Results for: mueller comey close trump

Analysis: The FBI Investigated Whether Trump Was a Russian Asset. Legitimate Inquiry, or Witch Hunt?…he-fbis-investigation-into-trump-as-a-russian-asset-n2539027
– The Times reported that after Trump fired ex-FBI chief James Comey, the Bureau actively investigated whether Trump himself may have … At the White House, Trump believed that his associates and campaign had been placed under investigation by federal officials with closeTrump says on White House lawn.…
Brace Yourselves: The Mueller Probe May FINALLY Be Completed…urselves-the-mueller-probe-may-finally-be-completed-n2540400
– Right now, the investigation is close to being completed...Fundamentally, the Mueller investigation has a very defined scope." … NEW: Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker says Mueller investigation "is, I think, close to being completed, and I hope that we can … Donald Trump for obstruction of justice for firing James Comey as FBI director. …
New Attorney General Needs To Clean House
– Sadly, it did not get any better when President Trump was elected. … After Comey was fired as FBI Director, it was Rosenstein who chose former FBI Director Robert Mueller to be Special Counsel and lead … Because of such abuses, Attorney General Barr should immediately close down the Mueller investigation and demand a report be made public…
Grassley: Memos Comey Gave to His Friend to Leak to Media Were Likely Classified
– Those memos were about conversations between Comey and President Trump, which he wrote after a meeting at Trump Tower.  … I asked a close friend of mine to do that." … Mueller on his probe. …
Meltdown: MSNBC Threw The Biggest Tantrum Since Hillary’s Loss After Mueller Report Shows No Trump-Russia Collusion…gest-tantrum-since-hillarys-loss-after-mueller-repo-n2543584
– taken over by former FBI Director Robert Mueller, who was designated a special counsel by Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, after Trump fired … Barr, bringing to a close an investigation that has consumed the nation and cast a shadow over President Trump for nearly two years … — Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) March 23, 2019 CNN said Trump has been vindicated by the Mueller probe.…
Mueller Report Fizzles. Prepare For The Reckoning.
– No indictment of Trump.   … Friday’s close of business is where stories go to die.   … What will Democrats say, stripped of the ammo they expected to fire at the Trump White House once the Mueller report came out?  …
With Mueller Hopes Gone, So Goes Progressive Unity
– They believed over the last two years that the Mueller investigation was slowly grinding down Trump. … But as Mueller was supposedly about to indict Trump, a divisive, hard-left agenda was almost imperceptibly floated to the public: the … While progressives were celebrating the seemingly inevitable Mueller indictment of Trump, they were also increasingly at odds over…
None Dare Call It Spying (But It Was Obviously Spying)
– interpretation of those definitions that does not cover what the Obama administration did to the presidential campaign of Donald Trump … But they needed to damage the Trump administration, and nothing in politics does that like the whiff of scandal.  … Was Mueller not given everything? Did he not care?…
Oh My: Escalating Probe into Origins of Russia-Trump Investigation Has Been Active for 'Weeks'…into-origins-of-russiatrump-investigation-escalates-n2546374
– motion the lengthy and politically-explosive federal probe that was eventually inherited and concluded by Special Counsel Robert Mueller … that he was planning to do so, inflaming them further by using the word "spying" in reference to certain government surveillance of Trump … Barr is working in close collaboration with CIA Director Gina Haspel, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and FBI Director…
Why Did the Anti-Trump Conspirators Throw Their Lives Away?…d-the-antitrump-conspirators-throw-their-lives-away-n2546229
– Those who sought to destroy Donald Trump failed. And they failed spectacularly. … Did you know that James Comey described himself as a Communist when he was in college? … This is in direct opposition to the capitalist/nationalist/individualistic political camp led by Donald Trump.…
So, Is That How the Special Counsel Office Avoided Turning Over the FBI’s 302 Report to Michael Flynn's Lawyers?…urn-over-the-fbi-report-on-michael-flynns-interview-n2569343
– The Trump dossier, a debunked Democrat-funded opposition research file that sparked the Trump-Russia collusion myth, has been cited … Still, Comey wanted Flynn. FBI agents interviewed him, and they felt he didn’t lie to them. … The target of this move was to see if anything relating to Trump and the Kremlin surfaced.…
After Flynn Fiasco was Exposed, Mitt Romney's Old Mueller Tweets Should Keep Him at the Kids' Table
– by special counsel Robert Mueller. … The FBI had moved to close its counterintelligence investigation into Mr. … Bring back Mueller, Rosenstein, Comey, etc.…
Flynn Lawyer: The DOJ Has Yet to Hand Over Memo That Stuck a Knife in the Heart of this Witch Hunt…extrump-official-before-of-this-legal-fiasco-began-n2572146
– warrant against Carter Page, a former Trump campaign official. … They were also declared legit by then-FBI Director James Comey. … any criminal conspiracy between Trump and Russia.…
Liberal Reporter: Yes, The Mueller Probe's ‘Hysterical Fallacies' Is Cause For Roger Stone's Commutation…special-counsel-probe-based-on-hysterical-fallacies-n2572383
Trump tweeted on Saturday morning. […] Mr. … Mueller took over the FBI's counterintelligence probe after FBI Director James Comey was fired in May of 2017 for cause. … Again, it seems the Trump-Russia collusion clown car merely changed drivers when Mueller took over.…
Comey: AG Barr Isn't Dealing in Facts and Should Stop Peddling 'Conspiracy Theories,' Or Something…ould-stop-peddling-conspiracy-theories-or-something-n2547268
– That is what Justice is about. — James Comey (@Comey) June 1, 2019 This is, ironically, a fact-free attack.   … is alluding involve the current inquiries into the origins and methods of the Trump-Russia probe undertaken by the Obama (and ComeyTrump barely won as it is.  …
The Steele Dossier Is Poison
– On the Democrat side, Bob Mueller shows quite clearly that neither Donald Trump nor anyone around Donald Trump coordinated with the … II, page 34 of the Mueller report: "The President also brought up the Steele reporting that Comey had raised in the January 6, 2017 … It was, however, the thing that pushed the President over the edge with Comey and thus became the thing that sparked the Mueller investigation…
History Will Grind Out the Truth
– former FBI head Robert Mueller. … The Mueller investigation failed to find any proof of Russian-Trump collusion. … Both Mueller and former FBI Director James Comey were unable to answer fundamental questions while under oath about the dossier and…
GOP Rep Accuses Mueller of Staging a 'Coup D'etat'
Mueller, Republican critics have charged, is too close with former FBI Director James Comey. … Furthermore, these same critics ask, what did Mueller know about the Fusion GPS investigation into Trump and Russia? … Speaker, at least James Comey, the media, and the Democrats -- desperately want collusion to exist between Trump and Russia," Franks…
The Special Counsel Is Just Finishing-up Fusion GPS’s Dirty Trick…counsel-is-just-finishingup-fusion-gpss-dirty-trick-n2403695
– There is nothing in the indictment about 2016 or President Trump. … If Donald Trump had a competent Justice Department overseeing things, Mueller would have been clipped and cut and told to stay within … Because Comey preferred that Trump step into his Manafort trap, that’s why.…
The Biggest Disappointment in Trump's Presidency
– The first set of Mueller indictments targeted former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, his aide and a low level national security … In essence, Mueller is operating a shadow Justice Department with Donald Trump in his legal cross-hairs. … A new Attorney General should fire Special Counsel Mueller, who is hopelessly comprised in his investigation by his close friendship…
House Intel Committee Mulls New Subpoenas After Shoddy Testimony From Deputy FBI Director…nas-after-shoddy-testimony-from-deputy-fbi-director-n2425467
Trump. … They were pro-Hillary and viciously anti-Trump. Yet, in August of 2016, Strzok mentioned an “insurance policy.” … There’s now-demoted DOJ official Brucer Ohr, who had met with the authors of the now infamous and unverified Trump dossier.…
Mueller’s Flynn Sentencing Memo Is Another Dud for the Resistance…n-sentencing-memo-is-another-dud-for-the-resistance-n2537214
– This week, rabid anti-Trump voices in the media are giving the “this is it!” … Mueller did Flynn no favors. … It’s time for Mueller to wrap it up and close shop.  …