Results for: they are all going to jail

The Biggest and the Baddest Get Rich (Again)
– “Surprise,surprise” Gomer Pyle (Andy of Mayberry) “I’m shocked, shocked to find gambling is going on in here.” … Such notables as Michael Milkin and Martha Stewart, who felt these rules did not apply to them, paid the price and a little jail time … You then insert a series of algorithms so you are able to trade ahead of everyone else.…
More "Ammunition" for Obama Administration
They fear its power, its might and its ability to ruin their lives. … scapegoat for Benghazi was dragged off to jail on unrelated charges. … Many say they are afraid to outwardly express their views about President Obama or the government.…
Privacy, Please
They just gather patterns of phone numbers. They say they don't listen to my calls or know my name. Do we trust them? … all they can do with it is try to sell us things. … The bureaucrats say they need to keep track of how we drive and where we go -- but not to spy on us, they say.…
New Hampshire School Defends Sexually Graphic Novel
– But this year – somebody forgot to let mom and dad know their youngsters were going to parse a literary classic that includes this … He said the school not only failed to notify parents, but they also failed to offer parents a chance to opt their kids out of reading … He declined to comment. “I’m not going to make a decision on pornographic material,” he said.…
The Cowards Need to Answer on Benghazi
– Thinking he may yet be alive, they drove him to a medical center where doctors tried unsuccessfully to revive him from the effects … Those weapons are being shipped to Turkey in order to supply Syrian rebels in their quest to effect the same fate for President Bashar … Nearly two months after the incident, Barack Obama continues to repeat the pretense that “we’re going to do an investigation.”…
Should Governments Be Allowed to Steal Your Property?
– Threatening to send a woman to jail because someone whistled at a whale. … They are motivated instead by a desire to protect themselves against unknown risks, which they assume are exacerbated by companies … Are you going to stop maintaining your planes? At the risk of stating the obvious, the answer is no.…
Obama Strategy Relies on Voter Suppression of Common Sense
– Thanks though for all your work going to naught. Hey, wait. You must be a cabinet secretary in the Obama administration. … Robert824 wrote: The GOP may not be hostile to women, but they certainly are appallingly hostile to WOMEN'S RIGHTS! … Did you know that the federal government is now legally obligated to bailout financial companies if they are big enough?…
Unlicensed To Kill
– help illegal immigrants, who are ineligible to get a license, but to help all residents who cannot afford to get a license or driver's … The idea was to help all unlicensed drivers. … We took the case to trial and secured a verdict of guilty, and the defendant was sentenced to jail as a result."…
Petraeus Scandal Diverts Focus From Benghazi Cover-Up
– Petraeus with perjury, but said they planned to withhold judgment until he testified this week." … These are the scandals that probing Benghazi would uncover, but in Washington, all we hear about are sweet nothings. … King: "I am never going to get into that. I can't get into any of that." Never? Can't?…
Idiots All
– And we don’t have to wait for the DNA test to show who the culprits are or what they are up to. … Are little more taxes on the rich OK, or are they not? And the GOP mumbles an excuse because it fumbled the ball. … They are idiots all.…
Obama's Re-Election Mandate: Guess Whose Money He's Targeting Next?…amas_reelection_mandate_guess_whose_money_hes_targeting_next
They are in for a rude awakening now that Obama has won re-election. … His Santa Claus false promises are unsustainable, so there are going to be few winners and a lot of losers as he redistributes wealth … , as they are forced to pay bankruptcy attorneys to defend them in additional proceedings that can drag out for months.…
America's True National Debt: $87 Trillion
– As dangerous as those numbers are, they do not begin to tell the story of the federal government's true liabilities.   … counted, it becomes clear that to collect enough tax revenue just to avoid going deeper into debt would require over $8 trillion in … yet they continue to put forth no realistic, specific ideas of their own.  …
Unions Represent the Collective
– If you think Democrats are going to be able to skate through on the argument that because they didn’t vote for anything and just let … Dear Comrade OL, Why do old, liberal white men have to let us know that they are old, liberal white men? … And when they are profitable without my tax money going to subsidize them, I say “Bravo.”…
Murder, the Chicago Way
– In fact, they could be barely trusted to investigate it as a crime. Somehow the felony file on the case ended up missing. … It’s great to be served and protected when you are “someone” in Chicago.    … When you have a dead body, someone’s going to jail. Not in this case.” Yeah, not in Chicago.  …
News: Old, White Liberals OK with Obamacare
– If you think Democrats are going to be able to skate through on the argument that because they didn’t vote for anything and just let … People go to jail for it. … And when they are profitable without my tax money going to subsidize them, I say “Bravo.”…
Justice? Not in Chicago
– In fact, they could be barely trusted to investigate it as a crime. Somehow the felony file on the case ended up missing. … It’s great to be served and protected when you are “someone” in Chicago.    … When you have a dead body, someone’s going to jail. Not in this case.” Yeah, not in Chicago.  …
PETA Wants Memorial to Cow Victims of 5/22
– You have to keep up appearances that you are interested in good government. … And there is nothing like sending both Republican and Democrat governors to jail to make the message clear.     … So they want drivers to act more responsibly while driving animals to their deaths?…
On Second Thought (and as a Second-Best Proposal), David Gregory Should Be Arrested and Prosecuted…sal-david-gregory-should-be-arrested-and-prosecuted-n1478756
– After all, gun control is a foolish policy (as even some leftists and foreigners are slowly beginning to realize). … If they apply only to some, they’re not laws but caprices — and all tyranny is capricious. … Threatening to send a woman to jail because someone whistled at a whale.…
Hillary Clinton Doesn't Deserve Americans' Admiration
– I know such non-admirable sentiments are thought to be in the worst of taste, if not also banishable offenses. … get into the vehicles to get to our base." … promise a grieving Charles Woods, father of slain former SEAL Tyrone Woods, that "we" were going to have the video maker "arrested…
Santorum's Right on Civil Rights, Obama's Wrong,_obamas_wrong
– The Declaration of Independence states the principle: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that … Well, if that person, human life, is not a person, then I find it almost remarkable for a black man to say: No, we are going to decide … And that, of course, is precisely what presidents are paid to do.…
SANCTITY OF LIFE: 'A Scent of Jasmine,' a novel, Chapter 6,_a_novel,_chapter_6
They will never be able to fix that house." "Don't worry. You have a lot of friends who will help if they try to take Johnny." … "They send white supervisors to jail for paving private driveways, but the black supervisors think they're above the law." … No one's going to treat my ALIVE sister that way if I can help it." Libby peered up at Stephanie, "Are you mad at me?"…
7 Horrible Crimes Committed In America by Illegal Aliens
They take jobs from Americans, they depress wages, they use services without paying taxes, they have kids here to leech off the taxpayers … about how tough they're going to be on border security. … DNA evidence has linked Delgado-Ros to all five rapes, according to investigators.…
Comrade Liberals: Respect Satanism as Culture and Myth
– I should thank you since I'm going to be really busy. … Tell me: are they still the same thing? … There are actually valid reasons for rabbis, priest, ministers and witch doctors to dress the way they do.…
The Loony Anti-Keystone Campaign
– But it causes train logjams and delays that are creating backlogs in getting fertilizer and other supplies to farmers, who have already … But despite all these solid reasons for building the pipeline President Obama refuses to approve it, even to protect vulnerable Democrat … And rabid environmentalists say they’re prepared to go to jail over it. What in blazes is going on here?…
Oligarchy USA Leader, Yellen, Denies Oligarchy Exists, Maybe
– Sanders looks at the concession to oligarchy as a gottcha question that supports his notion that all we have to do is tax the rich … The Koch Brothers are just the GOP control of the House of Representatives away from going to jail. … Yet, still Nakoula went to jail.…
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