Results for: dissent from supreme power

Two Contradictory Decisions on AR-15 Bans Reflect Clashing Views of Supreme Court Precedents…nment-to-ban-guns-in-common-use-for-lawful-purposes-n2643361
– The answer seems clear based on the Supreme Court's precedents.The court's landmark 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. … That conclusion, Judge Julius Richardson noted in a dissent joined by four of his colleagues, ignored the self-defense advantages of … AR-15s, including better accuracy, greater recoil absorption and more stopping power than handguns.…
Reminders of 1988 Massacre Haunt Iran’s Transition to 'Reformist' Presidency…acre-haunt-irans-transition-to-reformist-presidency-n2643200
– This has ignited widespread speculation about potential policy shifts, including a possible reduction in the brutal crackdowns on dissent … other institutions, including the presidency, remains absolute and unquestioned.Pezeshkian has repeatedly affirmed his loyalty to Supreme … former Supreme Leader Khomeini aimed not only to destroy a political opposition group but to “annihilate the enemies of Islam” en…
Schumer Heeds Biden's Call With the No Kings Act
Supreme Court. … That hasn't stopped liberals, including Justice Sonia Sotomayor with her dissent, from getting hysterical. … In addition to quoting Sotomayor's dissent, Biden referenced the language about kings.…
Trump Is No Dictator
– Democrats want absolute power like the ominous dictators throughout world history. … Worse, their desire to squelch any dissent is more evident by the day. … Court so that conservatives never have a majority again, and Biden’s latest quest is to alter Supreme Court operations and thereby…
Lessons on Tyranny From the Spanish Empire
– The Supreme Court’s recent decision to limit the scope of criminal charges against former President Donald Trump for his role in the … Although our system of checks and balances safeguards our Republic from descending into monarchy, lessons from our past can offer valuable … of power.…
Biden Is Trying to Cash in After His Attack on the Supreme Court
– After launching an unprecedented attack on the Supreme Court from the halls of the White House Monday night, President Joe Biden is … She said: 'In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law...with fear for our democracy, I dissent. … The nature of that power requires that a former President have some immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts during his…
White House Trots Biden Out to Screech 'I Dissent' With Supreme Court on Presidential Immunity…dissent-with-supreme-court-on-presidential-immunity-n2641235
– He went on to claim that "the power of the office will no longer be constrained by the law, even and including the Supreme Court of … ALSO BIDEN: "Supreme Court blocked me from relieving student debt — but they didn't stop me!" …  As we covered earlier, Sotomayor's dissent was particularly hysterical, and Biden read from one of many outlandish points that…
Sotomayor's Dissent in Presidential Immunity Case Certainly Has People Talking
Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 decision of Trump v. … Because our Constitution does not shield a former President from answering for criminal and treasonous acts, I dissent." … such excerpts of Sotomayor's dissent.…
Justice Jackson Is Panicking About the End of the Administrative State…panicking-about-the-end-of-the-administrative-state-n2641197
– The Supreme Court delivered another hit to the power of largely unaccountable federal bureaucrats on Monday morning with its opinion … as much power as possible among as few people as possible. … whom it derives power — instead of unelected bureaucrats.…
Carl Bernstein Delivers 'All the Editor's Men,' as the Press Fantasizes About Presidential Assassinations…press-fantasizes-about-presidential-assassinations-n2641306
– Get access to Brad Slager's "Riffed From the Headlines," a daily VIP feature where he looks to bring accountability to the mainstream … Okay…a Netflix original film.The dissent from Sotomayor is so out of pocket and untrue that I can’t help but think this was said to … various insiders from the Administration, from political donors, and even other reporters that Joe Biden has exhibited his issues…
Senilitygate and Mrs. Alito's Flags
– At this point, Trump's about one mug shot away from a landslide this November. … In the least surprising opinion of the term, this week the Supreme Court found that the president has absolute immunity from criminal … Courts are to determine what is or isn't an official act based on precedent, context, etc.In a dissent that sounds like it came from
Clarence Thomas Raises Another Reason Jack Smith's Case Against Trump May Be Unconstitutional
– This check on presidential power, like many others enshrined in the Constitution, comes from abuses of power of the King of England … A brief history lesson from Thomas explains that our "Founders broke from the monarchial model by giving the President the power to … Quoting from a Scalia dissent in Morrison v.…
Biden Administration Vows to Reinstate Censorship Regime
– After the Supreme Court failed 6-3 Thursday to address the federal government's vast online censorship regime the Biden administration …  "The Supreme Court’s decision is the right one, and it helps ensure the Biden Administration can continue our important work … Here's a preview of what to expect from the White House now that their power to censor has been reinstated.…
SCOTUS Delivers Stinging Rebuke to Federal Bureaucrats…cision-upholding-constitutional-right-to-jury-trial-n2641036
– The United States Supreme Court on Thursday morning released its opinion in Securities and Exchange Commission v. … defendants accused of securities fraud in-house before administrative law judges without a jury trial — a significant unchecked power …  The question before the Supreme Court was "whether the Seventh Amendment permits the SEC to compel respondents to defend themselves…
Pelosi: This Supreme Court Has Gone 'Rogue,' or Something
–  Isgur expanded on this point in a recent Politico column: "Here are some patterns from the Supreme Court’s last term that … That case stemmed from a 5th Circuit ruling that scrutinized the CFPB’s direct funding from the Federal Reserve, marking …  And did you hear about this Supreme Court disclosure scandal?…
Justice Alito Sounds the Alarm on Censorship. We Have a Solution.
Supreme Court just showed us why our VIP membership program is more crucial than ever before. … It keeps us financially independent and free from Big Tech, Big Government censorship.The justices ruled 6-3 that Missouri didn't have … In his dissent, which Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch joined, Justice Alito said it best.…
Today's String of Supreme Court Decisions Blew Up Another Liberal Narrative (Again)…t-decisions-blew-up-another-liberal-narrative-again-n2640731
– Justice Gorsuch joins Sotomayor and Kagan in dissent. …  It’s all about power—that’s never changed. … It’s from Joe Biden’s people, which has always been the case. …
Deconstructing the Lefty Magazine 'The Nation'
– It engages in the dissent needed to protect “Our Democracy.” It speaks truth to power. So send us money! … An adviser to former President Trump on Supreme Court nominations is a “supervillain.” … and “speaking truth to power” and then promote giving more power for the powerful?…
With Dysfunctional Iran Policy, Time to Heed Berlin Rally's Message…onal-iran-policy-time-to-heed-berlin-rallys-message-n2640204
– rally in Berlin on June 29.Raisi came to power in 2021 through a tightly controlled “election,” handpicked by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei … faction, setting the stage for increasingly brutal crackdowns on dissent. … the organized resistance to better understand the correct policy on Iran.This will be particularly easy as thousands of Iranians from
Listen to Tehran’s Opponents, and Help Them Secure a Truly Democratic Future…ents-and-help-them-secure-a-truly-democratic-future-n2640091
– On June 29, expatriate Iranian activists will gather in Berlin from all across Europe to participate in a rally organized by the leading … The election that brought Raisi to power was undermined by a massive electoral boycott and the parliamentary elections earlier this … power and a new era of accountability ushered in.…
What Raisi’s Death Means for Iran, the World
– This represents a significant setback for Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who now faces an intensified crisis and a more precarious grip … on power.Khamenei had orchestrated Raisi’s rise to power in 2021, eliminating even loyal stalwarts within his own factions to ensure … ’s genocidal actions.Khamenei sought to consolidate power through a monolithic structure capable of withstanding both internal dissent
Sham Elections Garner Farcical 8 Percent Support in Iran…elections-garner-farcical-8-percent-support-in-iran-n2639203
– over 750 deaths and more than 30,000 arrested, many of whom have been raped, tortured, and executed.The increasingly psychotic Supreme … They know that elections are a sham from the outset, with fundamentalist candidates carefully handpicked and personally approved by … Khamenei thought that by appointing the extremist Ebrahim Raisi as president he would be able to quell further dissent from the rebellious…
Dislodging a Dictatorship
– Seventy-five million Iranians are oppressed by the ageing and increasingly psychotic Supreme Leader - Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who wields … ultimate power together with his puppet president Ebrahim Raisi- dubbed ‘The Butcher of Tehran’ due to his blood-soaked background … The IRGC controls more than 70% of the Iranian economy, pays no tax and is answerable only to the Supreme Leader.…
Trump’s Freedom of Speech Matters Too
– This fundamental principle lies at the heart of the ongoing case of Donald Trump vs the United States before the United States Supreme … This is not merely a legal technicality but a fundamental issue concerning the balance of power and the preservation of our American … Yet, Trump critics and those on the left are continuing their pursuits to stifle dissent and criminalize any viewpoints opposed to…
BREAKING: SCOTUS Just Gave Texas a Green Light to Arrest Illegals and Much More
– UPDATE: The White House has issued a response through Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre: We fundamentally disagree with the Supreme …  The liberal Supreme Court Justices, led by Justice Sonja Sotomayor, claimed the ruling will cause more chaos at the border. … authority over entry and removal of noncitizens," they wrote in their dissent.…