Results for: Barack Obama Website

FIRST-PERSON: Lessons from the 2012 election
– A decisive victory First, we must recognize that President Barack Obama won a decisive and clear victory, surging to over 300 votes … Barack Obama avoided the ignominy of an electoral repudiation and also won the popular vote. … This column first appeared at his website,…
A Losing Immigration Strategy
– President Barack Obama needs to do something to cement the loyalty of Hispanics, who did so much to re-elect him. … But the number of apprehensions has fallen by two-thirds in the past five years.Latino voters broke heavily for Obama even though he … out more about Steve Chapman, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
A Fork in the Road, Part II
– I have heard from so many Christians that believe God is judging us by allowing Barack Obama to rule over us for another four years … , as if Obama is a modern-day Nebuchadnezzar and we are an oppressed people. … Granted, Obama represents almost everything I don’t believe to be true and righteous, but he’s hardly a tyrant.…
– According to the White House website, the first time the Federal government spent more than a billion dollars in a single year was … since erased most, if not all, remnants of capitalism from the American economic system; and it happened way before a guy named BarackObama became President.…
Left's Newest Inquisition: Deny Your God or Be Declared Unfit
– Scarcely had the interview hit GQ’s website and newsstands when it ricocheted across the blogosphere and commentariat, with sneers … Barack Obama is two months shy of putting his hand on the Bible for a second term.…
Merry Christmas, America-Haters?
– This inane publicity stunt backfired when the website Mediaite reported on Dec. 7 that Psy (real name: Park Jae-sang) had participated … It is like Barack Obama expressing regret for the awful things said about Susan Rice, ignoring the awful things said by Susan Rice. … A petition asking Obama to dump Psy from the Christmas concert was itself dumped.…
Media Oddly Silent on WikiLeaks Proceedings
– Manning, of course, is charged with leaking hundreds of thousands of classified documents to the website WikiLeaks and, at his trial … Could the media's aversion to the story be related to their noted adulation of President Barack Obama, who has already prosecuted more … Obviously, Clinton and Obama are presidents, not privates. A president can release whatever information he wants.…
State Dept. Should Designate Boko Haram a “Foreign Terrorist Organization”…should_designate_boko_haram_a_foreign_terrorist_organization
– President Barack Obama and “other infidels.” … Any concerned citizen can sign an online petition on the White House website that asks the State Department to designate Boko Haram…
Pearl Harbor Remembered
– What Barack Obama Could Learn From Our 32nd President ... ------------------- From Townhall Magazine's December feature … These extremists, according to the inside-the-beltway website, attacked the building with heavy machine guns and rocket … Unfortunately, President Obama failed to take a lesson from his Democratic predecessor and America’s image abroad—as well as his own—has…
The New Racial Derangement Syndrome
– I hope Obama gets scary in the next four years." … Freeman has accused Obama critics and the Tea Party of being racists. … The Obama administration must shoulder some of the blame.…
Party of Big Business
– In 2008, then-Senator Barack Obama called the U.S. Export-Import Bank “little more than a fund for corporate welfare.” … A quick glance at the Bank’s website reveals just how easy it is to make a case against this taxpayer-backed scheme. … The Obama administration supported it, despite testimony from their own Treasury Secretary that it wasn’t really needed.…
David Gregory's Slobbering Obama Interview
– NBC's David Gregory interviewed President Barack Obama on "Meet the Press" Sunday, and a conversation ensued that would have been more … What if Gregory had pressed Obama: "Mr. President, how do you define 'halfway'? … Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at…
The Dropping Ball
– It is also a matter of faith that there is no point in the House and Senate passing a bill that President Barack Obama won't sign. … According to the official website of the House Majority Leader, the House worked 12 days in July, two days in August, a backbreaking … have to attend the Paris Air Show,or any other CODEL (COngressional DELegation trip), then you need to provide - on your official website
Black Friday Bust
– As an example, The Gap gave 60% off any website purchase and an extra 30% discount for a day-after-Christmas buy.  … Then, just envision the newspaper headlines, “Retail Sales Surge 100%,” “Barack Obama Has Done it Again,” “An Economy on a Roll.”  … If the noise, however, is loud enough perhaps all those retailers with no profits could apply to the Obama administration for a bailout…
NC Republican Commiteewoman Says Watch for the Third Round of RNC Chairman Voting…ewoman_says_watch_for_the_third_round_of_rnc_chairman_voting
– Cino's website lists the top nine reasons why she should be elected, and one of those (saving the NRCC, where she got the organization … Being able to outfundraise Barack Obama in the next general election and dealing with the RNC debt were the two areas she mentioned.Fisher … said she thinks it will take at least $700 million to even compete with Obama, who she thinks will spend $1 billion.…
Obamacare's Baby Death Panels (Part 1)
– fact, being funneled to provide for abortive services in Pennsylvania and New Mexico.The truth is that when our country elected Obama … To give you hope, Gena and I would also encourage you to visit the website, started by our dear friends Norm … It's one of a host of great resources at his website,…
State of the Union 2011
– NJ apparently got it from a White House insider and promptly posted it on its website. … Obama had a pretty difficult first two years. … Barack Obama didn't get to be President Obama by ignoring tectonic changes in the political landscape.…
What the Feds Can Learn From Egyptian Internet Control
– Answer: nothing.Over the past two years, the Obama administration has ramped up regulation and control of the Internet. … , the Obama administration issued yet new "network neutrality" regulations for Internet service providers. … If not, consider that President Obama believes the federalized security screening at airports has been such a success that he wants…
The GOP Can Keep Their California Puppets
– “Conservative” Neel Kashkari also voted for Barack Obama in 2008. … Obama is a partisan warrior…” Kashkari said--and the crowd went wild.Whatever he said after is irrelevant; why anyone claiming to … Here are a few of the bigger charges on Kashkari’s website followed by answers. 1.Darrell Issa called Tim “stupid” because…
5 Aggravating Ways Grassroots Conservatives Screw Themselves…ting-ways-grassroots-conservatives-screw-themselves-n1839380
Obama. … Why did hammering Barack Obama on his "You didn't build that" comments prove to be ineffective? For the exact same reason. … If a musician does a fundraiser for Obama, don't go to his concerts.…
The 6 Lamest Excuses For Failure From The Obama Administration…t-excuses-for-failure-from-the-obama-administration-n1843614
Barack Obama viciously fought off Republican attempts to keep the law from starting up and yet, the website is the biggest disaster … Obama wouldn't wear a flag pin because it is a substitute for patriotism: Like many liberals, Barack Obama doesn't like America very … for the IRS targeting the Tea Party because he heard about it on the news: Barack Obama apparently knows less about what’s going on…
White House Threatened YouTube Over Bogus Benghazi 'Video'
– National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes played a major role in coordinating false talking points that shifted focus away from failed Obama … email he’s reviewed shows the White House decided to reach out to YouTube within hours of the Benghazi terror attack, to warn the website … This latest revelation is chilling, but just another anti-free speech move on a long list under Barack Obama's leadership.…
Slaughter in Iraq -- Bush's Fault?
– President Barack Obama, on Dec. 12, 2011, called Iraq "self-reliant and democratic." … After his election, the "Office of the President-Elect" website said: "Obama and Biden believe it is vital that a Status of Forces … But, no, there is, in fact, an Obama doctrine.…
When Is A Scandal Not A Scandal?
– President Barack Obama has flouted the law again and again -- unilaterally rewriting the health law at least 18 times since passage … Each time the Obama administration has violated the Constitution, Republicans and a few commentators have howled. … The New York Times made just a glancing mention on its website a few days later.…
Sarah Palin is Right: Obama is Just Being Obama
Obama losing Lois Lerner’s emails is worse than Nixon erasing 19 minutes of tape. … But then Obama’s just being Obama. … Or Barack Obama.…
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