Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Open Thread: When TRUMPets Fade
– With how Trump has acted thus far, we should expect more un-presidential behavior. … caucuses.They contemplate a national primary, but states vote one at a time or in small groups.They contemplate a race with 17 candidates … , but several candidates will drop out before Iowa and several more will drop out before the other states vote.They contemplate1 a…
He Never Said It
– Oftentimes our presidential campaigns give way to absurdities. … Any one of the Republican candidates could do a terrific job running against the field of Democratic gerontocrats. … He showed great restraint that other candidates could profit from. The other rising star was Fiorina.…
The Democrats Are Holding Six Debates–And Martin O’Malley Isn’t Happy
– Via ABC News/AP: The Democratic National Committee unveiled plans on Thursday to hold six presidential debates starting this … Martin O'Malley is keeping pressure on the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to increase the number of Democratic presidential debates … “We are thrilled the candidates are so eager to participate in our debates.…
Poll: Clear Majority Supports Criminally Investigating Hillary Clinton Over Email-Gate…han-50-percent-want-hillary-criminally-investigated-n2037933
– This means that voter preferences, favorability impressions, and opinions of the GOP candidates have likely shifted in the intervening … Interestingly, however, of the eight Republican and Democratic candidates tested in the poll, only Sen. … presidential nominee should be criminally investigated for, knowingly or not, leaking "classified material."…
Conservatives Vs. 'The Real World'
– On the front of the August 8 Post came the headline "For GOP candidates, a rush to the right." … In Sunday's paper, here was another headline: "A platform for conservative views: RedState Gathering gives nine GOP presidential candidates … The headline on the Web was "Only a handful of GOP candidates are living in the real world."…
The 2016 Campaign Is Heating Up On Both Sides
– The crowded 2016 race for the White House has turned into one of the most bizarre presidential contests in U.S. history. … Consider this: Former secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the clear front-runner for the Democratic nomination, is caught up … Still, nearly 63 percent were supporting one of the other GOP candidates.…
Don't Count Out Jindal Just Yet
– With the boldness of The Donald (minus the Democratic undercurrent of support liberal candidates and policies), plus the sure record … Unlike other candidates, Jindal bypassed the PC and announced "Islam has a problem". … Kansas Governor Sam Brownback curried resistance from 100 Republicans as well as Democratic during his reelection bid in 2014.…
Donald Trump: Kingmaker
– Billions and billions of dollars will be spent, by dozens of candidates in both parties. … A week later a similar meeting would take place with the Democratic nominee. … There is nobody on the Democratic side who wouldn't be an underdog to the Republican.…
Megyn Kelly's Very Smart Question to Donald Trump
– One, we want to hear tough and straight talk from candidates. … don't like 'fat pigs, dogs, and disgusting animals' ... how will you answer the charge from Hillary Clinton ... likely to be the Democratic … The last time a Republican presidential candidate won the women's vote was 25 years ago when George H.W.…
Trump Capitalizes on Ludicrous Debate
– This allows for viewers to see contrasts, for candidates to fact-check each other, and for moderators to do the same. … First, Trump is hardly going to answer "no" to the question of whether his temperament is presidential. … So far, Trump is "hacking" presidential politics.…
Amid Trump Mess, GOP Candidates Shine At RedState
– A parade of Republican presidential candidates marched through -- Chris Christie, Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina … The news was, in other words, relentlessly good: a field of remarkably talented candidates rounding into campaign shape. … A group of candidates younger, more energetic, more passionate, and more focused on the future than the geriatric Democratic field.…
Taking Down The Donald
– But what was supposed to be a debate among the top-10 Republican candidates turned into a bear-baiting of Donald Trump. … It was the Fox News "moderators" of what was supposed to be a candidates' debate. … Who decided to turn the first Republican presidential debate into a two-hour version of "The Kelly File"?…
Fox Debate: Unfair and Unbalanced?
– Twenty-four million people tuned in to watch the first primetime debate among 10 Republican presidential candidates. … Limbaugh said the "war on women" is a Democratic construct and is the kind of question one might expect from the "drive-by media," … questions of those candidates, especially Hillary Clinton.…
Thoughts on the Fox Debate
– Now that the first of the GOP presidential debates is history, I offer some thoughts. … Anyone with any doubts about this need only ask themselves: Who even remembers the first of the GOP presidential debates of 2012? … Everyone knows that Trump alone among the candidates has refused to rule out a run as a third party run.…
Takeaways from the Fox News Big Ten Debate
– For a real full-contact sport, watch a lively Republican presidential debate. … Looking over the deep and impressive bench of candidates, I found a number of big takeaways. The weakest candidate? Dr. … presidential debate.…
Would Univision try Blackmailing Donald Trump?
– Mexican-Americans make up most of its viewers so the network’s editorial tone essentially echoes that of the Democratic-controlled … Democratic Party." … All candidates except Ron Paul were in lockstep with Gov. Perry on the Univision boycott.…
Roll Call: GOP Spending Early To Defend Senate Majority
– Hampshire, the 2010 electorate that ushered her into office has changed, making her re-election chances dubious, especially if Democratic … We’ll see how Democratic Gov. … As Roll Call mentioned, “he [Toomey] will likely have to convince many Democratic voters to split their ticket to vote for him.”…
Presidential Nominating Process Highlights Gap Between D.C. and America…ating-process-highlights-gap-between-dc-and-america-n2044762
– To many in Washington, there's little question that the 2016 presidential election should feature a dynasty rematch between the Clinton … When considering the many candidates not named Clinton or Bush, most voters figure none of them could make things any worse than the … On the Democratic side, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seemed inevitable for a while.…
Hillary's Sinking in Polls, Voters Say She's a "Liar," And Biden Considers Run
– WASHINGTON -- Forget all the polls in the presidential sweepstakes and wipe the slate clean for a whole new set of numbers. … Biden dealt with that question Wednesday in a CNN recording of what was to be an off-the-record conference call with the Democratic … The Quinnipiac poll "shows Joe Biden performing a little better than Hillary Clinton against the leading GOP candidates in a general…
Rand Not Withstanding: Why?
– Paul picked up that impulse, and defeated the Kentucky GOP Establishment and the weakening Democratic Party to become US Senator. … Despite Paul’s accomplishments, this presidential candidate is not raising money or getting enough media spotlight. Why? … Paul is doing the exact opposite of other candidates. When they go to gathers of candidates, Paul avoids them.…
Donald Trump vs. the Party of Septuagenarians
– WASHINGTON -- I shall pose the question once again that I posed months ago: Why is the Democratic presidential field the field of … Turn now to the Democratic field. … Clearly the Democratic Party has plenty of angry women candidates, and it is doing well with the black vote, but what about the millennials…
U.S. and UK Politics Are Mirror Images
– Meanwhile, Republican presidential candidates seem more interested in attacking each other than in naming and shaming the consequential … Commentator Jeff Greenfield, writing in Politico magazine, critiques the decline of the Democratic Party, which parallels its wrong-headed…
Letter to a Friend: 'Harsh Immigration' Is Not Why Latinos Hate Republicans…rsh-immigration-is-not-why-latinos-hate-republicans-n2044136
– Trump is ruining the race for the serious Republican candidates and thereby helping Hillary immensely. … Over time, Trump has donated more money to Democratic candidates than Republican candidates. … These are the Boehners and the McConnells who huff and puff about President Barack Obama and his "out of control" Democratic Party,…
Ben Carson Slams ‘Lunacy’ of Black Lives Matter Movement
– “Black Lives Matter” has made its presence known in the 2016 presidential campaign, much to the chagrin of candidates from both political … The group has bullied three-fifths of the Democratic field: They ambushed Hillary Clinton, shut down a Bernie Sanders campaign event…
Sorting the Candidates
– parties' presidential nominations next year. … Ironically, the Republicans have a much stronger set of presidential candidates than usual to choose from this year. … This is not just the candidates' problem.…
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