
Here's What's Wrong With 'A Day Without a Woman'

All public schools in Alexandria, VA, will be closed on Wednesday, March 8, for International Women’s Day which has been hijacked by organizers of the Women’s March and renamed “A Day Without A Women.”

The Alexandria City Public School district made the decision to cancel classes after more than 300 staff members requested the day off to participate in the “general strike.”

“This is not a decision that was made lightly,” Alexandria superintendent Alvin Crawley said in a statement to parents on Monday.  

“The decision is based solely on our ability to provide sufficient staff to cover all our classrooms, and the impact of high staff absenteeism on student safety and delivery of instruction. It is not based on a political stance or position,” Crawley noted. 

Alexandria isn't the only school district to cancel classes on Wednesday. The Chapel Hill-Carrboro City school district - which is 75-percent female - also chose to close its schools for the event after a “significant” number of employees chose participating in the strike over teaching. 

Organizers of “A Day Without A Woman” offered women three different ways in which to participate.

RT if you're planning to participate in #DayWithoutAWoman on March 8th! #IStrikeFor

— Women's March (@womensmarch) February 26, 2017

Women are encouraged to either take the day off from work, avoid shopping for one day with exceptions for small, women and minority-owned businesses (because asking women not to shop isn't reinforcing a huge female stereotype), or wear the color red in solidarity. 

As Kelsey Harkness from The Federalist reminds us, women who chose not to participate in the Women’s March were called “privileged,” “ignorant,” and “devastatingly selfish.” And those who choose to skip “A Day Without A Women” will likely be branded the same. 

However, nothing sounds more “privileged,” “ignorant” or “devastatingly selfish,” than denying kids a day of education to go protest our supposedly grossly sexist society, while hundreds of young girls across the globe are being denied basic education, married off to men twice, three- or even four-times their age, sold into human trafficking or having their genitals cut off. 

March 8 is International Women’s Day. Maybe, for one day, we should be thankful for the rights we do have and focus on the progress we have made, rather than what we have yet to accomplish. Maybe for one day, we should turn our attention to the women who have a much harder and longer struggle ahead of them. Maybe, for one day, we should fight for their equality just as hard as we fight for our own. Because after all, “Women’s Rights are Human Rights and Human Rights are Women’s Rights.”