us to war in Iran."…
Trump's Handling of Iran Deserves Praise
Is it possible President Donald Trump may have perfectly played the Iran conflict? … There's been a real concern that the president could get us into a war with Iran. … The hashtag "World War III" trended on Twitter for days. Iran warned of grave repercussions.…
Video: Iranian Regime Threatens to 'Humiliate' US Military in War…n-regime-releases-video-threatening-to-humiliate-us-n2051741
The video from Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, entitled "If any war happens...," begins with President Obama stating that the U.S. could "knock … Iran is the top state sponsor of terrorism in the world.   … The regime is also ghoulishly familiar with coffins draped in American flags; Iranian bombs killed approximately 500 US soldiers during…
Operation Storm of Resolve: Lessons for the US Iran Policy…ion-storm-of-resolve-lessons-for-the-us-iran-policy-n1988371
– Unlike the cases of Syria and Iraq, Iran has avoided any significant response and is yielding to the force of regional coalition. … the ruling clerics in Iran. … Adopting a clear and credible policy of firmness and resolve by the US is the only measure to confront the Iranian regime’s threats…
Etiquette Versus Annihilation
– But surely the Nazi Holocaust during World War II should tell us that what is beyond the imagination of decent people is by no means … Should we bet the lives of millions of Americans on our ability to deter nuclear war with Iran? … The other reason is that, by going to the United Nations for its blessing on his agreement with Iran, he can get a bigger fig leaf…
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