Results for: insights and issues

A Republican Edge on Issues, but a Bigger Edge for the Party That Dumps Its 2020 Nominee…gger-edge-for-the-party-that-dumps-its-2020-nominee-n2621943
– It's just one poll, conducted by SSRS Research for CNN, but it provides interesting evidence about where voters are on issues, and … have the advantage on social and cultural issues (36%-33%) and abortion (40%-30%). … loyalties and dump their overage and unpopular 2020 presidential nominees.…
The Liberal Doth Vote Too Much, Methinks,_methinks
– But most of my readers don’t know why and they would like to hear my insights, if not incites. … and “What was the principal reason for your decision?” … Most also seem to have ignored the issues – as they made a voting decision on the basis of vague notions of faith, hope, and change…
Palin's Experience
– Having managed her state’s department responsible for oil and gas exploration and exploitation, having negotiated a long-delayed natural … and thanks to her own public sector service and that of her offspring in the U.S. … issues we are confronting.…
Gary Becker (1930-2014)
– in politics, go on in utter ignorance of his penetrating insights. … So do laws and policies that make discrimination worse. … He asked my reason and, never known for diplomatic skills, I said, "I am not learning anything."…
New Poll Shows Gen Z Is Pretty Confused About Socialism, Capitalism, And More…pretty-confused-about-socialism-capitalism-and-more-n2551861
– But, how do students truly feel about issues such as socialism, free speech, health care, and illegal immigration? … "Today’s students are hungry for ideas and keyed into the issues of the day but are frequently denied venues for free and open dialogue … The poll also found that health care and immigration are the top two political issues Gen Z cares about.…
Biden Slides to Worst Approval Rating Yet
– It outpaces all issues, including Ukraine and (now by a wide margin) COVID. — Nate … One of the examples reviewed was the public framing, and subsequent polling, on Florida's bill on parents' rights and LGBT issues. … Being out of touch on cultural issues doesn't help.  Pile on widespread economic discontentment, and a wave starts to build.…
We Know How Many Voters Support Giving Joe Biden the Boot If He Was Bribed…support-giving-joe-biden-the-boot-if-he-was-bribed-n2626541
– of speculation, which culminated with the release of the bombshell FD-1023 report from the FBI, whose informant alleged that Joe and … has to go, including Democrats (via Issues and Insights):  As the Biden corruption probe broadens, and more evidence comes to the … Just 20% said Biden should “Stay in office and run again in 2024, if he wishes.”…
Pollster: A Red Wave Is Coming...and It's Going to Be Larger Than Expected…prise-us-just-how-much-a-wave-it-is-for-republicans-n2614596
– He added that when two quality candidates are duking it out, the race goes under the radar because the issues are front and center, … And the issues right now do not favor Democrats. … Something that they have not been able to reverse...  […]  When personalities are not front and center then the issues are.…
Congress Shouldn’t Waste Remaining Floor Time on Amy Klobuchar’s Pet Project…remaining-floor-time-on-amy-klobuchars-pet-project-n2610762
– Republicans should focus on addressing bread-and-butter issues relevant to voters instead of going along with the left’s antitrust … Despite what bill sponsors claim, recent polling confirms that AICOA has zero authentic public support as issues like inflation and … A new poll from NetChoice and Echelon Insights shows just how little of a priority antitrust reform is for voters, with inflation clocking…
The Left's Greatest Hits of $#!^ They've Said About Conservatives
– Each group has their own intellectual destination from which they gain their deepest political insights and peruse deep thinking discussion … on current issues. … I will avoid any possibility of seeming eristic and cede the intellectual floor to my left-wing superiors.…
Who Gets to Decide What “Matters”?“matters”
And there are no doubt scores of pundits and political junkies salivating at the prospect of another interminable discussion about … For once, along with all the wonky canned policy responses, it offered real, new insights into the candidates as human beings, and … Obama’s own words and the news about his past associations raised the stakes, precipitating legitimate questions about his views and
The Virtues of Supreme Silence
issues affecting the court." … litigious issues affecting the court." … It can ask those who know her for insights into her temperament and personality.…
Republicans and Blacks
– The issue on which Democrats are most vulnerable, and have the least room to maneuver, is school choice. … Why such great differences between earlier and later times? … And there are people like Shelby Steele and the Thernstroms with valuable insights.…
Why the Public Hates the Press
– I know that there are issues there.” What “issues?" … I know there are issues there.” … There are issues there – a trail of women, accusations of sexual assault, DNA tossed around, and her working to contain all the “bimbo…
So, Is Trump Considering Rudy Giuliani For Attorney General?; UPDATE: Says He's Not In The Running.
And Giuliani's stop-and-frisk police policy as New York mayor, and clients since then, also would be controversial with many senators … Trump’s positions on Russia-related issues and prospects for U.S. … Sessions has said repeatedly that he never discussed campaign-related issues with Russian officials and that it was only in his capacity…
We Need a DNI Who Will Restore the Reputation and Credibility of the Intelligence Community…ation-and-credibility-of-the-intelligence-community-n2568226
and security of all Americans.  … I trust that Ratcliffe will make sure the president and policymakers get straightforward, critical insights as Director of National … , and always.…
Watch: Team Townhall Blasts Biden's Budget
– But it serves as a blueprint for how Democrats plan to fight on economic issues heading into 2024, and a preview of what they might … Its spending and tax proposals were rejected in the last Congress under Democratic majorities and have no chance of passing with a … Click through for a breakdown of all the harmful tax hikes and budgetary sleight of hand the president and his team have proposed.  …
Yet Another Regrettable Outcome of the 2016 Election: Divorce…er-regrettable-outcome-of-the-2016-election-divorce-n2208417
– of racism and sexism that have been attached to him (justified or not)?" … Free and open societies are supposed to talk freely and openly about common issues and ideas ---- but a fellow can be run out of town … He's faltering in the general election, however, and one of the reasons is that lots of otherwise well-educated and thoughtful human…
Bringing Up Girls
and become women known for their sterling character and goodness. … Although I’ve spent years researching and writing about parenting, family and cultural issues, I still marvel at the unique insights … He tackles controversial issues like “The Obsession with Beauty”, “Bullies, Buddies, and Best Friends’, and dedicates an entire chapter…
How Republicans Can Find Themselves
– to scoffing at Paul and his followers. … Paul who were both capable of challenging Obama and attracting minorities and independents … Americans want to elect a leader, and a leader projects consistency, principle and passion.…
Feminization of America Is Bad for the World
– “villain” may well be inverted, but that is a values issue, not a male-nature issue); and that female nature wants the good guy and … When women get married, they are often influenced by their husbands with regard to political and moral issues, just as married men … Both women and men have flawed natures.…
America, France, and the Free Market
And -- no surprise -- cronyism is alive and well. Still, Friedman's critics are right to treat him as a monumental figure. … intended to safeguard employment and prioritize equality and social cohesion. … Over the last decade, France has experienced significant social unrest rooted in economic, political, and social issues.…
Of Course Culture Matters
– Diamond makes some very important insights, and has a brilliant body of written work, but it is important, to beware of what the great … That's why I'm always puzzled by libertarians who think that there is a wall between social and economic issues. … Social issues have economic consequences, and economic circumstances have socio-cultural consequences.…
If You Want to Gauge the Democrats' Lurch Toward the Left, Read This Thread About Bill Clinton…rats-lurch-toward-the-left-read-this-twitter-thread-n2637335
– stole some GOP initiatives, and how some issues that Clinton championed still resonate today, like being tough on crime and curbing … Our system values and rewards geographic diversity, and Bill Clinton dominated by taking on issues typically championed by conservatives … care, and immigration, the GOP could be in some trouble.…
In 2022, Elect More Veterans
– China, Russia, and Iran’s relations appear to be growing stronger and stronger. … They will have the military knowledge and understanding when it comes to voting on issues related to the military and issues surrounding … The retired naval officer has served across the globe and his insights and experiences would greatly benefit the conversations on how…
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