Israel, America and the 2024 Election

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Townhall Review
August 30, 2024

Townhall Review  -  August 31, 2024

Hugh Hewitt and Wisconsin Congressman Derrick Van Orden, also a retired Navy SEAL, ponder why the Biden administration hasn't commended Israel for rescuing hostages from savages.

John Solomon and Chris Miller, who was acting Secretary of Defense under President Trump, criticize the lack of accountability for the 13 American lives lost during the Afghanistan withdrawal, emphasizing the disconnect between official statements and reality. Miller warns that this deceit undermines military values and public trust.

Hugh Hewitt and Jonathan Schanzer, of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, discuss how the Biden Administration has forbidden Israel from ensuring there are consequences to those who attack the State of Israel. 

Dennis Prager and George Gilder, author of "The Israel Test," talk about the update his book received after the October 7 attack on Israel. Gilder highlights how the United States, in many ways, is more dependent on Israel than Israel is on the United States.

Hugh Hewitt invites Walter Russell Mead, author of “The Arc of a Covenant: The United States, Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People,” to talk about the state of the American-Israeli connection today, and how Donald Trump was able to make breakthroughs in the Middle East, unlike any of his predecessors or President Biden.

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