Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Battle for Control of the Republican Party Begins
– Rove made nasty and hurtful remarks about conservative candidates he didn't like. … Establishment candidates should be called "me-too" Republicans, a label coined to describe two-time presidential loser Tom Dewey who … said "me too" to obnoxious Democratic programs and to Nelson Rockefeller (who lost three attempts to get the Republican presidential
Communism, Crime and the Republican Eclipse
– For a long time, the Republican Party had a proven formula for presidential elections, winning seven out of 10 times from 1968 through … One explanation is that Republican candidates have done so much to hurt themselves -- insulting women with obtuse remarks about abortion … In 1988, Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis hurt himself by opposing the death penalty.…
GOP Has Trouble Settling on Candidates Who Can Win
– The fact is that some candidates who rise up from nowhere turn out to have good political instincts, like Wisconsin Sen. … But such outsider movements also produce some candidates with a gift for campaign-losing gaffes. … He really was the Republican establishment in 2002, when he picked winning candidates in key races.…
Where's Luca Brasi When You Need Him?
– You would think Akin would stand in history to teach Republicans to stop giving away winnable seats by running ridiculous candidates … Democrats don't reward candidates who hurt them. Where's John Edwards' comeback campaign? … There are no benefits to damaging the Democratic Party.…
Don't Blame Campaign Aides for GOP's Woes
Democratic consultant Pat Caddell got the ball rolling with his remarks at a CPAC session titled “Should We Shoot All the Consultants … said 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. … But in the long run, winning candidates win and losers lose, regardless of who the consultant is.…
'Me Too' Republicans
– than just to conservatives.In the words of the "Growth and Opportunity Project," the problem is that conservative Republican candidates … Romney was as mushy a moderate as Senator John McCain was before him -- and as many other Republican losers in presidential elections … Republican candidates "need to do a better job talking in normal, people-oriented terms."Absolutely.…
25 Examples of Liberal Racism in Quotes
– .’" -- Jesse Jackson’s description of New York City while on the 1984 presidential campaign trail. 4) "A few years ago, (Barack … Nader 6) "(Harry Reid) was wowed by Obama's oratorical gifts and believed that the country was ready to embrace a black presidential … He would have been right during the great conflict of civil war in this nation." -- Former Democratic Senator Christopher Dodd (D.,…
Sorry, GOP, but You Will Never Out-Care the Democrats
– Republicans now have a comprehensive "autopsy" report detailing some of the perceived and some of the real shortcomings of the 2012 presidential … Alas, the "perception that the GOP does not care about people is doing great harm to the Party and its candidates," states the report … But rest assured, politically speaking, the GOP will never out-"care" the Democratic Party. It will never out-empathize it.…
NSA-IRS-M-O-U-S-E: Email Hate Mail
– Imagine if unions gave money to GOP candidates, who then went and signed fat benefit contracts on behalf of the people who gave them … He has many advantages that other candidates won’t have.  And twice he eked out a victory.  … As long as that is the case, the Catholics will be treated like dirt by the Democratic Party. In his article, Mr.…
2016 Poll: Rand Paul Leads Pack, Rubio Plummets
– No doubt other presidential candidates will attack him from the Right, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see him tout his “Gang of Eight … Clinton continues to dominate the Democratic race, although her 40 point lead this month is down a bit from 50 and 46 points on our … This isn’t to say that another dark horse candidate (or one of these obviously second-tier candidates) couldn’t emerge and sweep the…
Floating Conservatives
– If the shows air, he threatens not to allow those networks to provide questioners for the 2016 GOP presidential candidates' debates … A better strategy would be to demand the right of Republicans to choose one panel member to question Democratic presidential candidates … ticket, especially if Clinton is the Democratic nominee), but there seems to be agreement to first get the policies right, talking…
Poll: Alaska Republicans Want Palin for Senate
– It's been rumored for months that former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin might run for the U.S. … A new Public Policy Poll shows Palin is a top choice for the Republican primary and is leading other potential candidates by 10 points … She's still down with voters outside of the Republican primary in a match up with Democratic Senator Mark Begich.…
GOP Moving Closer to Senate Takeover
– rarely a disagreement among them, and as the dominant political force in the country by virtue of their victory in the 2012 presidential … Many are in heavily Democratic states that are politically pivotal presidential battlegrounds in the upper Midwest that could shape … Last year, two GOP Senate candidates were on a path to expected victories in Indiana and Missouri, until they made unfortunate remarks…
Why Elections Matter: A Tale of Two States
– success, particularly in the Great Lakes states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin where Republican gubernatorial candidates … On Election Day 2012 Democrats took sweeping control of both chambers, returning government to liberal Democrats – and liberal Democratic … They have voted the same way in the last seven presidential contests.…
It's Time Conservatives Show Christie the Door
– Christie rose to Republican super-stardom after handily defeating Democrat incumbent Governor Jon Corzine, breaking a streak of Democratic … His brash, in-your-face style contrasted favorably with that of more traditional and cautious GOP establishment candidates, like Mitt … Many conservatives actually were disappointed when Christie decided to forgo the presidential race in 2012 to focus on New Jersey,…
Could Today's Libertarian Be Tomorrow's Liberal?
– Because of this, Libertarians could find themselves recruited by Democratic candidates in the upcoming elections. … Libertarians are not very organized; however, with over 1 million voting for the official Libertarian Party’s nominee in the last Presidential … election, these voters will be even more valuable in a non-Presidential election.…
Why the RNC Chair is Right to Ditch NBC and CNN Hosting Debates…chair-is-right-to-ditch-nbc-and-cnn-hosting-debates-n1661904
– media and both political parties last week by threatening to pull the rights of NBC and CNN to broadcast the 2016 Republican presidential … Hillary Clinton is the leading front runner in Democratic polls for president in 2016. … I’m appalled you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that.”…
Conservative Women Work to Bridge Gap Between the Republican Party and Female Voters
– Over the past decade, the Democratic Party has achieved electoral success by painting the GOP as ‘anti-woman.’ … perceptions of the Republican Party: The perception that the GOP is “anti-woman” is a recent phenomenon evidenced in this past presidential … single women under the age of 35, resulting in widespread disenchantment of the GOP driving women away from Mitt Romney and other candidates
Q-poll: McAuliffe 48, Cuccinelli 42 in Virginia
– McAulliffe's edge is on "caring," a Democratic calling card.   … The candidates break even 45 - 46 percent among men while McAuliffe takes women 50 - 38 percent. … candidates in recent memory, what lessons will the Republican Party and many future primary voters internalize?  …
Conservatism, Texas Style: Latinos Are Making Their Home in a Welcoming GOP…le-latinos-are-making-their-home-in-a-welcoming-gop-n1690658
– Latinos, who have leaned Democratic, demographically are surging in Texas.  … By achieving sufficient Democratic preeminence in Texas progressives could turn the White House blue.  And they know it. … So far the Texas GOP has thwarted this attempted Democratic coup d’etat. …
Democrat Economics Work Great if You're: 1) In Congress; or 2) Aren't Human…work-great-if-youre-1-in-congress-or-2-arent-human-n1688672
– As the Democratic Party's candidate, the board is naturally tilted in Smith's favor. … By the way, Obama spent $1.5 billion on his two presidential candidacies, all but killing public campaign finance. … Oh, and don’t worry about our candidates.…
Libertarian Populism and the GOP
– -Letter from Ludwig von Mises to Ayn Rand "We can't all be born rich and handsome and lucky, and that's why we have a Democratic … The Republican split is a mirror image of the Democratic one. … Firstly, midterm elections work differently from presidential elections.…
Samuel L. Jackson to Obama: Stop Dropping Your G’s, “Be F***ing Presidential”…iation-be-fking-presidential--stop-trying-to-relate-n1709649
– Be f**king presidential,” he said. “Look, I grew up in a society where I could say ‘It ain’t’ or ‘What it be’ to my friends. … : There is now something infantilizing about this election. […] More than ever on the campaign trail, the candidates … All of the candidates say "mom and dad": "our moms and dads who are struggling." This is Mr.…
Democrats and Their Dinosaurs
– Look at the crop of oft-cited Democratic presidential hopefuls for 2016 and you have a hard time surmising how the party’s captured … As for the second tier, Andrew Cuomo owes a lion’s share of his presidential caliber to his famous last name, with his father likely … Furthermore, the presence of trackers dogging candidates for gaffes is more prevalent than ever; if this is already occurring in a…
Terry McAuliffe, a Victim of Dirty Tricks
– and the US Supreme Court hadn't tampered with the results,” raved Terry McAuliffe shortly after his election to Chairman of the Democratic … And 24 years later Republican Presidential candidates were still at it, claimed McAuliffe.…
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