Results for: they are all going to jail

Shrinking Prisons
– And once they're in prison, they are sure to return. … While terrible, these numbers are not all that shocking when you consider what having a felony on your record can do to your employment … Holder is attempting to reduce the number of minor drug offenders (non-violent with few-to-no prior convictions) going to prison and…
Will Obama Save Meraim Ibrahim and Her Babies?
– "If they want to execute me then they should go ahead and do it because I'm not going to change my faith," she told her husband. … "They want me to take a DNA sample in Khartoum, then send it to the U.S. for testing," Wani told the Mail. … of an American citizen imprisoned because they are Christians.…
Nice: Obama Uses Illegal Children For Propaganda, Turns Soldiers Into Babysitters…dren-for-propaganda-turns-soldiers-into-babysitters-n1851659
– Just when things seem like they can’t get any worse, Obama stoops to a new all time low. … cartels – all on their own – to reach the southern border of America? … And while Obama and HHS are re-tasking our bases, it’s only fitting to re-task our – now irrelevant – American soldiers so they can…
For Father's Day: Why Dads Are Essential to Kids
– Get this: Dads are essential to kids. … According to the National Fatherhood Initiative, kids who grow up without dads are more likely to grow up poor, drop out of school, … I was permitted to use them to build shacks and go-carts, so long as I put them back where they belonged.…
A Populist Path to Power?
They do not understand people of the heart to whom illegal and mass immigration means the disappearance of the country they grew up … "All the investment banks up in New York and D.C. ... those guys should have gone to jail. … But instead of going to jail ... they went onto Eric's Rolodex. ... And they're sending him big checks."…
A Pro-Capitalism, Ayn Rand Style Economics Professor Shows Us That You Can Beat the Political Esablishment in Washington…u-can-beat-the-political-esablishment-in-washington-n1850917
– Few paid much attention to him, least of all the national tea party establishment who thought it was impossible to beat the No. 2 GOP … As for any serious injury to the GOP establishment, the fact is that they have, with few exceptions, been winning most of their party-nominating … didn't go to jail, they're in Eric's Rolodex."…
Dave Brat Proves Libertarian Populism Can Win
– If we bring in illegal immigrants, and there is a skills mismatch right, and then we are going to have to pay benefits, education, … Who is going to pick up the tab for all those unexpected costs? You are. … didn’t go to jail, they want on Eric’s rolodex.”…
MLK Jr's Niece Explains Why We're Not 'Free at Last'
– "I was ready to lay down and go to jail to end the buffer zone law." One of Dr. … They are hoping to expand those rights to unborn children. … King will continue to spread that light here in Kentucky and all around the country, because it is clear that we are not all free at…
The Case for Libertarian Populism
– If Republicans are ever going to win the White House again, they are going to have to find a way to convince working Americans that … But if she were to marry a man with a job, even a low-income job, her SNAP, TANF, and EITC benefits are all likely to be reduced and … But when asked if they “support or oppose ... requiring nearly all Americans to have health insurance or pay a fine,” 65 percent of…
Chicagoland: Where Tigers Are More Common than Guns
– Of course, if any bar-going-patrons – regardless of their drinking habits – decided to harass a tiger, they probably deserve whatever … After all, walking around with a Jungle-Book-villain is only a misdemeanor; whereas a concealed .38 might get you feed to the lions … A tiger, by all metrics available to me, is not the same as a gun… In fact, loaded firearms might be just the thing to protect the…
Column in Which I'm an Exact Genetic Copy of Both Evil Koch Brothers…im-an-exact-genetic-copy-of-both-evil-koch-brothers-n1868437
– it would be easy for you to come up with a solution that all of us would and could be happy with Or are you like all the other nay … Even when liberals are wrong, they are right. … There are actually valid reasons for rabbis, priest, ministers and witch doctors to dress the way they do.…
Libertarianism and Human Decency
– The question is whether cops should look for excuses to pull people over simply in hopes of finding that they have some pot. … We were forced (by a threat of going to jail) to place our hands on the table where they could see them and to stay there until we … to the bust.…
Why Is President Obama Trying to Save Hamas?
– There has never been anything in America as cynical and outrageous as the Obamacrats saying: "Those dirty Republicans are going to … Udall, if sun and wind created wealth and enterprise, why does Washington have to suck us to keep it going? … Do they grasp the private universities that Obama/Holder are trying to defund and dis-accredit because the schools won't toe Obama's…
Do You Want the Global Destruction of Financial Privacy to Enable Higher Tax Rates and Bigger Government?…cy-to-enable-higher-tax-rates-and-bigger-government-n1871936
– …just think what is going to happen when all of those corrupt officials in foreign governments get ahold of it. … full access to your confidential financial information are not going to misuse it? … Just think of all the mischief they could cause if they had access to all of the sensitive financial information of human rights advocates…
Has Harry Reid Committed a Felony or Just a Misdemeanor?…harry-reid-committed-a-felony-or-just-a-misdemeanor-n1485863
– I presume the reasoning behind this is that the American people deserve to know where their taxes are going. … What are their activities? Are they buying votes with public moneys? … Harry has not, and according to the law he ought to go to jail or be otherwise punished.…
Motivation To Prosper
– By her teenage years, she had bounced around to eight different schools and often had to study at home by candlelight because they … But it was never in me to give up, because I did realize that I was never going to be successful unless I got an education." … She concluded by saying to CNN: "There are so many kids whose futures aren't so sure, and they need help more than I do.…
Pinhead Bureaucrats Threaten Family with Possible Prison Sentence for Rescuing a Baby Deer…h-possible-prison-sentence-for-rescuing-a-baby-deer-n1500902
They nursed the deer back to health. But decency and government often are in conflict. … They plan to fight the case, even though jail is unlikely and the lawyer costs — which could reach $5,000 — are significantly higher … It is all funded by the taxpayer, yet the couple say they deserve sympathy because they are “trapped”.…
BP Ledger, Jan. 28 edition
– "Some of are going to be able to lead small congregations as pastors or elders, or they're going to support the churches that exist … "They are very equipped … to be more effective people in doing what they need to be doing in local churches." … In other words, they are going to entice him to commit some legal or moral offense."…
Caught Red-Handed on Climate Change
– Don’t we mere mortals know that our puny powers of reason and deduction are impervious to the powers granted to the Society of Ethical … No; they must be crazy, with due respect to Ms. McArdle, who I believe is sincere . … But when the doctors and scientists seek to muzzle the rest of us it’s all A.O.K.…
Jim Nabors and How Liberalism May Win Its Way to Defeat…nabors-and-how-liberalism-may-win-its-way-to-defeat-n1502371
– That’s not to say that conservatives are somehow anti-minority or anti-women – the Democrats have pushed that nonsense even as theyAll their work over the years to normalize homosexuality, to promote acceptance of minorities, and to redefine the roles of women has … Republicans are too sensible with our money? They want America to be too powerful and too free?…
Pennies, Marijuana and Cell Phones: The Top Questions for Obama's Google Hangout…phones-the-top-questions-for-obamas-google-hangout-n1512701
– "After all of the cut backs, we are still producing pennies, a currency that is almost never used and cost more to produce than they … President, would you support a small, targeted fix to copyright law that allows folks to use the devices and digital media that they … Essentially unlocking is using technology to unleash the full-potential of a wireless device (not to be confused with jail breaking…
Conservatives Should Take the Lead Against Government Injustice…s-should-take-the-lead-against-government-injustice-n1508398
– a felony, paying a crippling fine and going to prison for six months. … I guess we can all rest easier knowing he’s no longer a looming threat to the American way of life. This is a disgrace. … Let’s also empower our juries to do the job they are supposed to do – hold the government accountable and make sure it meets the high…
Liberals are Stepford Wives of Political Class
– I’m tired of both sides trying to pretend that they are blameless. … When is someone from the government going to jail for that? … Bettywrote: People that agree with the Koch Brothers are liers and thieves that want to sit on a thrown like the devils they are and…
Jailed for Nonpayment of Child Support - But it's Not His Child…nonpayment-of-child-support--but-its-not-his-child-n1548325
– Men are routinely sent to jail for falling behind on paying child support, even though debtors' prisons in the U.S. were mostly eliminated … They hold men to super high technical standards that are not equally applied against women. … to a jail in Missouri.…
Urban Problem Bigger Than Detroit
– So they cry foul when adult supervision is sent in to take on the formidable rescue task. … The point is that we need to discern a rule of thumb here: the more that human lives are governed by compulsion and entitlement rather … If we are going to save our cities, we need to get back to what built them in the first place: freedom, enterprise, and entrepreneurship…
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