Results for: abortion pregnancy

Pro-Life Rep. Who Reportedly Urged Mistress to Have An Abortion To Retire
– Congressman Tim Murphy is likely to retire after the pro-life Republican sent messages to his mistress urging her to get an abortion … during a pregnancy scare. … Murphy on Jan. 25, in the midst of an unfounded pregnancy scare.…
Senator Graham to Introduce 20-Week Abortion Ban in the Senate
– South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham will introduce the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which bars abortion … The United States is one of only seven nations that allows abortion on demand in the fifth month of pregnancy.  …
Late Abortion Bill Deserves a Straight Up or Down Vote in the Senate…l-deserves-a-straight-up-or-down-vote-in-the-senate-n2390529
– Trump denounced the torturous and horrifying practice of partial-birth abortion, explaining the process with stomach-churning detail … the beginning of the sixth month of pregnancy forward, when all credible experts know the preborn baby can feel pain. … American voters agree – no pain-capable baby should have to undergo agonizing dismemberment in an elective late-term abortion.…
House Republicans, Pro-Life Leaders Celebrate Passage of the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act…age-of-the-pain-capable-unborn-child-protection-act-n2390342
– The bill would ban abortion at 20 weeks, the point at which science increasingly shows that unborn children feel pain. … “This common sense policy that would limit abortion to five months reflects the consensus shared by eight out of ten Americans - abortion … “Abortion is the human rights issue of our time,” Penny Nance said in a statement.…
House Passes 20-Week Abortion Ban Legislation
– after 20 weeks into a pregnancy. … Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), would make it a crime to perform or attempt an abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, with the possibility of … The 20-week abortion ban is not controversial; 60 percent of women support the ban.…
Former Abortion Clinic Employees Speak Out About Planned Parenthood's Aggressive Sales Focus…peak-out-about-the-industrys-aggressive-sales-focus-n2390084
– And Then There Were None (ATTWN), a pro-life organization dedicated to helping abortion clinic employees leave the abortion industry … it was, someone went into that clinic and gave her that pregnancy test,” she said, “if that pregnancy test was positive, the following … for an abortion.”…
Trump Administration Formally Backs Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act…ally-backs-pain-capable-unborn-child-protection-act-n2390035
– The bill would ban abortion at 20 weeks of pregnancy, the point at which science increasingly shows that unborn babies feel pain. … out of the mainstream in the family of nations, in which only 7 out of 198 nations allow elective abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy
D.C. Appeals Court Temporarily Halts Ruling that HHS Must Let Illegal Immigrant Teen Access Abortion…hhs-must-let-illegal-immigrant-teen-access-abortion-n2397395
– She said federal officials are "restrained from interfering with or obstructing [the teen's] access to abortion counseling or an abortion … a “constitutional right” to an abortion in the US. … Weeks ago, our client decided to end her pregnancy.…
The Surprising Pro-Life Message of 'The Strain'
– Even the "pregnancy home" front is a brutal ruse. … Peter Singer, and the specious arguments that groups like Planned Parenthood and NARAL have peddled for decades in support of abortion … But the backrooms of Planned Parenthood and America's other abortion clinics are just as bloody as the "draining rooms" of the strigoi…
Pro-Life Videos Garner 85 Million Views
– Support for abortion can be undercut when people learn what an abortion actually is. … The first four videos deal with common forms of abortion. The D & E is addressed below. … I came to realize that killing a baby at any stage of pregnancy, for any reason, is wrong.”…
Pro-Life Majority: Another Poll Shows Sweeping Support for Late Term Abortion Restrictions…s-heavy-restrictions-on-elective-lateterm-abortions-n2395995
– Anthony List, shows that a sizable majority of the public favors legislation to limit abortion after five months of pregnancy: Democrats … to permit elective abortion post 20 weeks. … Note the last sentence of that paragraph, which adopts the abortion lobby's preferred euphemism for abortion.  …
HHS Responds to Pressure From ACLU: 'No Constitutional Right' for Illegal Immigrant Minor to Obtain Abortion…ight-for-illegal-immigrant-minor-to-obtain-abortion-n2396453
– Friday on behalf of an immigrant minor, named only as Jane Doe, who came to the country illegally and has been denied access to an abortion … ORR released a statement Tuesday emphasizing that the minor has no "constitutional right" to an abortion. … However, the judge also said that "the government has no business blocking Jane Doe's abortion."…
McConnell Says Senate Will Vote on Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act 'At Some Point'…n-capable-unborn-child-protection-act-at-some-point-n2395926
– Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told reporters in the Rose Garden Monday that the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would ban abortion … after 20 weeks of pregnancy, is supported by “virtually all” of the Republicans in the Senate and they “expect to have a vote on it … The legislation, which passed the House by a 237-189 vote, bans abortion at the point that science increasingly shows that unborn children…
Former Planned Parenthood President Says Their Goal Is Sexual Liberation But Admits Sexuality Begins as a Fetus…liberation-then-admits-sexuality-begins-as-a-fetus-n2395849
– Faye Wattleton, who was president of Planned Parenthood from 1987 to 1992, spoke with W magazine recently about the abortion giant … She does echo Wattleton’s emphasis that abortion is about the woman’s choice. … She claimed once in an interview that the question of when life begins is not “relevant to the conversation” of abortion.…
On Its Birthday, Planned Parenthood Marks 101 Years Building a Culture of Death…enthood-marks-101-years-building-a-culture-of-death-n2395709
– When I bring this up, there’s always someone quick to remind me that “Planned Parenthood is more than abortion, and provides care to … it’s not “women’s health”: Planned Parenthood performed 328,348 abortions, which is up from 2015’s 323,999.When combining all pregnancy … services.Prenatal services were nearly cut in half, dropping a whopping 46%.Abortion patients made up 13.68% of Planned Parenthood…
Harvey Weinstein—Shameless Communist Propagandist to Boot…y-weinsteinshameless-communist-propagandist-to-boot-n2394845
– Cuba's "impressive" infant mortality rate is kept artificially low by Communist chicanery with statistics and by a truly appalling abortion … Any Cuban pregnancy that even hints at trouble gets "terminated." A few years ago Dr.…
Planned Parenthood is Claiming It's 'Statistically Safer' To Have An Abortion
– If you're a Black woman in America, it's statistically safer to have an abortion than to carry a pregnancy to term or give birth #ScaryStats … For these very small unborn women, abortion is definitely not the "statistically safer" option. … Abortion is never "safer" for one of the lives involved.…
The Predicted Abortion Collision Grows Closer
– that would regulate abortion after viability. … Thereafter, she demanded an abortion. … House of Representatives recently passed legislation that would ban abortion after 20 weeks.…
Forced Childbirth vs. Voluntary Abortion
– On Wednesday morning, after a furious legal battle, she got an abortion. … After discovering her pregnancy, she went through the process required under Texas law for a minor to get an abortion. … The Office of Refugee Resettlement sent her to an anti-abortion "pregnancy crisis center," where she was urged to change her mind.…
UN Human Rights Expert Warns Council of Widespread Forced Sterilization, Abortion on Girls with Disabilities…erilization-and-abortion-on-girls-with-disabilities-n2400203
– “We can no longer ignore the widespread practices of forced sterilization, forced abortion and forced contraception inflicted on girls … The forced abortion is often “owing to negative stereotypes about their parenting skills” and “eugenics-based concerns about giving … official country visits, Devandas even “received information about compulsory regular gynaecological checks and the use of forced abortion
ACLU Wants Illegal Immigrant's (Unborn) Child Terminated
– "Notably," the judge said, "elective abortion is illegal in J.D.'s home country." … Can the federal government be forced to facilitate such an abortion? … expels the pregnancy within 48 hours later."…
The ACLU’s Selective Compassion
– required for abortions in Texas, but blocked Chutkan's order to officials to take her to a clinic to have an abortion. … The Left is all for requiring that more information is given consumers – unless it involves abortion.  … However, there is no right to abortion in the U.S.…
ACLU Asks Appeals Court to Reconsider Delay on Unaccompanied Minor's Abortion…o-reconsider-block-of-unaccompanied-minors-abortion-n2399024
– point at which abortion is barred under Texas law.” … Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, called the court’s decision to delay the abortion until a sponsor is found … by locating an abortion-friendly sponsor for the teen, and has favored access to elective abortion over U.S. law and policy and the…
Conservative Christians, Be Assured That President Hillary Clinton Will Declare War On You…t-president-hillary-clinton-will-declare-war-on-you-n2232947
– Last week, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that pro-life pregnancy centers are required to promote abortion, meaning, that … her own baby, they must also refer her to a local abortion clinic. … pregnancy centers.…
Pro-Lifers' Fatal Attraction to Trump
– In the end, they chose to let the pregnancy take its course, producing their daughter, Tiffany. … For conservatives, abortion has become the last resort in rationalizing a vote for Trump. … Who's to say that as president, he wouldn't reverse himself on abortion to make a deal with Democrats?…
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