Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Democrats Are Trying to Get Revenge on Mitch McConnell With This SCOTUS Proposal…r-suggests-dems-propose-expanding-the-supreme-court-n2542975
– "We should be talking even about expanding the number of people who serve on the Supreme Court, if there is a Democratic President … Not according to a few 2020 presidential candidates. Both Sen. … He said he finds “most intriguing” a structure in which five justices are appointed by Democratic presidents, five are appointed by…
Early Polls: Are Establishment Democrats and the Media Underestimating Bernie's Chances?
– Party and the rise of progressive presidential candidates are unnerving moderate Democrats who increasingly fear that the party could … Two months into the presidential campaign, the leading Democratic contenders have largely broken with consensus-driven politics and … A pillar of organized labor, the International Association of Fire Fighters, is prepared to support him in the Democratic primary.…
AOC: An Outrageous Congresswoman
– She was selected from a large group of candidates who submitted their credentials to the committee. … In less than three months, she has upended the Congress and the Democratic Party. … Nevertheless, four of the Democratic Party presidential candidates have embraced the Green New Deal, clearly showing AOC’s influence…
It's Time to Turn the Hunters Into the Hunted
– Contrast this with nine Democrat presidential candidates boycotting the American Israel Public Affairs Committee this week. … Trump has single-handedly changed the dynamic between Jews and the Democratic Party. That's relentless. … It's time to relentlessly special counsel the Democratic Party into oblivion.…
The Electoral College Is More Democratic than the Alternatives…al-college-is-more-democratic-than-the-alternatives-n2543977
– Electoral College suggest that the Left is gearing up to make elimination of the Electoral College a centerpiece of the 2020 presidential … Such appeals will likely strike a chord with the American public as the presidential selection process is one of the least understood … Theoretically, under such “democratic” reforms, a candidate selected by only a fringe of the country could win the presidency.…
Sexual Politics in the Age of Trump
– Clinton, in defeat, inspired women to march, gave courage to female candidates and fired ambition to succeed where she had failed. … The war between the sexes has always found ample battlegrounds, but now, without Hillary Clinton in the fight, Democratic women are … Feminists once cheered the tease of a male presidential candidate taking a woman as running mate.…
Proposed Voting Changes Are About Power, Not Principles…posed-voting-changes-are-about-power-not-principles-n2543824
– Progressive candidates and new Democratic representatives have offered lots of radical new proposals lately about voting and voters … Bush in 2000 and three earlier winning presidential candidates, lost the popular vote. … In response, the Electoral College was designed to discourage crowded fields of all sorts of fringe presidential candidates in which…
No Evidence Of Collusion, No Surprise
– Trump was illegitimately elected and that he and/or his campaign conspired with the Russians to undermine Hillary Clinton's presidential … We can expect plenty of grandstanding by Democratic committee members if that happens. … This is all the Democrats have, other than their presidential candidates promising the moon along with higher taxes to help them reach…
Beto O'Rourke: Late-term Abortions Are 'About Women Making Their Own Decisions About Their Own Body'…men-making-their-own-decisions-about-their-own-body-n2543714
– Senate seat in Texas was Democratic Sen. … Of the candidates who have announced or are considering a run, O'Rourke is the youngest. … Gerow said, "Look, he is charismatic in a presidential field vying to show their presidential timber."…
Here's What Pelosi, Schumer Had to Say About the Summary of Mueller Report
– The also called for the report to be made public—a point echoed by 2020 Democratic presidential candidates.…
Flashback: Remember When Democrats Said They Had 'Confidence' In Robert Mueller…that-time-democrats-had-confidencein-robert-mueller-n2543656
– /8Bw7IgumDX — Jerry Dunleavy (@JerryDunleavy) March 24, 2019 Yet, Beth noted something odd about the statements from the 2020 candidates … Now, the media is pathetically trying to spin the obstruction bit, while the Democratic field waits to pretty much repeat what the … that special counsel Robert Mueller has impaneled a grand jury as part of his inquiry into Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential
Biden Will Be A Bust
– It looks like another heavyweight Democratic presidential contender is on the verge of entering the race. … Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont tied at 26 percent, leading the large field of candidates. … His presidential races in 1988 and 2008 were miserable failures.…
Why Joe May Be Courting Stacey
– They identify a fault line that runs through the Democratic Party, separating leftists who believe in equality of results for all races … The egalitarian wing of the Democratic Party sees this as inherently unjust. … How, with a record like this, does Biden inoculate himself against attacks by rival candidates, especially candidates of color, in…
Abolishing the Electoral College Would Be a Mistake
– Until 1972 -- through conventions, smoke-filled rooms, etc. -- the parties, not the voters, determined who their presidential candidates … I think the way the Electoral College forces candidates to build broader coalitions across the nation is valuable. … For instance, the Bill of Rights and the Supreme Court are not purely democratic.…
Old Rules of Thumb Yield to Even Older Ones
– The Democratic Party, from its formation in 1832, has been a coalition of those regarded as out-peoples, often at odds with one another … So we see multiple presidential candidates racing to embrace programs with 8 to 20-some percent support in the general electorate -…
Why Democrats Fear the Electoral College
– It looks as if most Democratic Party presidential hopefuls are following her lead. … For example, we have the kind of system that might induce a Democratic presidential candidate to consider the voters of Wisconsin from … If Republican presidential candidates concentrated their efforts on the huge untapped reserve of GOP voters in big states, the "popular…
White House Slams Bernie Sanders' Plan to Kill Private Health Insurance…ernie-sanders-plan-to-kill-private-health-insurance-n2544599
– From the AP (bolding is mine):  As before, the Democratic presidential candidate’s signature proposal would replace job-based and … In this latest version, Sanders added coverage for long-term care.Some Democratic 2020 hopefuls point to their support of Medicare … Other Democrat presidential candidates like Kirsten Gillibrand are backing the legislation. …
Dems' Tax Hypocrisy
– No law requires officeholders or candidates to reveal their tax filings, and the IRS is legally obligated to protect that privacy. … It's part of the Democratic Party's class warfare toolkit: demonize high earners who use legal opportunities to lower their taxes. … Congress doesn't need six years of Trump's filings to make sure the IRS is auditing presidential returns.…
Face It: Biden And Bernie Are Too Old To Be President
– Whatever their differences, the two front-runners in the Democratic presidential race, Joe Biden, born Nov. 20, 1942, and Bernie Sanders … Voters are clearly open to older candidates. … The party has a host of candidates who are of prime age for the presidency.…
The Majority of Democrats are Not Liberal, New York Times Says…ty-of-democrats-are-not-liberal-new-york-times-says-n2544482
– New York Times suggests that the silent majority of Democrats, “has the numbers to decide the Democratic presidential nomination in … “Over all, around half of Democratic-leaning voters consider themselves ‘moderate’ or ‘conservative.’” … In the article, the Times suggests that this large group of voters are needed for Democratic candidates to win elections, but are hard…
Socialized Healthcare Cruelty: UK Government Rations Eye Surgeries, Leaving 'Thousands' to Go Blind…t-rations-eye-surgery-leaving-thousands-to-go-blind-n2544390
– As we've written about on numerous occasions, multiple 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, and nearly half of the House Democratic
Dear Democrats: Your Desire For Reparations Leaves Us With These Questions…sire-for-reparations-leaves-us-with-these-questions-n2544401
– Last week, virtually every serious 2020 Democratic presidential candidate spent an unserious period of time embarrassingly kissing … Speaking of Meyers, the guy tore into the “buffoonery” and “sheer racial rhetoric” surrounding Al Sharpton, the Democratic candidates … on the part of the presidential candidates.…
Reparations For Slavery: Be Careful What You Wish For…ng-reparations-for-slavery-be-careful-what-wish-for-n2544398
– Last weekend, a large number of Democratic Party Presidential candidates attended the National Action Network convocation, hosted … After all, these presidential candidates promised to sign a bill to convene a commission—nothing more, right? … What a strange irony: Democratic Party Presidential candidates want to enact reparations, but it was their party that reinvigorated…
Trump The Madman Somehow Tricked A Bunch Of Democrats Into Defending MS-13 Thugs (Again)…ked-a-bunch-of-democrats-into-defending-ms-13-thugs-n2544380
– In their earnest desire to ruin the current president of the United States with lies and slander, liberals, Democratic representatives … , and presidential hopefuls have begun defending the virtuosity of violent gang members who stab their victims more than 100 times … But, this still wouldn't explain what happened when Democratic presidential 2020 candidates Pete Buttigieg, Kirsten Gillibrand, and…
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