Results for: house subcommittee on health members

What "Winning the Senate" Means
– It will mean that Republicans will have at least one more member on every Committee and Subcommittee than Democrats. … And, because there are 100 Senators that have to do the same amount of work as 435 House Members (only one bill goes to the President … And so on. So, what does winning control of the Senate mean?…
Will GOP Congress Stop D.C.'s Attack on Catholic Schools and Freedom of Conscience
– -Texas, -- introduced a House resolution disapproving RHNDAA. On April 14, Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R. … -Fla., who chairs the House Appropriations Subcommittee with oversight over funding for D.C. … "The speaker would defer to the subcommittee chairman on his bill -- but strongly supports religious freedom, as you know," said Boehner's…
Biden Unveils His COVID Advisory Board. It Includes a Controversial Figure.
– The other members of the advisory board include one name you may recognize, Dr. Rick Bright. … In his testimony before the Subcommittee on Health for the House Committee on Energy in May, Bright argued that President Trump's insistence … HHS Secretary Alex Azar pushed back on the whistleblower doctor's complaints.…
Women's lives 'destroyed' by China's one-child policy, House panel told…lives_destroyed_by_chinas_one-child_policy,_house_panel_told
– Liu Ping joined other witnesses before a House of Representatives subcommittee in providing evidence that China's three-decade-old … toward families by family planning officials, featured testimony from victims and foes of the policy before the House Subcommitteeon Africa, Global Health and Human Rights.…
Why a Biden Cabinet Member Just Resigned
On the spot — no if, ands or buts.” Landry wasn’t ousted, however. … In conversations with staffers on Monday, all of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak … The House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on health, chaired by Rep. Anna G.…
Weekly Friday Document Dump: Solyndra Edition
– The House Energy and Commerce Committee will vote next week on whether or not to deliver a subpoena to the Obama administration regarding … Upton chairs the Energy and Commerce panel, while Stearns leads a subcommittee on investigations. … that those in the White House and other members of the administration played in the Solyndra mess."…
Whistleblower Warns US Government Is 'Middleman' in Child Trafficking at the Border…ent-is-middleman-in-child-trafficking-at-the-border-n2622507
– A Health and Human Services (HHS) whistleblower testified to a House Judiciary Subcommittee on Thursday the U.S. government has become … smuggled to the U.S. border, and ends when ORR delivers a child to a sponsor – some sponsors are criminals and traffickers and members … HHS whistleblower on the humanitarian crisis at the border:"It could be argued that the U.S. government has become the middleman in…
Who's Watching the Watchers
– This summer, amid the furor over health care reform, two powerful House members are taking things to another level. … Henry Waxman, D-Calif., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and Bart Stupak, D-Mich., chairman of the Subcommitteeon Oversight and Investigations, sent a letter to 52 health insurance companies.…
Massive Government Health Data Breach Was Way Worse Than Previously Known…rotection-bureau-was-worse-than-we-previously-known-n2622163
– Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill revealed Wednesday a recent data breach at the DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority was worse … According to House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government … of their family members – participate in the DC Health Exchange," Mace said during a hearing on the matter Wednesday.…
Hershey Retreat: Lawmakers Prepare For King v. Burwell And Securing The Border…prepare-for-king-v-burwell-and-securing-the-border-n1944378
– between Senate and House committees involved with health care policy, and the repeal of the medical devices tax. … The same aid also included some things said during the discussion on immigration. House Homeland Security Chairman Rep. … Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) said that input from House and Senate members on how to fix our broken immigration…
GOP Oversight and Reform Members Call for Hearings on WHO's Relationship With the CCP…s-call-for-hearings-on-whos-relationship-to-the-ccp-n2567959
– Republican members on the House Oversight and Reform Committee wrote a letter to Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) demanding for hearings … and briefings to held on the World Health Organization's relationship with the Communist Party of China (CCP) and its poor response … "Since the first U.S. case of COVID-19 on January 19, 2020, you and your subcommittee chairs have sent letters to companies on a…
Progressive Mission Creep In Your Diet
– If you want to live on nothing but Doritos and Twinkies until your body grows into your couch and a wall of your house needs to be … The 2010 DGAC collaborated on the creation of the Health and Sustainability Guidelines for Federal Concessions and Vending Operations … relationship with the long-term health of humans and the planet.”…
Merrick Garland Accused of Letting Hunter Biden Get Off Easy. Sen. Kennedy Demands to Know Why…iden-has-no-impairment-because-he-conducts-meetings-n2637931
– of limitations to cease on the president’s alleged tax crimes. …  While testifying under oath before a House appropriations subcommittee, Garland was accused of deliberately allowing enough time …  “I have watched him expertly guide meetings of staff and of cabinet members on issues of foreign affairs and military strategy…
Bachmann Exposes $105 Billion Secret$105_billion_secret
– At a hearing last week before the House Health Subcommittee, former Rep. … They bypassed the customary appropriations process and prefunded ObamaCare on passage, knowing that House Rules would restrict a future … in postdated checks drawn on the U.S.…
Nigeria's persecuted Christians need help from U.S., ERLC says
– entity urged members of Congress to support legislation requiring the State Department to report on whether Boko Haram qualifies for … House of Representatives to ask them to cosponsor the Boko Haram Terrorist Designation Act, H.R. 5822. … Smith -- chairman of the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health and Human Rights -- refuted that reasoning.…
HHS Extended COVID Public Health Emergency, Even After Biden Claims 'Pandemic Is Over'…n-extended-even-after-biden-claims-pandemic-is-over-n2614545
– The Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) on Thursday extended the COVID emergency declaration with an order from HHS Secretary … Energy and Commerce Republican Leader Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Health Subcommittee Republican Leader Brett Guthrie (R-KY) … public health.”…
The Worst May Be Yet To Come From Obama's Labor Board
– By tradition, the party holding the White House has three members; nevertheless, the issuance of major decisions required a Board of … at least four or five members, referred to in-house as a “full Board.” … (Letter to Congressman Phil Roe, Chairman, Subcommittee on Health, Education Labor and Pensions, Committee on Education and the Workforce…
Maybe, Just Maybe . . . Obamacare is Unconstitutional
– As the then Speaker of the House, she rammed H.R. 3590 through on March 21, 2010 as amended by the Senate. … on the ‘Senate Health Care Bill,’ and then claim with a straight face that the resulting bill originated in the House, then the American … Franks also held a contentious hearing on the topic before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution.…
Rep. Braley: Sorry Bro, I Have A Fundraiser To Attend UPDATED: Braley Campaign Responds
On the same day, Braley had three fundraisers on his schedule for his re-election to the U.S. … In fact, at 2:30 p.m. on Sept. 20, a subcommittee on economic opportunities for veterans met and Braley attended most of the hearing … House members with then-U.S.…
Healthy Families Act Won't Lead to a Healthy Economy
Health care has dominated policy-related press. … on Capitol Hill. … be eligible on a pro-rated basis).…
Whistleblower Set to Expose Government's Involvement in Child Trafficking Operation…ernments-involvement-in-child-trafficking-operation-n2622464
– An anonymous source will testify during the House Judiciary subcommittee hearing, “The Biden Border Crisis: Exploitation of Unaccompanied … Tara Lee Rodas, a whistleblower who formerly worked in the inspector general’s office at the Department of Health and Human Services … Congress has the power to stop this, which is why I am calling on you to do what is right.”…
Suit: TX Planned Parenthood guilty of $6M fraud
– would not grant a waiver to Texas' Medicaid Women's Health Program, the Houston Chronicle reported. … He told the Health and Human Services Commission to work with legislative leaders to find funding to maintain the services. … A subcommittee of the House of Representatives' Energy and Commerce Committee initiated in September an investigation into Planned…
Is Congress Dangerously Gambling with Gambling?
– More importantly, advocates of online gambling have the support of key Members of the House of Representatives. … Also, last week the Subcommittee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade and Technology held a hearing on whether the … The consensus among lawmakers on the House Financial Services Committee is that they do.…
No Means No: Keep Gitmo Jihadists Out of U.S.A.
– In 2009, the White House first floated the idea of using the Thomson Correctional Center, a high-security prison in Illinois, to house … Family members of 9/11 victims, God bless them, raised a national uproar. … Frank Wolf, R-Va., chairman of the House appropriations subcommittee overseeing the Justice Department's budget, moved to block the…
Abstinence supporters urged to call reps
– -Pa., chairs the health subcommittee of the Energy and Commerce Committee, which is the authorizing committee for this funding. … Also, if readers have members of Congress who serve on the House Committee on Appropriations, they should make their opinions known … "In terms of the 2011 budget ... there's nothing really that can be done on the House side.…
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