Results for: Republican National Committee

Behind All the Hullabaloo, the Secret About Those Budget Cuts…the-hullabaloo--the-secret-about-those-budget-cuts-n1527213
– and Congress have reduced projected deficits by nearly $4 trillion over a decade -- the widely embraced goal for stabilizing the national … Or as countless witnesses before the old McClellan Committee investigating organized crime used to tell prying senators: "I don't know … The loyal opposition's response was delivered by a Republican congresswoman from Washington state, Cathy Rodgers, who dared resort…
God and Jeb at CPAC
– In an earlier iteration, it would have been unthinkable to have the chairman of the Republican National Committee speak at CPAC. … Some of the conservative movement and all of the Republican Party have lost its intellectual moorings. … 1977, when the Republican Party was again in the wilderness, even as conservative ideas were ascending.…
Republicans Must Show Support for Hispanic Dreams
National Committee. … I think there's some risk here for the Republican National Committee. … The Republican National Committee report is not a bad start.…
Penny Pritzker: A Chicago Fat Cat for Commerce Secretary?…y-pritzker-a-chicago-fat-cat-for-commerce-secretary-n1543399
– collapsed.One of the Obamas' oldest Chicago friends and an intimate confidante of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Pritzker served as a top national … secured the 2016 Olympic bid.Former Pritzker executive and Obama campaign treasurer Martin Nesbitt also served on the Olympic committee … Ralph Naderites who rightly oppose "public-private partnership" deals between developers, statist Democrats and corporate welfare Republican
Extreme Makeover: Rebuilding the GOP
– WASHINGTON - The Republican National Committee unveiled a 100 page blueprint Monday to rebuild the GOP, after months of focus groups … The blueprint sent out to the party's national leadership laid out a detailed, multi-step roadmap to reshape the GOP's lengthy nominating … His ambitious political offensive includes a $10 million national campaign to send hundreds of GOP officials into Hispanic, black and…
Meet Rep. Kevin Brady: The Six Trillion Dollar Man
– Brady recently took the chair of Congress’s arguably most important inner think tank, the Joint Economic Committee. … …Voting membership would consist of at least six members of Congress: 3 Republican and 3 Democrat. … It has strong Republican and Democratic appeal.…
The 20 Best Quotes from CPAC 2013
National Republican leaders have not advanced a conservative agenda for almost 20 years. … National Committee and the political director of the Romney campaign, and their two companies get $150 million at the end of the campaign … will ever win another national election.” -- Ann Coulter 3) “We need a Republican Party that shows up on the South side of Chicago…
Self-Flagellation Republican Style
– The Republican National Committee is out with a 100-page analysis of how the party can revive its sagging fortunes. … Others sound a little desperate, such as "Republican leaders should participate in and actively prepare for interviews with The Daily … Ouch.Wehner and Gerson also touch upon the damage done to the traditional Republican advantage in foreign and security policy by the…
The Right Step from Ryan
– More important, the Ryan budget provides a view of Republican priorities and their vision for how to increase economic growth, reform … According to Senator Patty Murray (D., Wash.), chairwoman of the Senate Budget Committee, if Democrats ever do put forward a budget … This article appeared in National Review (Online)…
Memo to Reince Priebus: It’s About Principles Not Process
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus has launched a nationwide “Growth and Opportunity Project” reviewing eight key … When you think Republican you think issues: limited government, pro-life, anti-tax, strong national defense, family values, etc. … There’s a reason the most noteworthy national Republican election victories of the last 30 years happened in 1980, 1984, 1994, and…
Can GOP Reverse the Damage Done by Iraq?
– The Republican National Committee's recent "autopsy" had many flaws, but the impulse for introspection was not one of them. … Some didn't even need a committee report. … Rand Paul's positioning as a different kind of Republican.…
Billiards and the Art of Persuasion
– The new Republican National Committee Growth and Opportunity Council report recommendations seem to understand this. … Hard-hitting arguments with Republican friends did little to change my mind. … As the Republican Party grapples with how to better communicate its principles and policies, the RNC recommendations are a good place…
'Me Too' Republicans
– So it is no surprise that the recent "Growth and Opportunity Project" report to the Republican National Committee is a classic example … report to the Republican National Committee is on firmer ground when it says that national Republican candidates have not articulated … Republican candidates "need to do a better job talking in normal, people-oriented terms."Absolutely.…
Autopsy for the Republican Party
– Some people are hoping the Republican Party is dead, but the grassroots are raring to rise up and fight.Support for the Republican … But the Establishment is always determined to suppress all debate or discussion of social, moral or national security ideas by RepublicanRepublican principles, such as marriage and military superiority, which are all clearly enunciated in the national Republican Platform…
Who Killed the New Majority?
– The Republican National Committee has produced an "autopsy" on what went wrong in 2012, when the party failed to win the White House … amnesty is granted to the 12 million illegals, as GOP senators are preparing to do, that should advance the death of the GOP as a national
The Obama Economy - If Only He Would Claim It
– Strict Spending Limits Systemic Reform of the Tax Code Put the Brakes on Regulations Preserve our National … Paul Ryan, Chairman of the House Budget Committee, has introduced the Republican House Budget. … The Joint Committee on Taxation now estimates the cost of the 21 new taxes in ObamaCare at over $1 trillion, almost twice the $570…
The Best of Comrades
– Living under different laws than the rest of us is so ingrained in our national leadership, that it seems they hardly give it a second … “The present era of incredible rottenness is not Democratic,” wrote Mark Twain, “it is not Republican, it is national.”       … What Jindal is referring to are the candidates who made bizarre comments during the election, like Todd Akin the Missouri Republican
GOP’s ‘Post-Mortem’ Shows Political Party Without A Clue…ops-postmortem-shows-political-party-without-a-clue-n1546128
– The just released self-described "autopsy" report by the Republican National Committee merely confirms that truth. … If you are the Obama White House and the Democratic National Committee, you can most certainly build this reality into your voter models … Who controls the Republican Party today?…
Running Away From Reality: Obama's Road Trip to Israel
– It sees the national unemployment rate, now at 7.7 percent, dropping to around 7.5 percent by year's end. … re-election in 2014, were uncomfortable with the assault weapons bill that Judiciary Chairman Dianne Feinstein got through her committee … It is expected to win easy approval in the Republican House.…
Why I No Longer Stand With Rand
– In 2010, I endorsed Rand Paul for US Senate, and my Political Action Committee that supports anti-amnesty candidates contributed to … He supported Arizona’s SB 1070, opposed birthright citizenship, an “electronic fence” and stated that “our greatest national security … Oh how I long for a Republican leader who exhibits true courage and integrity. That's the stuff leaders are made of.…
RNC Doubles Down on Losing: Hires Romney Campaign Staffers to Manage Minority Outreach…omney-campaign-staffers-to-manage-minority-outreach-n1563456
– But for some reason the Republican National Committee is acting like he won, hiring former campaign staffers who “managed minority … This week the RNC announced it hired Stephen Fong, “a longtime Republican political and grassroots operative” as the RNC National Asian … The RNC also announced Jason Chung as RNC National Communications Director for Asian and Pacific Islander Engagement.…
America -- Meet Francis Suarez
– For the last twenty years or so, first as a Republican, and of late as an independent conservative, I have been imploring the GOP … Of course, unlike some connected with the Republican National Committee, I would suggest we do so without abandoning some of our principles … As for the “Who,” I would suggest that the Republican leaders and anyone interested in hearing from a principled Hispanic-American…
According to Washington Post Exposé, People Who Utilize Tax Havens Are Far More Honest than Politicians…ize-tax-havens-are-far-more-honest-than-politicians-n1560784
– now understand why the make-believe numbers about alleged tax evasion are about as credible as a revenue estimate from the Joint Committee … Mitchell, a former Senate Finance Committee staffer who works as a tax expert for the Cato Institute, and Andrew Quinlan, who was a … senior economic analyst for the Republican National Committee before helping start the center.…
Sanford and Other Toxic Republicans Need to Step Aside for Electable Republicans…licans-need-to-step-aside-for-electable-republicans-n1560248
– The National Republican Congressional Committee, which has irked conservatives by throwing money into Republican primaries at the candidate … How much money is the Republican National Committee going to have to throw into the general election – money that would have gone to … The GOP piled on, ensuring his defeat as the National Republican Senatorial Committee and powerful moderates in the party like Karl…
The Deafening Silence that Signals Our Demise
– So, too, has the Israel Science and Technology website, a national database and directory of science- and technology-related sites … Similarly ineligible, I would add, are Republican Sens. … Aside from Alan Keyes, a former U.S. ambassador to the UN and a Republican candidate for the Senate and the presidency, no prominent…
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