Two Huge Tests for Trump Diplomacy

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Townhall Review
May 4, 2018

Townhall Review – May 5, 2018

Michael Oren, former Israeli Ambassador to the United States, joins Hugh Hewitt to discuss how the possible Iranian duplicity during the brokering of the Iran Nuclear Deal recently uncovered by Israeli intelligence might affect that fragile deal. Michael Medved examines the historic meeting between North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in. Hugh Hewitt and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell look at the Federal judiciary and the pace of judicial appointments and confirmations. Michael Medved looks at the question about the accuracy of Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu’s claims regarding the Iranian nuclear agreement. Dennis Prager talks with author and commentator Jonah Goldberg about his new book, “Suicide of the West, How the Rebirth of Nationalism, Populism and Identity Politics is Destroying Democracy.” Andy Puzder, trial lawyer, restauranteur and author discusses his new book, “Capitalist Comeback,” with Larry Elder. Mike Gallagher gives his take on Trump supporter Kanye West and his willingness to attract the scorn of peers, fellow entertainers, and even California Congresswoman Maxine Waters.

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