Results for: is the us at war with iran

One Also Needs to Know Who His Enemies Are
The reaction of certain groups in the US is indicative and will need a response from those who want a safe and successful United States … He patched my dad up and a friend of my dad who later served in the US Army got the self-same doctor out of jail after the war as he … And the same is true with their views of Israel.…
Nuclear War Is the Ultimate 'Climate Change'
– “This is not a joke,” he said. “Y’know what the Joint Chiefs told us the greatest threat facing America was? Global warming!” … still believe that climate change isthe largest threat facing the U.S. and the world since it is capable of ‘wiping out all human … With Israel declaring war on Hamas, and effectively against Iran, where might that clock stand now?…
Biden's Security Team Briefed US Senators on Hamas' Israel Attack and Drew an Unbelievable Conclusion…als-no-link-between-iran-and-hamas-attack-on-israel-n2629672
is no direct link between Iran and Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel.  … “Currently the US is reviewing intelligence they have gathered to see how this attack was missed.” … Muir, Deputy Director for Mission Integration at ODNI, says THERE IS NO DIRECT LINK BETWEEN IRAN AND THE OCTOBER 7th ATTACKS. — Jacqui…
Terrorists Supporting Terrorists
– most with their voters in the upcoming election. … Watching footage of committed goons toss firebombs at police officers, I’d look at the people around those mutants – the young, college … Forget Iran, with the billions the Obama and Biden have given to Iran, the policies of the Democratic Party have made the United States…
Exclusive: Condoleezza Rice Notices What Was Missing From Joe Biden's Speech on Israel and Hamas…ondoleezza-rice-on-israel-hamas-iran-biden-and-more-n2629659
– But it might have allowed us a kind of reset on where we were with Iran. … The full interview is available for streaming above, and is accessible here. … To the extent that the phrase reflects some reality, this too is the fault of Hamas.…
Ted Cruz Speaks Hard Truths on Hamas' Attack on Israel: 'Paid for By Joe Biden and the Democrats'…k-on-israel-paid-for-by-joe-biden-and-the-democrats-n2629658
– This is especially with regards to the $6 billion that the United States released to Iran as part of a prisoner exchange, a move that … And, it has to do with the role Democrats played. "I’ll tell you what is infuriating about this.  … "And so the harm that is coming from the Biden administration is horrific."…
Take Back Gaza and Never Give It Back
– Israel during the Six-Day War in 1967. … Door to door fighting is difficult with an enemy that does not value life or have moral restraints in waging war on Israel. … It’s time to freeze the funds promised in the hostage deal and reimplement the economic sanctions on Iran.…
Finish Them, Israel
The death toll is at least 700 people. … The wild card here is Iran—what are they going to do? … Iran is the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, and the regime's fingerprints are all over this attack.  …
Iran Is the Head of the Snake and Biden Is a Dolt
– Their view is that restraint is the key to dealing with a terrorist entity that just literally filled the sky with rockets.  … Iran is the puppet-master in this relationship, and Hamas is the illiterate, stupid, homophobic, and mindless violent puppet.  … It certainly is possible. Iran has the money, fresh from Biden’s team, and the motivation.…
American Blood Has Been Made Cheap
The death of US citizens shocked the American people and is considered one of the factors that brought the US into World War I against … The US simply is nonplussed by the coldblooded murder of its own nationals. … The Israelis did it with the Munich terrorists, and there is no reason that the US cannot do the same—if the will is there to do it…
The Single Most Important Reality About Israel's War Against The Savages…ty-about-israels-war-against-iran-backed-terrorists-n2629534
Iran-sponsored Hezbollah opened a second front of the war from the north, triggering Israeli reprisals.   … Iran is the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, and the regime's fingerprints are all over this attack.   … Finally, as the war rages, I'll leave you with this: You are about to withstand a barrage of lies about the war that broke out today…
Gaza Belongs to Israel
– Today’s notion of political Palestine is the creation of the late, international terrorist Yasser Arafat, then Chairman of the PLO. … Unlike our proxy war in Ukraine, there is no room for equivocation. … That’s the point of God’s relationship with Israel, the people from whom the Messiah has come.…
The Climate War Is Over: China Won
– But despite the posturing, even a diminished Biden ought to know the climate war is over. China won. … Meanwhile, the U.S. is bogged down in Ukraine, and Iran-supported Hamas just started a war with Israel. … With climate, not defense or containment, as the U.S. focus, China is free to roam. …
Our Press Complex Finds It Difficult to Condemn Terrorism Brutality Against Jewish Citizens…condemn-terrorism-brutality-against-jewish-citizens-n2629590
– 10.09.23 This edition will look at media reactions to the outbreak of war in Israel. … Here is Mohyeldin looking strictly and entirely at Israel and leveling all of the criticism on that country; that is to say, he is … Note that in this three-minute discussion with Ali Velshi, there is not a single word of criticism on the barbarism of the Hamas attackers…
Is the Hamas Attack Just the Tip of the Spear
The extent of the attack and the tools of war used give every indication that Iran was involved both in supplying the weapons and in … Saudi Arabia, concerned about the growing strength of Iran, is asking for help in creating the nuclear capability to match Iran. … Saudi Arabia is working to increase its ties to the US. Iran is nurturing better relationships with Russia and China.…
Hamas’ Surprise Attack - A Personal Perspective
– We saw young men in uniform driving, hitching rides with others. Then at 4:00pm our son came home, the newlywed.   … Thankfully, for the moment at least, much of the world also recognizes that we are in the right and Hamas is on the wrong side.  … This is war, and while Judaism has clear rules about going to war, there is no room for empowering or emboldening the terrorists one…
Biden Faces Heat After Handing Out $6 Billion to Iran Amid Israel Attack…after-handing-out-funds-to-iran-amid-israel-attack-n2629501
– Republicans in the US House open an investigation into how that $6 billion Joe Biden just sent to Iran was distributed. … Iran is behind today’s invasion & everyone must say that." The tragedy in Israel is not just a failure of Israeli intelligence. … It is a profound indictment of US-led policy on Iran.Hamas is being funded and equipped by Tehran… which the US has been appeasing…
As Israeli PM Netanyahu Declares State of War, Disturbing Accounts Emerge Along the Gaza Strip
– Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel was in a state of war in a meeting with his cabinet at the outset of the attacks … The second objective, at the same time, is to exact an immense price from the enemy, within the Gaza Strip as well. … The third objective is to reinforce other fronts so that nobody should mistakenly join this war.  We are at war.…
Biden and Blinken Capitulate to Iranian Blackmail
– When it comes to Iran, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is the arch appeaser. … While the partial release of the American hostages is welcome, it is disgraceful that the US has agreed to reward the theocratic fascist … He is the Coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change (CiC).…
Lawmakers Torch Biden on Second Anniversary of Kabul's Fall to the Taliban…den-on-second-anniversary-of-kabuls-fall-to-taliban-n2627054
– withdrawal from the country was on a collision course with death and disaster. … While the Biden administration is, understandably, doing nothing to remember the events of August 2021, there are plenty of lawmakers … back the trust of the men and women willing to sacrifice everything to keep us safe" while also remembering their "responsibility to…
Who Will Say No More to the Current Madness?
– Britain slept in the 1930s as an inevitable war with Hitler loomed. … Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go." … China spies inside and over the U.S. with impunity.…
Fact-Check: Was Biden Really Standing at Ground Zero the Day After 9/11?…ping-911-memorial-biden-tells-another-made-up-story-n2628275
– Yesterday, Joe Biden became the first US president not to attend a memorial ceremony at one of the three attack sites on an anniversary … is very much still with us.   … Ground Zero] the next day and looking at the building.…
To Stop Endless Wars, Iran Needs Regime Change
the start of the war in Afghanistan in 2001, a sum that underscores the immense financial burden that conflicts have placed on the … But the extent of the cost imposed is becoming clearer. … All the world needs to do is to stop legitimizing and dealing with the regime and instead recognize the right of the people to resist…
Senator Tuberville's Not Only Fighting Pentagon's Illegal Abortion Policy, But Fake News…only-fighting-illegal-pentagon-policy-but-fake-news-n2628964
– Some outlets have been running with claims that Tuberville is blocking the nominees and promotions, even though Schumer can and has … Tuberville did not object to the confirmation votes, saying he will maintain his holds but is fine with bringing up nominations individually … They’d sooner negotiate with Iran, al Qaeda, and the Taliban than negotiate with Tommy Tuberville or Mike Lee.…
Biden’s Hostage Deal: An Affront to Our Efforts to Hold Iran Accountable…an-affront-to-our-efforts-to-hold-iran-accountable-n2628836
Iran is the most significant funder of Hezbollah and Hamas, two terrorist groups that regularly attack Iran and wreak havoc in the … But Biden’s dithering with sanctions and assistance started and have allowed the war to persist. … Let’s be clear, Iranthe world’s largest state sponsor of terror — is not an ally.…
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