Results for: is the us at war with iran

Iran Regime's Apologists Make an Unconvincing Case for Lifting Sanctions to Stop Coronavirus…an-unconvincing-case-for-lifting-sanctions-to-stop-n2565340
– In reality, the coronavirus outbreak in Iran has nothing to do with U.S. sanctions and everything to do with the regime’s own actions … The National Iranian American Council (NIAC) is effectively an arm of the Iranian regime’s Intelligence Ministry in the US. … The next day, NIAC co-hosted a “No War With Iran Strategy Call” that featured a number of pro-regime U.S. lawmakers.…
Close the Bases in Iraq and Syria and Withdraw All U.S. Troops. Immediately.…aq-and-syria-and-withdraw-all-us-troops-immediately-n2566601
– But that is not the case. … Iran, too, is likely to continue using proxy forces to extract vengeance for the killing of their general last January.   … the U.S. is if our troops remain on the ground in the Middle East.…
Here's the Timeline of the Trump Administration's Response to the Wuhan Coronavirus…p-administrations-response-to-the-wuhan-coronavirus-n2566851
– February 7: President Trump told reporters that the CDC is working with China on the coronavirus.  … at labs across the countryThe CDC is suspending all illegal entries to the country based on the public health threat, via Section … March 23: The Treasury Department announced it is working with the Federal Reserve to lend up to $300 billion to businesses and local…
Fact Check the Left: Are We Really Burying Wuhan Coronavirus Victims in NYC's Parks?…eally-burying-wuhan-coronavirus-victims-in-nycs-par-n2566536
– New York City is ground zero for the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak in the United States. … Over 42,000 Americans have died from the virus.  The good news is that it looks as if the worst is behind the Big Apple. … While the death toll is high, new hospitalizations have dropped, with medical centers discharging more coronavirus patients than they…
Pandemic Is But One of America's Security Concerns
– China was beginning to lose the trade war with the U.S. even before the virus struck. … the costs of dealing with the virus have all bankrupted the country Iran can hardly expect help from its usual patrons -- China, Russia … And North Korea is embargoed and broke. How all three autocracies dealt with the coronavirus is censored.…
A Pandemic-Prompted Reset to U.S. Foreign Policy
the section it will end is the post-9/11 era. … The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing us into a new time, and our foreign policy must come to reflect that reality. … Bonnie Kristian is a fellow at Defense Priorities, contributing editor at The Week, and columnist at Christianity Today.…
Unmasking John Brennan’s Damage to Our National Security…sking-john-brennans-damage-to-our-national-security-n2568892
– ) to cleanse the Castro regime from any taint of terror-sponsorship—at least for people with half-a-brain.  … Michael Flynn in "The Field of Fight." “This book argues that we are at war. … is putting the final nails in the coffin of Obama’s “Cuba opening.”…
Attorney General Barr as Ulysses S. Grant
– federal bureaucracy at war not only with his administration but, really, with the American people as a whole. … Whatever the case, and it may be a combination of them, the vigor with which he was pursued by the Obama administration is illustrated … Let us hope that the outcome of this war for our country’s soul results in a government that is once again subservient to the people…
The Hard Work of Handling Our Allies
– Yet we have had some very public disagreements with Germany: over the Paris climate deal and the Iran nuclear deal (German officials … The president is just as much a lightning rod in Europe as he is at home. … more with tact than with disdain, we clearly have our work cut out for us.…
Detroit Debate II: Biden Does Better, But He Really Isn't Very Good At This…biden-improves-but-he-really-isnt-very-good-at-this-n2551039
– , and will remain, the frontrunner -- at least for the time being, and perhaps for the distance.   … His attention to the shifting future of the American employment landscape is important.   … And Kirsten Gillibrand is just the worst.  …
Will Bibi's War Become America's War?
– Predator drone, to avoid killing Iranians, may not want a U.S. war with Iran. But the same cannot be said of Bibi Netanyahu. … Which is a pretty good description of the coastal defenses and naval forces of Iran. … While there is a cold peace with Egypt and Jordan, the Saudis and Gulf Arabs are temporary allies as long as the foe is Iran.…
When, If Ever, Can We Lay This Burden Down?
with the Taliban to bring about peace, and a U.S. withdrawal from America's longest war. … Moammar Gadhafi, Libya is still mired in civil war, with its capital, Tripoli, under siege. … The Philippines wants us to take their side in the dispute with China over tiny islets in the South China Sea.…
'Locked and Loaded' for War on Iran?
– Given Pompeo's public accusation that Iran was behind the attack, a Trump meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at the U.N. … -Iran-Saudi war would do to the world economy. … Divided again: The War Party is giddy with excitement over the prospect of war with Iran, while the nation does not want another war
After Bolton, Trump Goals Remain Unrealized
– Trump wanted to call off Cold War II with Russia, to engage with Vladimir Putin, and to extricate us from the Middle East wars into … We still have troops in Syria and Iraq and are closer to war with Iran than the day Trump took office. … What Mattis is saying is that Trump's goal of extracting us from the "forever war" entails too great a risk, and U.S. troops in Syria…
Big Changes Needed at the CIA to Advance Trump's Smart Strategy…needed-at-the-cia-to-advance-trumps-smart-strategy-n2552962
the Taliban is the latest example of the effectiveness and strength of the strategy of the Trump negotiation team. … at the moment is the CIA, which is dragging its feet and failing to do its share of planning, funding and implementing a smart strategy … The bottom line is that optimal results can occur in a shortened timeframe, but not with the current leadership team at the CIA holding…
White House: Bolton and President Trump Had Many Disagreements…e-bolton-and-president-trump-had-many-disagreements-n2552858
– "The president is entitled to the staff that he wants at any moment. … On Iran, Mnuchin said he, Pompeo and the president are committed to the maximum pressure campaign against the regime despite Bolton's … I don't think any leader around the world should make the assumption that because one of us departs, the president's foreign policy…
Major European Allies: Yes, Iran was Behind the Act of War Against Saudi…llies-yes-iran-was-behind-the-major-attack-in-saudi-n2553560
The United Kingdom, France and Germany released a statement overnight backing the United States' assessment Iran is behind the recent … "It is clear to us that Iran bears responsibility for this attack. There is no other plausible explanation. … , proves Iran launched the attack. …
President Trump: Sanctions on Iran Are Working and We Just Put on More
– s maximum pressure campaign on Iran is working and discussed additional sanctions being placed on the regime.  … We are at a level of sanction that is far greater than ever before with respect to Iran. … "In a failed attempt to disrupt the global economy, the Islamic Republic of Iran attacked the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.…
Can Trump Still Avoid War With Iran?
– President Donald Trump does not want war with Iran. America does not want war with Iran. … Still, if neither America nor Iran wants war, what has brought us to the brink? … Imposing on Iran the most severe sanctions ever by one modern nation on another, short of war, the U.S., through "maximum pressure,…
GOP Rep Adam Kinzinger Regrets That Trump Is Relying on Rand's 'Talking Points'…grets-that-trump-is-relying-on-rands-talking-points-n2554264
– to align with Assad and Iran.* Destroys Turkey’s relationship with U.S. … The decision to fight terrorism is not one we make that is made for us the decision we have is where do we fight terrorism. … Last month, after reports that Trump had planned to meet with the Taliban at Camp David for peace talks and Sen.…
Is the Interventionists' Era Over for Good?
The only explanation for the contradiction is Sen. … Thus, the Saudis have begun negotiating with the Houthi rebels, with whom they have been at war in Yemen since 2015. … And they are seeking talks with Iran.…
Is a War Between the US And Israel Possible?
– But Iran remains in first place with a wide field of contenders for silver and bronze. One of the later is undoubtedly Turkey. … At the time I had my conversation with the enlightened NSA officer, Turkey was a proud secular Moslem country.   … With Syria controlled by Iran, Turkey, and Russia, with nobody but themselves to keep one another in check, while a war with the U.S…
The Elite Hates The Trump Doctrine Because It Puts America First…es-the-trump-doctrine-because-it-puts-america-first-n2554625
– exploit us – truly hate is the fact that the American people stood up in 2016 and demanded that our foreign policy stop sucking. … And we’re done with the elite cashing-in – have you noticed that all the outrage out there among the hoi polloi is directed not atThe lonely randos at The Bulwark, whatever that is, gives them four “Ahoys!”…
Is Trump At Last Ending Our 'Endless Wars'?
At issue is Trump's decision to let the Turkish army enter Northern Syria, to create a corridor between Syrian Kurds and the Turkish … Syria from the eastern bank of the Euphrates to Iraq: "The Kurds fought with us, but were paid massive amounts of money and equipment … Saudi Arabia is tied down and arguably losing the war it launched against the Houthi rebels in 2015.…
Iran’s President Should Be Barred from the UN General Assembly, or Arrested…be-barred-from-the-un-general-assembly-or-arrested-n2613230
The United Nations is on the verge of welcoming one of the world’s worst violators of human rights to participate in the opening of … The US court system now has a responsibility to present Raisi with that complaint if and when he arrives in New York. … For that purpose, the US should either bar Raisi from attending at all, or hold him and other regime officials, such as Supreme Leader…
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