Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Trump Fuels a Tribal War in Nancy's House
– The four -- AOC, Tlaib, Pressley, Omar -- have no clout in the Democratic caucus. … Among the presidential candidates, some have begun to side with the four, with Bernie Sanders saying Pelosi has been "a little" too … Many will inevitably side with the fighters, as Democratic moderates appear timid and tepid.…
George Washington Was Right About 'Baneful' Two-party Politics…ashington-was-right-about-baneful-twoparty-politics-n2550090
– The 1800 presidential election, in which Jefferson successfully challenged the Federalist incumbent, John Adams, was extraordinarily … The last independent to mount a serious presidential race was Ross Perot, who died on Tuesday at 89. … Yet it's still virtually unheard-of for candidates who don't belong to a political party to win public office.…
Klobuchar Admits That Yep, She Is Working on a Secret List of Judges…that-yep-she-is-working-on-a-secret-list-of-judges-n2550083
– #ReleaseTheList /end — Carrie Severino (@JCNSeverino) July 15, 2019 JCN unveiled a recent ad demanding all 2020 Democratic candidates … "Democratic candidates and liberal groups are campaigning to pack the courts with liberal judges, while keeping their list secret," … "Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden and all Democratic presidential candidates should stop hiding and release their list of potential…
The Impending ICE Raids: Legal, Necessary, and Bound to Misrepresented by the Left…l-necessary-and-bound-to-misrepresented-by-the-left-n2550018
– The Democratic primary has only served to exacerbate this problem. … All of the candidates in the recent Democratic debates incentivized illegal immigration in one form or another. … anticipated by Representatives Alexandria Cortez and Chuy Garcia, former acting director of ICE, Thomas Homan, decimated the Democratic
Democrats In Disarray
– During his re-election campaign of 2012, Obama was not challenged for the Democratic presidential nomination and he won another term … The Democratic Party unity started falling apart during the 2016 presidential race. … As a new presidential election has begun, the Democrats are splintered among almost two dozen candidates.…
Census Citizenship Question Is Lose-Lose Issue for Democrats…itizenship-question-is-loselose-issue-for-democrats-n2549876
– Just 21% of voters embrace that position. -- As Democratic officials assist immigrants crossing the border illegally, 95% of voters … presidential candidates signaled support for providing illegal or undocumented immigrants with health care subsidies. … That's partly because the Democratic nominee would be forced to attack a decision that most Americans support.…
Census Citizen Question is Fair, But It Riles Democrats
– Or the home of any of the other Democratic presidential candidates who raised their hands promising taxpayer-subsidized health care … But if you dare ask it, or support the idea that it's a reasonable question, you'll be denounced by the Democratic left as a racist … What is equally disgraceful is that she's not roundly condemned for such talk by a media so enamored of the Democratic "resistance"…
Democratic Candidates Are Running a Race of Inauthenticity…tic-candidates-are-running-a-race-of-inauthenticity-n2549840
– An epidemic of false identities, massaged resumes, and warped ancestries has broken out among the current Democratic presidential … It has long been a populist tradition that presidential candidates downplay their financial success or even fabricate a "born in a … But recently, Democratic candidates have taken that trope to identity-politics extremes.…
Medicare for All: More Taxes, Worse Health Care, and Much More Debt…all-more-taxes-worse-health-care-and-much-more-debt-n2549838
– However, if you have been paying attention to the Democratic 2020 presidential nomination circus, one would assume Medicare and Social … Yes, several Democratic candidates, most namely Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), are calling for a massive expansion of Medicare. … At the first Democratic debate last week, Sanders was even more candid about his tax plan.…
The Entire Globe Is In The Grip Of A Migration Crisis…from-the-world-over-to-exploit-us-immigration-laws-n2549810
– Nearly all the Democratic candidates also espouse open borders. … At the next presidential debate, moderators should ask if these magnanimous candidates will take migrant families into their own homes … None of these candidates has the common sense to be president.…
Partisan Strife Produces High Voter Turnout -- and No Big Boost for Either Party…gh-voter-turnout--and-no-big-boost-for-either-party-n2585380
– Between the 2012 and 2020 presidential elections, total voter turnout rose 23%, with Democratic turnout up 23% and Republican turnout … Not coincidentally in this straight-ticket-voting age, Democratic candidates won 222 House seats and Republicans 213. … These switches in presidential preference have reverberated in congressional elections.…
Trump -- Once and Future King?
– He won 74 million votes, the highest total ever for a sitting president or a losing presidential candidate. … And, from seeing both candidates of 2020 up close in recent weeks and months, does not Trump appear more likely to be the Republican … leader of his party than does slow-moving "Sleepy Joe" look like the Democratic nominee 44 months from now?…
The Democrats’ So-called ‘Freedom From Influence Fund’ Is Anything But…ocalled-freedom-from-influence-fund-is-anything-but-n2585972
– targeting perceived problems that plagued progressive minds throughout Donald Trump’s presidency, such as a requirement that presidentialcandidates disclose their tax returns and extensive efforts to prevent the sort of “foreign interference” that many leftists still … ActBlue — the Democratic fundraising machine that raised over $5 billion in the 2020 election cycle — is keenly aware of that threshold…
How to Ruin America
– That was clearly not the vision of our Founders, of the many presidents who succeeded them, or even recent Democratic presidents and … presidential candidates.…
Obama's Reasons for Why Mayor Pete Couldn't Win Might Offend Some, But Did You Catch What He Said About Biden?…y-pete-buttigieg-couldnt-be-president-it-might-offe-n2585814
– is meeting with some elite black donors for his foundation and gets into a discussion about the current top crop of the 2020 Democratic … Standing before the crowd, he said he had encouraged all the candidates to ask themselves a three- question litmus test. … “Many candidates like the idea of being president,” he told the crowd.…
Andrew Yang’s Terrifying Vision
– Independents taken in by the fresh face of Andrew Yang, former presidential candidate and current front-runner in the New York City … Yang bills himself as nonpartisan; his presidential campaign slogan was “Not left. Not right. Forward.” … He endorsed and enthusiastically campaigned for Joe Biden in the general election and subsequently did the same for Democratic candidates
The Facts of the Homestead Immigrant Children Holding Facility Continue to Elude the Press…ildren-holding-facility-continue-to-elude-the-press-n2585706
– During the Democratic presidential primaries one debate was held in Miami, Florida. … In the days leading to that liberal hoedown numerous candidates, including the hopeful Kamala Harris, rushed to Homestead, Florida, … The location was a holding facility for underage immigrants, and each of the candidates wailed about the harsh conditions inside which…
Trumpism Without Trump?
– The current Democratic-majority Congress was the result. … The current detention of undocumented minors at the border and presidential orders to bomb in Syria reminds voters that Biden is doing … Insiders think impressive possible 2024 presidential candidates such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, South Dakota Gov.…
What the WSJ Editorial Board Totally Missed in Their Op-Ed About Trump…ial-board-missed-a-key-fact-in-op-ed-slamming-trump-n2585555
– Incumbent presidential races are typically consolidating elections as the party in power reinforces gains from four years earlier. … The Democratic House majority is razor-thin. The Senate is split 50-50. … The reason: Trump buoyed Republican candidates—even Democrats admit it.…
Trump Issues Clarion Call for Election Integrity
– The kicker was that Trump is not merely begging Republicans to address the many irregularities that occurred in the presidential election … Trump recounted how successful he has been in electing candidates who support his agenda and defeating Republicans who stand in the … After kicking away the presidential election and two U.S.…
What Explains Biden's Chameleonlike Transformation?
– Affluent suburbs in the Northeast and Midwest trended Democratic, and so did Delaware. … Starting in 2000, it has averaged 57 percent Democratic in presidential races, 7 percent above the national average. … Roth lost that year, and Delaware is now rated safe Democratic.…
A Look at ‘America’s Covert Border War’…d-the-risks-posed-by-the-current-immigration-crisis-n2586174
– The result was seen in the recent open-borders-loving field of Democratic presidential candidates, which the rest of the world heard … issue of reforming the asylum system as it relates to SIAs, Republican administrations have historically been no better than Democratic
With These Figures, It's No Shock Why Republicans Got Swept by Democrats in Georgia
– In the large majority of Georgia counties that were won by President Trump in November, Republican Senate candidates won Tuesday by … The 2020 presidential race was stolen, so why should they participate in the Senate runoffs was the mindset here.  … In 2008, Obama was elected with increased Democratic majorities in the House and Senate. Democrats had 60 seats in the Senate.…
The GOP Needs a New Movement
– Because of this new identity, the Democratic Party suffered some of the most significant losses in decades. … Austin Petersen, former Libertarian Party presidential and GOP U.S. … The Democratic Party seems as united as they ever have been.…
Analysis: How Rob Portman's Retirement Complicates GOP Efforts to Win Back the Senate…tes-gop-efforts-to-win-back-senate-majority-in-2022-n2583676
– Portman was heavily favored to win another term if he'd sought one, having cruised to a 21-point blowout victory over a former Democratic … North Carolina is pale red, with Republicans barely eking out victories in the presidential and Senate races this past November.   … And if Republicans can recruit strong candidates in Nevada (former Gov. Brian Sandoval?) and Colorado (former Sen. Cory Gardner?)…
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