Results for: dissent from supreme power

Gorsuch Is More Liberal Than Garland
Supreme Court this week. … Gorsuch's concern about the proper application of criminal statutes was also apparent when he dissented from a 2016 decision in which … Another 2016 dissent shows that Gorsuch shares Scalia's respect for the zone of privacy protected by the Fourth Amendment.…
Public Has a Right to See Trump Ad
– When it comes to a candidate's ad, television stations are prohibited from even requesting any edits. … In return, broadcasters are shielded from lawsuits for defamation and libel if the ad's claims turn out to be false. … The ruling echoed the wisdom of Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis 90 years earlier.…
The Military Coup Against Donald Trump of 2018, Part 2
– General Leonard Smith looked at the map from his Pentagon command post. … I’m apparently the only one reporting from inside Washington. … A whole generation of liberal politicians was barred from office and from speaking on political issues.…
Who Gave Us Justice Ginsburg?
– Ginsburg "should resign from the Court before she does the reputation of the judiciary more harm," says the Journal. … But a dissent here. Why should Ginsburg resign? Did anyone doubt she held these views? … Since the Earl Warren era, the Supreme Court has usurped the legislative power and imposed social policies, and Congress, which has…
Why Voting for Donald Trump Is a Morally Good Choice
– Voters should not doubt the power of the Supreme Court to abolish all these laws restricting abortions. … On June 28, 2016, the Supreme Court refused to hear the Stormans’ appeal, in spite of the strong dissent written by Justice Alito ( … Churches Churches would not be exempt from the impact of a liberal Supreme Court.…
Pushing Back the Bullies
– Walker (I), announced on March 29 that they would use government power to throttle climate change dissent. … They took a cue from Rhode Island Democratic U.S. Sen. … Smith of an “abuse of power.” …
The Facade Crumbles at the Democratic National Convention…cade-crumbles-at-the-democratic-national-convention-n2200847
– It's a different view from the Arkansas seats -- up close, personal and all too revealing. … But not if it departs from the party line. Just what was Frank Klein's heinous offense? … And she, too, found that her party wouldn't tolerate dissent, however polite or slight. To quote Ms.…
Jerry Brown and Eminent Domain Abuse
Supreme Court ruled that "economic development" constituted "public use" in its infamous Kelo decision, which allowed governments to … (The state or local government derives its power to take private property for public use in return for just compensation from the right … In her blistering dissent of Kelo, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor warned, "The specter of condemnation hangs over all property.…
Has the Revolution Begun Eating Its Own?
– What was supposed to be a #blacklivesmatter event was populated almost entirely by white students, presumably many from the W&M’s tony … Apart from the difficulties, the whole thing would be unconstitutional. … On May 22, in a dissent in Cooper v.…
Supreme Court School Choice Case Depends on Colorado School Board Race…l-choice-case-depends-on-colorado-school-board-race-n2394936
– Back in June, the Supreme Court sent back to the Colorado Supreme Court for reconsideration the judges’ 2015 ruling that had declared … Then came the federal Supreme Court decision last June upholding the right of a Lutheran school playground to benefit from public funds … Further cause for rejoicing on the pro-choice side came from the dramatic dissent of the two extreme left justices, Ginsberg and Sotomayor…
Still Voting for Trump; Must Defeat Clinton
– Nor does acknowledging that God is in control absolve us, as Christians, from doing our part. … It would be giving her a mandate from hell. … We've already seen the one-sidedness that allows Clinton to escape scrutiny and accountability, and she's not in power.…
If You Don’t Like Either Candidate, Then Vote for Trump’s Policies…like-either-candidate-then-vote-for-trumps-policies-n2234187
– Voters should not doubt the power of the Supreme Court to abolish all these laws restricting abortions. … Churches Churches would not be exempt from the impact of a liberal Supreme Court. … I will choose only from it in picking future justices of the United States Supreme Court.”…
The Last Real Election
– to appoint Supreme Court justices who will get money out of politics and expand voting rights, not restrict them. … Clinton begins to crack down on dissent from her radical agenda? Where could Americans turn to get the truth? … Certainly not from a “mainstream” media that has left no doubt about their shameless support of her candidacy. …
Why Americans Should Welcome the Current Iranian Uprising…nian-unrest-a-harbinger-of-real-change-lets-hope-so-n2435762
– The 2017 uprising was different from the 2009 Green Movement in several respects. … Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution that brought the mullahs to power, the people of Iran have been in near constant revolt against the … Seen in this context, the current protests demonstrated a growing public consensus in favor of an Iran that is free from the tyranny…
Pay Your Dues!
– Next week, the Supreme Court will hear arguments about that. … Three years later, the Supreme Court agreed to hear her case. Supreme Court watchers predicted that she would win. … "Our members ... want their union to have power," he said. "It's (Janus') right to dissent and not be a member of our union.…
Iran’s Top General Was an Obstacle to Both US Interests and Iranian Democracy…obstacle-to-both-us-interests-and-iranian-democracy-n2559572
– The protests in Iran in the past four days directly targeted the regime's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. … liberated from tyranny once and for all. … in the face of ever-growing popular dissent and diplomatic isolation.…
Leftists Have a Meltdown After Justice Sotomayor Claims Her Colleagues Are Biased…justice-sotomayor-claims-her-colleagues-are-biased-n2561732
from immigrants that are dependant on government welfare programs. … Those on the left were quick to applaud Sotomayor's dissent. … The Supreme Court is broken and favoring Trump's political agenda. — Charlotte Clymer ??????…
Everything Is At Stake In November, But William Barr Says It Shouldn’t Have To Be This Way…t-william-barr-says-it-shouldnt-have-to-be-this-way-n2562584
– keys to the federal government, you control more than an executive branch dweller a hundred years ago could even imagine, and the power … It is easier to run away from a local tyranny than a national one. … and controls every aspect of life is to push down as much power to local and state governments as possible.…
Dissent in Defense of Liberty
– with a powerful dissent from Justice Rebecca Bradley.  … “Emergency does not increase granted power or remove or diminish the restrictions imposed upon power granted or reserved. … Finally, Bradley quotes another powerful dissent, that of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall in 1989’s  Skinner v.…
Forget About Seeing Any Justice For Obamagate
– Well, the answer is simple: that is how many of the people with their grubby paws on the levers of power want it. … They want to use the government to stifle dissent, as the IRS did to Tea Party groups. … Samantha Power will walk. And Obama?…
Will Congress Have to Learn to Write Laws Again?
– That's my conclusion after reviewing the legal debate over whether the Supreme Court should renounce the Chevron doctrine it unanimously … In a dissent in Arlington v. … The administrative state would have its power constrained. Would that create problems?…
Constitution Day Is an Opportunity to Consider Our Founding Charter’s Necessity—and the Threats to It…ur-founding-charters-necessityand-the-threats-to-it-n2613023
Supreme Court awaiting oral argument later this fall. … Supreme Court, her victory would provide the same protection for those who vehemently disagree with her. … In recent years, we’ve weakened all these structural safeguards: expanding federal power, concentrating power in the executive branch…
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Armed FBI Agents Arrest Pro-Life Leader in Front of His Children
– A federal indictment unsealed Wednesday alleges that the pro-life defendants "engaged in a conspiracy to prevent the clinic from providing … " and patients from receiving abortion services and violated the FACE Act by "using physical obstruction to intimidate and interfere … "For over six hours, no one knew where I was and why I was kidnapped from my home at gunpoint.…
Personal Responsibility Over Political Control
– Even with support from their physicians, the message was clear-Be vaccinated or pay the price! … Listen and encourage input from all sides on important issues. … Value them, and they may very well elect your candidates and keep you in power. …
'98 Again America Is Retreating to the False Safety of the 90's…merica-is-retreating-to-the-false-safety-of-the-90s-n2592348
– Americans are tuning out from political coverage, numbers show. … And anyways, those threats aren’t similar in degree to those posed by the great power games that require tending to with a smaller, … this time to stifle dissent in advance of a planned Taiwanese conquest within Xi’s lifespan.…
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