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Terrorists Supporting Terrorists

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AP Photo/Fatima Shbair

It took Joe Biden three days, but he finally did get around to strongly condemning Hamas terrorists slaughtering innocent Jews in Israel. We now have an answer to the question of how long it takes Democrats to run focus groups to see which side of the war will help them most with their voters in the upcoming election.


It was touch-and-go for a while there, as Democrats and Democrat organizations climbed all over themselves to express solidarity with their terrorist brothers. For my money, if you cheer terrorists, you are a terrorist. I’ve held this belief for a long time, but it came to the forefront during the summer of BLM/ANTIFA riots. 

Watching footage of committed goons toss firebombs at police officers, I’d look at the people around those mutants – the young, college age men and women standing around watching the terrorists throw their Molotov cocktails. They didn’t care. Maybe they were taken off-guard by the attempted murder happening right next to them, though there’s not a lot of ambiguity in it. But what happened next made me lose any interest in their wellbeing: they did nothing. 

These idiots may not have thrown Molotov cocktails or rocks themselves, but they didn’t leave the second the weapon came out. In my mind, that makes them complicit. If police had justifiably defended themselves by opening fire, hitting both the terrorist who was trying to kill them and the terrorist sympathizer cheering or even just watching it happen, I’d make no difference. If the weapons come out and you don’t leave, you’ve chosen a side. 

I feel the same way about the mutants and militants celebrating terrorism in Israel. Democrats, all, they felt compelled to march and chant in favor of murderers. They waved flags and called for more death, justifying the killing because they say Palestinians are oppressed. Well, if they’d stop the terrorism they wouldn’t be. 


Israel has no interest in them. If they’d stop trying to kill Jews, they could run their own lives however they like. They’re incapable of it, so brainwashed by corrupt leaders looting their treasury while blaming Jews for the suffering they’re causing. How do you think Yasser Arafat died a billionaire? His good looks? 

The current terrorists learned from him. They’re not going hungry. But to distract from their raping and pillaging, they blame the Jews. The heirs of allies of Hitler still remember what they learned from him about the power of scapegoating. You can do anything, rip off and oppress anyone, as long as you give the people you’re scamming someone else to hate or blame more. 

It’s the business model of Black Lives Matter. BLM has pledged their loyalty to Hamas because A) there’s a lot of anti-Semitism in the black community no one wants to talk about, B) BLM leadership learned from Arafat how to get rich on behalf of the poor. Quick, name one person not involved with BLM that BLM helped. Organizers got rich, the people they claim to care about so deeply got nothing. 

BLM “stands in solidarity” with the terrorists because they are terrorists too. They inflict terror in people’s hearts in the hope of inspiring attacks like we saw last Saturday. “We must stand unwaveringly on the side of the oppressed. When a people have been subject to decades of apartheid and unimaginable violence, their resistance must not be condemned, but understood as a desperate act of self-defense,” BLM wrote in a statement


It's nearly impossible to see that as anything other than an attempt to a recruitment message for people to repeat the actions of Hamas here. 

BLM isn’t interested in the murder of black people by black people, they don’t even talk about it. The truth is you’re much more likely to be victimized – killed, robbed, beaten, etc. – by someone who looks like you than someone who doesn’t, no matter what color your skin is. And if you’re black, your odds of being a victim are significantly higher because so-called leaders are busy chasing something that rarely happens, while ignoring what frequently happens (most murder victims are white, but just barely. When adjusted for population percentage, black people are slaughtered in the US at an unmatched rate – 3,299 white victims, 2,906 black victims in 2019, while the population is only 59 percent white and 12 percent black

Why do Democrats take to the streets to cheer the murder of Jews but not to fight against the murder of black people? That slaughter takes place in cities where Democrats have complete power, not a Republican in elected office for generations. 

Same reason Hamas leadership blames Jews for everything, which is the same reason the guy running the 3-card monte game in Times Square never stops talking: it’s a distraction. When “leaders,” particularly ineffective leaders, never stop talking, it’s important to know that is a distraction tactic. Then you have to ask yourself the uncomfortable question of what it is they might want to distract people from. 


It's always money. It’s always money.

They are either stealing it, as in Arafat’s case, or trying to raise it, as in the case of Democrats. What they aren’t trying to do is solve anything; to fix anything. 

Some Democrats are terrorists adjacent; sympathizers, really. A lawyer named Lisa Bildy put it best, “Many people in the West have long been flirting with very dangerous ideas from the safety of a stable society.   Did they really think that provocative concepts like ‘unearned privilege,’ ‘decolonization’ and evil ‘whiteness’ would just stay in academia and never be acted upon in the streets? That fostering resentment and oppression narratives would somehow morph society into euphoric liberation and unity without first opening the gates of hell?  I fear they are about to discover that steadily hacking away at the guardrails that kept the worst impulses of human nature in check was really, really stupid. And there will be no ‘safe spaces’ and coloring books to protect them (or the rest of us).” 

When the blood comes here, and it will – there is no other endgame for what the left has been preaching and teaching – it will be on the hands of Democrats. They support terrorists, they sympathize with them. Forget Iran, with the billions the Obama and Biden have given to Iran, the policies of the Democratic Party have made the United States the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism. That’s not by accident. Progressive power thrives in chaos. Without it, people will think, and thinking is kryptonite for leftist policies. 


As terrorist-supporting Democrats run from reporters, unable to say what they truly believe, Democrat leaders defend and deflect for their colleagues who are less-skilled at the game. But make no mistake, they are all fingers on the same fist, a fist they’d happily use to bloody you up if and when it suits their needs. 

These Democrats are terrorist sympathizers. If they don’t put an end to their association with these progressive extremist groups and members within their own ranks, it’s only a matter of time before they cross the line and remove the “sympathizers” part. 

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to be. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.

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