Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Moral Capitalism
Presidential candidates and the media keep telling people "it's immoral" that a few rich people have so much more money than everyone … Today's "democratic" socialists say the government must aid the poor and sick because capitalists will only help themselves.…
Why Do Democrats Have A Secret List Of Supreme Court Nominees?…ocrats-have-a-secret-list-of-supreme-court-nominees-n2548469
– Who is coordinating with candidates for the 2020 presidential race to make this dark, court-packing plan a reality? … Will Democrat candidates be questioned in the coming presidential debates regarding their party’s breach of trust and transparency? … Numerous debates are scheduled, and one would hope a few debate moderators would have enough backbone to press presidential candidates
Stop Using Government as a Weapon
– We are less than seventeen months away from a new presidential election. … Are the heart and soul members of the Democratic Party so afraid of such an election that they would resort to hyper-Constitutional … After a brief perusal of the slate of candidates for the nomination, one can understand why.…
Misinformation: 50 Percent of Americans Now Believe Trump Did Coordinate With Russia, Contradicting Mueller Report…coordinate-with-russia-contradicting-mueller-report-n2548306
– But according to the numbers, so is virtually every Democrat in the upper tier of candidates.   … floor that jumps out: Another poll — this one from Fox News — showing Trump stuck at 39% to 41% in ballot tests against major Democratic … On the other, we've also learned that he's not immune to the political laws of gravity; look at the 2018 'national' Democratic vote…
Seriously? CNN Panelist 'Hasn't Heard Journalists Talk' About Wanting Impeachment Hearings…eard-journalists-talk-about-wanting-impeachment-hea-n2548302
– The real impetus is coming from a lot of liberal members of Congress, especially a lot Democratic presidential candidates who are appealing…
Trump Can Make California Great Again
– It’s time for Democrats to defend the consequences of their democratic socialist policies that have ruined the state! … It’s obvious that Democratic elitists in California think their voters are too dumb to think for themselves. … Times, in virtually every presidential election from 1952 through 1988 Republicans won the state. What changed?…
CNN Can't Figure Out Why Their Ratings Suck But This Segment Offers The Perfect Insight…ent-to-breaking-down-2020-dems-campaign-song-choice-n2548293
– CNN had an entire segment dedicated to talking about the song selection each 2020 Democratic presidential candidate made during the … They don't care about the hidden meanings and message the candidates are trying to convey. … presidential candidates have picked to sum up their messages and amp up their supporters. ??…
Fake Polls Are Back Again
– A new Quinnipiac University poll boasts nothing but good news for the top Democratic presidential contenders. … presidential candidates. … In presidential elections, party bases always stay loyal to their nominee, so both candidates attempt to appeal to the political center…
Democratic Debate Lineups Have Been Released. Who's Taking The Stage First?…been-released-whos-taking-the-stage-on-which-nights-n2548271
– After trimming down the pickings to a measly 20 candidates, the Democratic National Committee has released the lineups for the first … "I’m looking forward to the first debate of the Democratic presidential primary on Wednesday, June 26 on @NBCNews and having an opportunity … I’m looking forward to the first debate of the Democratic presidential primary on Wednesday, June 26 on @NBCNews and having an opportunity…
Left-Wing Group Targeting Democratic Primary Voters: We Must Pack the Supreme Court…ratic-primary-voters-we-must-pack-the-supreme-court-n2548106
– A left-wing group led by a former Hillary Clinton aide is running digital ads targeting Democratic primary voters and calling for … Supreme Court, a move that if undertaken during a Democratic presidency would shift the ideological makeup of the court," the Washington … In my interview with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell last week, he said vows from some presidential candidates and groups like…
White House Slams Office of Special Counsel Recommendation for Kellyanne Conway…special-counsel-recommendation-for-kellyanne-conway-n2548176
– Additionally, it appears that OSC has not been applying its vague standards evenhandedly across Democratic and Republican administrations … OSC, unrelated to Robert Mueller's Special Counsel, claims Conway used her official government position to "disparage Democrat presidential … and Senate candidates" during media interviews and on social media.  …
Oregon Joins Effort To Alter Electoral College, But Here's Why Nevada's Democratic Governor Refused…eft-coast-has-united-to-alter-the-electoral-college-n2548144
– Oregon’s Democratic Gov. Kate Brown signed the bill into law yesterday. … That’s because of a bill signed into law Wednesday by Democratic Gov. Kate Brown. … “I think it will encourage candidates to spend more time in states like ours, speaking directly to our voters.”…
Office of Special Counsel Formally Requests Kellyanne Be Relieved of Her Duties
– In a letter released on Thursday, the OSC explains that not only has Conway violated the Hatch Act by disparaging Democratic candidates … Last month, she trashed the agenda of 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. … “Her actions thus erode the principal foundation of our democratic system — the rule of law.”…
Joe Biden Flubs It
– WASHINGTON -- It is increasingly difficult to be a Democratic presidential candidate. … There are some 20 candidates who are running for the presidency today. Tomorrow there could be 30. … Why all the Democratic candidates are rushing to the left I cannot say, and I have seen no one undertake an analysis of the matter.…
Democrats Already Sick of Their Own Candidates
– Polling data from Iowa, where the first presidential nomination ballots will be cast next February, show a Democratic Party wishing … Bill de Blasio, mayor of New York City, is one of the two dozen candidates for the Democratic nomination for president.   … Most of the Democratic candidates have angered the liberal base by avoiding the absurd demands for impeachment of Trump.  …
NBC Names Debate Moderators -- or Celebrators
– The first Democratic presidential debates are scheduled for NBC and MSNBC on June 26 and 27. … The Comcast-owned networks have just announced a team of five moderators for the 20 candidates who are allowed to participate, or one … Maddow's show has been a hot spot in recent months for easy, positive publicity for Democratic presidential candidates ... and Hillary…
NBC Announces Moderators For First Democratic Presidential Debate…moderators-for-first-democratic-presidential-debate-n2548016
– NBC News on Tuesday announced the moderators of the first 2020 Democratic debate, scheduled for June 26 and 27 in Miami, Florida. … @savannahguthrie, @lesterholtnbc, @chucktodd, @jdbalart and @maddow will be moderators for the first Democratic presidential primary … participate. 10 candidates will be on the event stage each night.…
Biden’s Plagiarizing Reveals Hollow Candidacy
– Considering that plagiarism charges forced Biden to withdraw from the 1988 presidential race after reporters uncovered that he had … The problem Joe Biden will face as he meekly echoes the hard-left positions of his fellow candidates is that each new flip-flop will … Newt Gingrich, a Republican, served as House speaker from 1995 to 1999 and ran as a presidential candidate in 2012.…
Democrats Want Beto to Drop Out and Run for Senate
Democratic presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke is increasingly facing pressure to drop out of the 2020 presidential race and run for … Democratic Senate Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) told The Hill he hopes a few Democratic presidential candidates will reconsider their bid … “We have a number of presidential aspirants who would make excellent senatorial candidates, but they first have to be committed to…
That’s Our Playbook: Why Trump Is Making Some Of Obama’s Former Key 2012 Staffers Very Nervous…ome-of-obamas-former-key-2012-staffers-very-nervous-n2547907
– The 23 Democratic presidential campaigns are naturally focused on proximate targets, such as winning early states and meeting the DNC … The Democratic candidates should be careful not to get caught up in a primary debate that rewards purity (No fundraisers! … democratic—values.…
New Poll: Voters See Democrats as Extremists
Candidates were split on two stages between two nights, with each hour proving Democrats have officially abandoned any moderate position … Voters see most of the Democratic presidential candidates as more liberal than they are and rate their agenda as outside the mainstream … Voters consider most of the announced candidates for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination to be about the same as they are in…
The Democratic Debate Debacle: Part II, Darkness Falls
– On Wednesday night, when the closing bell rang on the first Democratic presidential debate, many were justifiably certain that we had … Much like Wednesday night’s debacle of Democrat discourse, the candidates screamed for socialism over a strong economy. … And like Wednesday night’s Democratic exercise in futility, Thursday’s failed to provide a single reason to make a change from a successful…
The Democrats' Debate Could Have Been Worse
– Expectations could not have been lower going into round one of the Democrat Party's ridiculously overcrowded presidential debate in … But some candidates clearly did better than others. … Wednesday night's opening Democratic debate is already old news.…
Maybe Try Winning
– Most Americans think it is, but most of the Democratic presidential candidates think it should not be.…
Is This A Sign That Beto O'Rourke's 2020 Presidential Campaign Is On Life Support?…urkes-2020-presidential-campaign-is-on-life-support-n2549145
– The first Democratic debate is over. Part II is tonight. It was a left-wing frenzy of ideas. … The 10 candidates in Miami on Wednesday night at the Democratic National Committee’s first debate were pressured, one way or another … presidential debate Wednesday night may have been White House hopeful Beto O’Rourke’s “last hurrah."…
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