
5 Cartoons That Perfectly Sum Up This Crazy Week in Washington

To put it simply: It’s been a crazy week. Here's a rundown of some of the highlights:

- Democrats and the liberal media are still crying Watergate over Comey’s firing.

- The Washington Post reported that the President leaked classified intelligence to Russian officials. The White House denied it…and then Trump admitted to it (sort of).

- Yet another man tried to jump the White House fence. 

- The New York Times decided to dropthis bombshell, sending the media and liberals into even more of a frenzy. 

- President Erdogan’s security detail violently attacked peaceful protesters outside the Turkish embassy.

- FBI Director Robert Mueller was named special counsel to oversee the Trump-Russia probe, and Trump lashed out on Twitter.

- The dow took its biggest dive since September.

- And Fox News Founder Roger Ailes passed away on Thursday at age 77.

With so much going on, it's been a whirlwind. These five cartoons sum things up.

What happened to credible reporting?

by Steve Kelley 05/18/2017

Who’s to blame here?

by Robert Ariail 05/16/2017

Board up your windows and take cover, it’s not over yet. 

by Gary Varvel 05/18/2017

Will we ever get past this?

by Robert Ariail  05/1/2017

Another one taken down by the swamp.

by Chip Bok 05/18/2017