Results for: republican election takes trump his supporters

There's an Easy Solution to Trump's Threatened Cancellation of DACA. Is Congress Capable of Governing?…to-resolve-daca-recipients-obamacaused-legal-limbo-n2377021
– The 44th president issued his unilateral DACA policy in an election year, after previously asserting that he lacked the legal authority … It's well known that President Trump has a soft spot for DREAMers, as he stated himself shortly after his inauguration.   … That's probably part of the reason why his administration has evaded this grenade for months, in spite of his campaign pledge to end…
Are Conservatives Prepared to be Censored?
– “How is Trump doing on the economy” could give you economic indicators designed to dissatisfy. … yet, to visceral stories of hate crimes occurring during and after his election. … His supporters unloaded a racist tirade on black actress Leslie Jones, but is that really worse than the Women’s March glorifying a…
Here Are The Five Types Of Trump Voters
– Anti-Elites: This group of Trump supporters leans economically progressive, believes the economic and political systems are rigged … The Disengaged are less loyal Republicans who largely came to vote for Trump in the general election. … His temperament, the trip ups with his legislative agenda are all attacks that have failed. There is no one type of Trump voter.…
Harsh and Mean -- Politics as Usual
– Every four years we get not only a presidential election but also a ferocious debate over how we elect the president. … That wasn't the task this week for Democrat Tim Kaine and Republican Mike Pence. … Whether Donald Trump calling immigrants rapists and murderers was worse than Hillary Clinton describing half of his supporters as "…
Red Flag? 28 Percent Of GOP Early Voters Cast Ballot For Clinton In Sunshine State; UPDATE: But Early Voting Not The Best Indicator For Final Results…ly-voters-cast-ballot-for-clinton-in-sunshine-state-n2240450
– Clinton leads with those planning on voting early, but Trump takes a decisive advantage with those who plan on casting their ballots … on Election Day. … , who has been telling his supporters to vote on Election Day).…
Project Veritas and WikiLeaks: Doing the Job the FBI and DOJ Won’t…as-and-wikileaks-doing-the-job-the-fbi-and-doj-wont-n2238255
– Surprise: the Dems and their media puppets are rigging the polls to demoralize Trump supporters. … v=5IuJGHuIkzY) He proudly takes credit for the brutish melee in March that shut down the Trump rally at the University of Chicago and … Suddenly, his appearances were cancelled.…
NYT Publisher: We’re Going To Report Honestly Now
– After such an erratic and unpredictable election there are inevitable questions: Did Donald Trump sheer unconventionality lead us and … Heck, even die-hard Clintonites would probably (and oddly) agree with Trump supporters over the coverage, though an unauthorized and … There were also millions of Obama supporters who voted for Trump.…
2016: The Revenge Of The White Working Class Voter, And Where Millions Of Obama Supporters Flipped For Trump…e-millions-of-obama-supporters-also-voted-for-trump-n2244205
– Moreover, significant shares of 2012 Obama supporters decided to jump ship and support Trump. … She saw voting for Trump as a straightforward transaction to save his job. … The election is over. The time to hold Mr. Trump accountable begins in ten weeks.…
How IBD Accurately Gauged Voter Enthusiasm and Got the Polls Right
– Bush just based on the enthusiasm of his voters. Sure enough, it turned out Republican turnout was huge. … “We saw strengthening of his numbers across the board.” … Why didn't most of the polls pick up on this voter engagement among Trump supporters? …
Debating and Disinformation with a Democrat
– Then blame it all on Trump and his followers. … And they’ll quickly leap to your defense and write stories about how horrible America is and is going to be once Donald Trump takes … And they hate that Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump and they have to give up power.…
Jeff Flake States the Obvious: 'I Couldn't Be Re-elected in My Party Right Now'…bvious-i-couldnt-be-reelected-in-my-party-right-now-n2459772
– He told host Chuck Todd that as an anti-Trump republican, he could not be re-elected in 2018. … While this may be true to a certain extent, his 2018 re-election problems began well before President Trump even held the 2016 GOP … Flake went on to say that the Republican party is now the party of Trump. If Sen.…
Hillary Clinton: The Biggest, Sorest, Nastiest Loser
– Yes, some Trump supporters were motivated by ugly prejudice (just as some number of Clinton backers certainly cast their ballots for … There's evidence that the Comey letter impacted the election. … And for a great many Americans, including some of us who were not Trump supporters in 2016, it's very much mutual.  …
Battleground PA: Democrats Hope To Keep Electoral Momentum Going In Special Election…election-dems-hope-to-keep-electoral-momentum-going-n2460627
– ’s race over Republican Rick Saccone — benefited from a quiet but determined DCCC effort to boost his candidacy, according to local … If Lamb wins tonight, he would likely run for re-election in the new 17th District, a seat that takes in much more of his suburban … Republican Rick Saccone has addressed supporters, vows to fight on because “it’s not over yet.” …
Total Loser: Hillary Almost Tumbles Down Steps In India After Calling Half The Country Deplorables…Again.…on-her-face-symbolizes-her-failed-campaign-and-the-n2460293
– And now, long after the election is over, she tears into Trump and his supporters again. It’s unseemly. It’s being a sore loser. … She also strongly dislikes when people call Trump supporters racist because it is so easy and wrong. … Trump did that in his Rust Belt excursions. Dingell said her party should do the same. …
Trump Critics Denounce Pro-Trump Blacks as 'Sellouts' - While Criticizing Trump for Not Having More 'Sellouts'…hile-criticizing-trump-for-not-having-more-sellouts-n2560825
– Minorities who do work with Trump are maligned by the very same Trump-is-a-racist critics as "sellouts," "Uncle Toms" and "self-loathers … Then the very same liberals who malign black Trump supporters as "Uncle Toms" and psychologically unhinged social pariahs call the … His latest book, "The New Trump Standard," is available in paperback from and for Nook, Kindle, iBooks and GooglePlay.…
Biden Says Bernie Should be Held Accountable for the Actions of His Supporters…ernie-should-be-held-accountable-for-his-supporters-n2561391
– to challenge President Trump in the general election. … to be held accountable for the actions of his supporters. … It wouldn't be the first time Sanders has had to disavow the actions of his supporters.…
James Carville Is Right: Democrats Should Be Panicking
– A big chunk of his supporters did not, and they have long memories. … Trump received 97% of the Republican vote in the Iowa caucuses, and in this week's New Hampshire primary, he broke a 40-year record … What does seem to be clear is that no one in the current crop of Democratic candidates appears to have what it takes to trounce Trump
Dems Push Socialized Medicine to Exploit Crisis
– But this means that Trump was right.   … A hospital executive in New York was recently fired for suggesting that Trump supporters should infect each other with coronavirus. … While blaming Trump, New York Gov.…
Democrats Just Won't Give up Their Impeachment Bone
– and his supporters? … Not only did his Republican competitors give it their best shot but Democrats have also been attacking Trump relentlessly for years … Like his fellow Democrats, Scarborough doesn't understand that you can't beat Trump on his own turf — the octagon.…
Former Rolling Stone Editor: Biden's 'Menacing Manifesto' Against MAGA Republicans Created a Bigger Problem…ighlights-the-most-heinous-portion-of-bidens-anti-m-n2612641
supporters heard things that way. […] Seventy-four million people voted for Trump in 2020. … He reportedly is frustrated that no one takes him seriously, especially regarding his re-election plans, and is beside himself when … Trump clinched almost 30 percent of the LGBT vote and increased his share of nonwhite voters.…
Lies, Lies, Lies
– Former President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election? Lie. … Trump supporters are "white supremacists" and "domestic terrorists"? Lie. … Biden refuses to take responsibility for his decisions, contradicts high-ranking members of his own administration, makes flatly false…
Is Trump Emerging as 'the Grown-up in the Room'?
Trump, however, who takes an unconventional approach to foreign policy, seems to harbor no such fears. … We see rash talk of a “Resistance” against the administration of President Trump, and outrageous comparisons between Trump supporters … Above all, we see tens of millions of Democrats and liberals, filled with loathing for Donald Trump and his supporters, who desire,…
If You Aren’t Trying To Change Someone’s Mind On Politics, You Aren’t Doing Your Job…someones-mind-on-politics-you-arent-doing-your-job-n2509198
– Oh, you say, in the Age of Trump it’s just too toxic to talk politics. … They voted Democrat, election after election. It wasn’t a problem, of course, when it came to working. They do a great job. … But as conservatives, and especially as Trump supporters, we can’t afford to do that. Our ideas are good. They’re workable.…
GOP Midterm Slogan: 'We Need Guest Workers To Do Your Jobs!'
Trump "hasn't really stood for Republican things." The "summer of Trump" would come to a quick and deserved end. … All it takes is Trump keeping his promises on immigration and not starting a war. … Even the "3-D chess" lunatics don't say, It's great that Trump is screwing over his voters, like Republicans always do!…
GOP Midterm Slogan: ‘We Need Guest Workers to Do Your Jobs’
Trump "hasn't really stood for Republican things." The "summer of Trump" would come to a quick and deserved end. … All it takes is Trump keeping his promises on immigration and not starting a war. … Even the "3-D chess" lunatics don't say, It's great that Trump is screwing over his voters, like Republicans always do! …
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