How a Lack of Civility Leads to Mobs and Bomb Scares

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Townhall Review
October 26, 2018

Townhall Review – October 27, 2018

Dennis Prager is with John Zmirak, senior editor of The Stream to take a close look at that caravan of migrants heading our way. Hugh Hewitt and Senator Ted Cruz talk about the “suspicious packages” that have been sent to Democrats and the Left’s hatred of Donald Trump. Hugh Hewitt and Senator Ben Sasse examine how all the rhetoric is turning dangerous. Is requiring voter ID racist? Larry Elder has a perspective from the side not normally heard from on the issue…the minorities themselves. Hugh Hewitt talks with Eric Metaxas about his latest book, Donald Drains the Swamp. Michael Medved interviews author, reporter, and former marijuana addict Neal Pollack. Dennis Prager opines on the left’s “mob mentality,” and transgender male athletes competing with women athletes.

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