Results for: Republican National Committee

Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Will Soon Be Eligible to Collect Social Security
National Review Online reports: Starting in 2017, the Social Security Administration expects that thousands of undocumented … In a letter to Republican senator Ron Johnson, chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, the SSA’s chief…
Life on the Mississippi? Tragedy, Politics, and Mass Media in St. Louis…issippi-tragedy-politics-and-mass-media-in-st-louis-n1967858
– The other players in the story include John Hancock, the Missouri Republican Chairman, Catherine Hanaway, the late Mr. … Schweich’s presumed opponent in the 2016 Missouri Republican gubernatorial primary, former U.S. Senator and Ambassador John C. … State Committee who would welcome a candidate who could help change the subject.…
Life on the Mississippi? Tragedy, Politics, and Mass Media in St. Louis…issippi-tragedy-politics-and-mass-media-in-st-louis-n1967860
– The other players in the story include John Hancock, the Missouri Republican Chairman, Catherine Hanaway, the late Mr. … Schweich’s presumed opponent in the 2016 Missouri Republican gubernatorial primary, former U.S. Senator and Ambassador John C. … State Committee who would welcome a candidate who could help change the subject.…
Email Scandal Won't Doom Hillary, but Supporters Should Feel Uneasy…wont-doom-hillary-but-supporters-should-feel-uneasy-n1966409
– Clinton denounced the Bush White House's far more defensible use of "secret" Republican National Committee email addresses for campaign…
The Lethal Reasons Behind Netanyahu's Distrust
– While back in Washington, Netanyahu was addressing the Republican run Congress, telling lawmakers "This is a bad deal -- a very bad … The White House condemned the move, and national security adviser Susan Rice said it would be "destructive" to U.S. … fiery explanation of the dangers Israel faces from Iran at the annual policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Why Does President So Oppose Netanyahu’s Speech?
– Susan Rice, President Obama’s National Security Advisor, told TV talk show host Charlie Rose that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin … The National Security Advisor is just that – an advisor. It is not a cabinet post, nor a position of authority. … The president picks this individual to serve as a staff advisor on national security affairs.…
White House Encourages Boehner To Get Votes From Democrats To Increase Spending…ner-to-get-votes-from-democrats-on-defense-spending-n1973790
Republican defense hawks have long sought to undo the automatic defense spending cuts first passed as part of the 2011 Budget Control … “Providing for the common defense should apply to all national security agencies.” … The House Budget Committee passed a resolution that fully funded defense at pre-sequestration levels Friday.…
What Paul Krugman Could Learn From How Big Government Created The Obesity Epidemic…rom-how-big-government-created-the-obesity-epidemic-n1972274
– At a still deeper level, health experts may say that we need to change how we eat, pointing to scientific evidence, but the Republican … the unavoidable conclusion that the guidelines have failed in some fundamental way,” she said, “the response from the advisory committee … Claiming “the Republican base doesn’t much like experts, science, or evidence” is, of course, progressive zealotry.…
Are Networks Going to Bury Emailgate?
– then-Los Angeles Times columnist Tim Rutten wrote about John Edwards after the entire fatherhood fiasco in 2008, and the entire national … media elite tried not to confirm a National Enquirer story they didn't like about a viable Democratic candidate. … This ice-veined Torquemada approach was applied to every 2012 Republican presidential contender.…
Rand Paul Expected To Announce Presidential Run Next Month – But He Could Change His Mind
– which was originally reported by The New York Times, and said invitations to the event have already been sent to supporters and Republican … Appearing before the 54-member Republican Central Executive Committee in his hometown of Bowling Green, Paul will ask for a caucus … system for selecting national convention delegates, a process that would not be governed by state law…
Media, Democrats Agree: Rubio's 'House of Horrors' Will Haunt Him…os-house-of-horrors-may-hurt-presidential-ambitions-n1971647
– One premise of the story is that the issue may metastasize into a bigger problem should Rubio become a top contender for the Republican … Hell, even one of Hillary's top surrogates has been running around on national television straight-up admitting that she concocted … Rezko served on Obama's financing committee during his 2004 campaign, helping to raise approximately $160,000 for the aspiring U.S.…
Will the GOP Kick It Away?
– Why, then, would the Republican Party, with a chance to sweep it all in 2016, want to return us to the nightmare days of George W., … House to invite a foreign leader to come into its chambers and see that leader, on national television, mocking U.S. foreign policy … A former presidential nominee, McCain is chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Does he speak for the party?…
Democrats Have a Corruption Problem
– Days later Menendez admitted he traveled gratis on Melgen's private jet to his luxury resort in the Dominican Republican, violating … It appears Reid is protecting Menendez's leadership position because of his own involvement in the scandal, despite the national security … implications of keeping a man under criminal investigation as the top Democrat on the Foreign Relations committee.…
Hillary Against the World
– They collapse in the fear that by pursuing the Clintons in scandal they will be complicit in a Republican triumph. … Perhaps even a Republican Reign of Terror. … Over at the National Journal there are indications the journalists are really angry.…
Hypocrisy Alert: That Time Sen. Clinton Said The Bush Administration Might Have ‘Something To Hide’ By Refusing To Turn Over Documents…omething-to-hide-by-refusing-to-turn-over-documents-n1978436
– Trey Gowdy (R-SC), chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, to turn over the server to an independent arbiter for review … The lack of transparency on the part of the Bush administration has forced Governor King [sic; it’s Kean], former Republican Governor … The committee issued the subpoena for the emails relating to Libya on March 4; Clinton’s lawyer sent a letter on the status of the…
Senate Passes Budget on Straight Party-line Vote, Cruz and Paul Vote 'No'…et-on-straight-partyline-vote-cruz-and-paul-vote-no-n1977199
– Enzi of Wyoming, chairman of the Budget Committee, hailed a plan that he said would “protect the nation’s most vulnerable citizens, … strengthen national defense and bring robust economic growth.” … Perhaps this is why so few Republican lawmakers will be sorry to see him go.…
The Re-Education of Hillary Clinton? – Not Really
– Progressive Change Campaign Committee has launched, which aims to push Hillary towards the left on policy issues … The Democratic National Committee plans to set up joint fundraising committees with any primary campaign that wishes to do so, as it … Instead, the campaign is likely to have a merit-based national finance committee of top donors that will be similar to the arrangement…
Here We Go: Cruz 2016 Becomes Official, First Entrant into GOP Race
– Amid the swirl of rumors, "exploratory" efforts, polls, Political Action Committees, staff shake-ups, and power plays, no Republican … They say he is done exploring and is now ready to become the first Republican presidential candidate. … Republican electorate, sandwiched between Rubio and Rick Perry.…
Ex-Im’s Crony Capitalism Model Isn’t American
– House Ways and Means Committee and the Republican Party’s most recent nominee for Vice President of the United States, recently had … Chairman Ryan, who has supported the Bank’s demise in the past, is part of a growing wall of opposition to Ex-Im, which includes national … Ryan’s colleague, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas), has noted that the bank gave more than 60 percent…
Rand Paul Puts on a Clinic
– After the interview, the Democratic National Committee circulated a press memo on the exchange as ammo for the next media ambush competitor … You go back and you ask (Democratic National Chairwoman) Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she's OK with killing a 7-pound baby that is just … Romney pointed out that it was a ludicrous question, but the Democrats nevertheless used the incident to advance their phony "Republican
Of Course: Rick Santorum Is "Testing The Waters"
– actual campaign committee ($2,700 for individual donors, and $5,000 for couples.) … Unlike a campaign committee, though, a testing the waters account does not have to disclose its finances. … Rick Santorum (R-PA) went further than any other losing Republican candidate during the 2012 presidential primaries.…
Carly Fiorina, A Woman of Accomplishment
– But there's another woman, a Republican, who will shortly vie for the top job. … In 2012, after leaving Hewlett-Packard, Fiorina served as the vice chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and is … Such openness and specificity about her faith is likely to endear her to the Republican base. Fiorina is impressive.…
Will Republicans Protect the Lives of 20-Week-Old Human Beings?…blicans-protect-the-lives-of-20weekold-human-beings-n1982147
– Three years ago, the Republican-controlled House Judiciary Committee approved a bill to prohibit doctors in the District of Columbia … A year later, Republican leaders brought to the House floor a national Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. … In January, the House Republican leadership scheduled and then canceled a vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.…
Sen. Toomey Has Strong Showing In New Poll
– While incumbent Republican Sen. … Despite having a Republican-dominated legislature, along with the majority of the county courthouses also being Republican, the rural … That's a necessity in what will be a hard-fought race against Republican Sen.…
Will Bob Corker Save the GOP?
– Today, it is "Bibi" Netanyahu and the neocons howling "kill the deal" and "bomb Iran" who are shoving the Republican Party toward the … Consider the consequences of successful Republican sabotage. … Is this what America can look forward to if it votes Republican?…
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