Results for: sign up to vote

Here's the HUGE Red Flag for Dems in Latest WSJ Poll…re-bad-news-for-dems-especially-with-suburban-women-n2615304
– Compounded by the worsening economic climate, that attitude has led to another critical Democratic voting bloc drifting to the Republicans … more likely to break Republican than they do Democrat, if they vote.”  […] The shift in preference for the GOP comes as views of … That’s also a troubling sign, as nonwhite centerpieces of the Democratic base are slipping away.…
Early Voting Typically Helps Democrats, but Not in This State…ing-typically-helps-democrats-but-not-in-this-state-n2615313
– So that should be very concerning to them.” ... … In addition to mentioning what an "uphill battle" it will be to beat DeSantis and Rubio, the report mentions that "Democrats need to … which is another sign of an uphill battle.…
Is Chuck Grassley in Danger in Iowa?
– The dearth of stories about this is usually a good sign that the polling is off. … The latest Des Moines Register poll had Grassley up 46-43 over Franken. … first election to the U.S.…
Battleground Nevada: It All Comes Down to This County That's Been Thrashed by Biden's Agenda…to-this-county-thats-been-thrashed-by-bidens-agenda-n2615202
– make a trip to the ballot box and vote Republican.  … On top of the pure geographical boundaries, Hispanics are growing into an influential voting bloc, expected to make up 1 in 5 midterm … to back Masto, the first Latina elected to the Senate.…
'Save Our Democracy' Is the New 'Russia Collusion'
– "Now you need to vote to save democracy once again," contends President Joe Biden, or we will lose our "fundamental rights and freedoms … like the right to choose, the right to privacy, the right to vote -- our very democracy." … the overturning of dozens of existing voter ID laws, allow felons to vote, create onerous burdens to chill speech, and empower bureaucrats…
Democrats' Plans To Make Election Cheating Easier
– H.R.1 also compels states to automatically register everyone to vote when they sign up for food assistance, unemployment benefits or … Anyone can show up on Election Day to vote and simply sign a statement claiming to be registered. … Senate Democrats don't have 60 votes to overcome a filibuster and bring H.R. 1 to a vote.…
I Read Through Joe Biden's 'Unity' and 'Independence from Virus' 4th of July Speech So You Don't Have To
– We have to fight for it, defend it, earn it. Folks, it's up to all of us to protect the right to life, liberty and justice. … The right to equal law and the right to vote and have that vote counted. … My fellow Americans, now we're the guardians of the idea of America, it is up to us to save it, to preserve it, to build on it.…
Why Are Democrats Still Obsessed with the Post Office?
– During the election, it made sense for Democrats to whine and complain about the Post Office being overwhelmed in the lead up to the … Remember, Derek, a functioning Postal Service is critical to vote-by-mail and voting rights all over the country. … They then ask people tosign” a petition that is meaningless because tosign” it leads to a donation page.…
Joe Biden's Shameful Voting-Rights Speech
– The For the People Act, on the other hand, would force states to count mail-in votes that arrive up to 10 days after Election Day; … hand over local elections to Washington but also to blow up the filibuster. … The fact is that it is easier to vote today than ever before.…
Stelter Reaches Out for Comment from Tucker, Gets Absolutely Destroyed…comment-from-tucker-carlson-gets-commented-into-du-n2592393
– That’s a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. … But now, in the face of a beloved dictatorship facing upheaval from the citizens, the press has to come up with another excuse for … Of course, when those on the Left are smeared, the "conservatives" at The Bulwark have to rise up in defense.…
The Texas Democrats Apparently Cannot Find a Grocery Store
to the market. … So now you have useless explanations for the useless trivia few if any are bound to bring up in conversation.   07.26.21 (Original) … order to vote, and all manner of ethnic outrage is generating headlines this past month alone.…
I Hate American Women's Soccer
– Chardonnay from Trader Joe's need something to fill up their lives. … I'm not going to pretend that's okay. I'm not going to pretend I like it.  … You have to test things. You have to try things. Some things fail.…
Vox Shows How GOP Is At Fault on Both Sides of an Issue…ach-to-texas-dems-testing-positive-focus-on-the-gop-n2592880
– - "Senate Republican leaders threatened on Monday to block a vote later this week advancing the bipartisan infrastructure bill unless … - "Schumer, a Democrat from New York, set up a test vote for Wednesday on the legislation, which doesn't exist yet…" Pulitzer Prize … At ABC's "World News Tonight," they tried desperately to come up with content, it seems.…
Democrats Are Sabotaging Cubans
– But Homeland Security is warning that if they rescue Cuban defectors and bring them to America, they could face daily fines of up to … Other Hispanic voters tend to support Democrats, according to the Pew Research Center. … This is a clear sign the U.S. needs to provide help.…
Senate Votes to Advance Infrastucture Bill
– Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has spoken up in favor of hearing various amendments before there is a final vote on the bill.  … "I hope senators can work together in a bipartisan way to get more amendments up." … Without an agreement, Republicans are expected to force the Senate to run out the clock for up to 60 hours before a final vote to pass…
Mask Mandates Meet Resistance
– require schoolchildren to cover their faces again. … Congress allowed expiration last Saturday of the moratorium on evictions which had forced landlords to continue to pay property taxes … Typically Democrats who feel compelled to vote without a candidate would cast a blank ballot, but very few of them did that.…
Polls Show Terry McAuliffe's Lead in Virginia Gubernatorial Race is Slim at Best
– , while 45 percent say they would vote for Republican Glenn Youngkin. … for him and 45 percent saying they'd likely vote for Youngkin. … Eberhart (@DanKEberhart) August 13, 2021 Inside Elections considers the race to be "Likely Democratic," which, according to Ballotpedia…
Hell No to a Debt Ceiling Increase
– This is the economic theory that if the ship is sailing toward an iceberg, best to speed up. … GOP senators and representatives who plan to vote for the sham $1 trillion "infrastructure" bill, which mostly funds mass transit … Republicans would be fools to give one single vote for the Democrats' spending and debt binge. The Democrats broke it.…
Republicans Must Not Save the Biden Administration from the Ashbin of History…the-biden-administration-from-the-ashbin-of-history-n2593840
– Millions of Americans don’t vote on budget deficits or the national debt, as it seems very abstract and far-off to talk about interest … But they do vote based on how much it costs to fill up their tank, or buy eggs and milk. … Another reality is that some Republican senators are doing this to show up Donald Trump.…
Joe Biden Should Resign
– So now they have a president who is clearly not up to the job, and a president in the wings who is an ideologue of the far left and … former President Gerald Ford's memoir, "A Time To Heal," and review how Ford dealt with a similar situation to that now confronting … The junior senator said to the president, "I will vote for any amount for getting the Americans out" but "I don't want it (the monies…
Our Last Best Chance
– Whichever rationale motivated 2.1 million Californian’s to sign the petition to recall Newsom is ultimately irrelevant, because it’ … has returned to butcher as Governor. … We may decide to embrace yet again a blind partisanship after 50 years of abject failure, or we can cast a radical vote in favor of…
The First Step in Saving Our Military
– decides to renegotiate the deal. … a vaccine that has already failed to perform as promised – it’s a sign when you tell your troops “Hey, this is good and you should … Putin and Xi have got to be roaring with laughter. Who, exactly, does Milley expect to sign up for his faculty lounge military?…
LA Times Publishes Racist Column Referring to Larry Elder As 'Black Face of White Supremacy'…ing-to-larry-elder-as-black-face-of-white-supremacy-n2594544
– We aren’t a monolith, so it’s true, he does have fans who are Black and are likely to vote for him," Smith writes. … sign up to "Get the latest from Erika D. … The invitation has that buzzword, as it says those who sign up will get "Commentary on people, politics, and the quest for a more equitable…
COVID Exposes the Ugly Side of 'Single-Payer' Health Care
– Holder's call to arms sounds like he's summoning rioting mobs such as those that did up to $2 billion in damage in cities across the … The launch of, the website where Americans were supposed to sign up for insurance, was an unmitigated disaster, as were … pulls up dozens of links to editorials arguing against providing care.…
Democrats Have Second Thoughts About Destroying Electoral College…second-thoughts-about-destroying-electoral-college-n2594363
– The National Popular Vote movement began in 2006, but it is part of a long tradition of political losers trying to rewrite the rules … Without a constitutional amendment, they could force the Electoral College to rubber-stamp the popular vote result. … Koza used his lottery fortune to create the National Popular Vote interstate compact and the eponymous campaign for it.…
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