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Trump Kicking the Associated Press to the Curb Reinforces That America’s ‘New Golden Age’ Is Upon Us

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White House Photo/Daniel Torok

One of the enduring mysteries of American politics is why—until now—politicians have refused to stand up the biased monopoly known as The Associated Press. Year in and year out, AP “journalists” smear conservatives in general and Donald Trump specifically under the guise of “objectively reporting the news.”  


Over the years, TOWNHALL readers have seen my many columns which have carefully documented the pro-Democrat hacks and biased “reporters”  at the AP who habitually twist the truth and use half-truths and comically misnamed Fact Checks” to paint President Trump and his Administration in the most negative light possible. 

This is hardly a new phenomenon. Ten years ago—in January 2015—former Arizona Congressman JD Hayworth interviewed me on one of the countless outrages involving the AP and the slimy double standards they employ in their news coverage.

Tuesday provided the latest prima facie example.  On the day when American teacher Marc Fogel was remarkably released after being imprisoned for over three years by the Russians, the AP’s ire was instead triggered when The White House barred one of its reporters from covering an Oval Office signing ceremony because the Associated Press refuses to accept President Trump’s renaming of the former Gulf of Mexico as “the Gulf of America.” 

Executive Editor Julie Pace immediately whined that the Trump administration was violating the First Amendment when it barred one of her journalists from an executive order signing.


"As a global news organization, The Associated Press informs billions of people around the world every day with factual, nonpartisan journalism," Pace's statement reads. "It is alarming that the Trump administration would punish AP for its independent journalism.

And in a classic aside fit for The Laugh Factory or FunnyBones comedy clubs, Pace concluded that “limiting our access to the Oval Office based on the content of AP's speech not only severely impedes the public's access to independent news, it plainly violates the First Amendment."  Let’s get the hay down where to goats can get at it: While the AP thinks it represents“independent, factual nonpartisan journalism,” I’m pretty certain the public won’t be losing any sleep over Tuesday’s White House action. 

One of the most important players in our immune systems is the white blood cell; white cells patrol the blood and tissues throughout the body in search of intruders. When they detect a foreign substance, they send out signals and launch an immune attack.

AP’s equivalent of white blood cells is the White House Correspondents Association. Parroting Julie Pace’s performance as the 2025 version of silent film star Norma Desmond in Billy Wilder’s SUNSET BOULEVARD, WHCA president Eugene Danielsreflexively declared the White House “cannot dictate how news organizations report the news, nor should it penalize working journalists because it is unhappy with their editors’ decisions.” That’s quite an indictment coming from Daniels…whose day job is serving asPlaybook chief correspondent for POLITICO.  (Yup, that’s the same POLITICO that DOGE just unearthed millions of dollars of Biden era government dollars being funneled to that liberal-slanted website.) Of course, just like the AP… editors of POLITICO cried crocodile tears in the wake of DOGE’s stunning revelations claiming that they, too, are unbiased and objective.”  


Considering the revolving door at the AP, don’t expect anything to change at the Associated Press. Their longtime White House “correspondent” Jonathan Lemire—who did double duty while on the AP payroll as a “contributor” at Pravda-on-the-Hudson MSNBC—was tapped in November 2021 as White House correspondent for (wait for it) POLITICO. Lately he’s a contributor to the far left publication The Atlantic, with one of his recent articles being titled “The Day Trump Became The Un-President.”

Only in the Washington, D.C. swamp could a hack like Jonathan Lemire who regularly stabbed Donald J. Trump at the AP and at MSNBC and at POLITICO and now The Atlantic magazine be referred to with a straight face as a “journalist” rather than a political activist. 

Fortunately for the rest of us, the Nicolle Wallaces and Jonathan Lemires and Lawrence O’Donnells have been marginalized on either far-left outlets like MSNBC or—in former CNN anchor Jim Acosta’s case—online videos which appear to be originating from Acosta’s basement. They can rant to each other without impacting anyone other than their literally dozens of followers. (Even the Trump-obsessed Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin bolted the legacy newspaper in protest of her view that Post management was “capitulating” to our President; she launched her own website appropriately called The Contrarian…making her just another lonely coyote baying at the moon while deluding herself into thinking she’s “impacting” our culture.)  


While his Lilliputian antagonists retreat, regroup and reorganize, our 47th President continues to flood the zone with Executive Orders…slashing the fat and waste in the federal government…and marginalizing pests like the Associated Press by restricting their access to him. They are still free to insult him, of course. And their media cohorts like Kaitlin Collins and the vile Joy Reid will still cry that Trump is pushing America dangerously close to a so-called “Constitutional crisis” (a silly, empty term which bounces off Donald Trump like bullets off the Man of Steel) but the rest of us know the truth.

From charging forward with long-overdue governmental accountability to thrilling patriotic events like Trump’s welcome of Marc Fogel to the White House during a D.C. snowstorm, our 47thPresident has officially ushered in America’s new Golden Age. 

And wow: we figured it out all by ourselves, without the assistance of self-professed “independent, factualnonpartisan journalists” like the AP.

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