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I Can't Take These People Seriously

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AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Eight years ago, I wasn't thrilled that Trump won. I mildly preferred him to the pant-suited horror that he ran against, but he wasn't really high up on my list of favorite candidates ever. Four years later, I voted for him with a certain degree of pride because, well, he wasn't the trainwreck I expected. While he said some weird things, he often did other things on the sly while the media was losing their minds because he wanted to buy Greenland.


For the record, I still support that one.

Anyway, he's headed back to the Oval Office, and social media is filled with examples of progressive outrage. People are smashing their TVs, universities are giving people the day off or having all sorts of calming activities like petting therapy dogs and coloring--yes, coloring at the university level.

One particularly charming individual said we could all perform anatomically improbable sexual acts upon our own person and then jump off of a tall building.

This charmer has a history of being special.

The thing is, this isn't unique. If you've been on social media at all over the last few days, you've seen people sharing other versions of this that have been, well, either sad, hilarious, or some combination of the two.


Now, these are the same people who eight years ago talked about they were going to punch Nazis and amend the Constitution in order to do away with the electoral college. These are the same people who four years ago talked about how there would be no forgiveness, how anyone who worked for Trump would get their name put on a list and they were going to make it impossible for any of them to get another job ever again.

They were vicious and were absolutely convinced of their righteousness.

Today, they need coloring books and blankies because they're too unhinged to deal with reality's refusal to warp around their desires.

They've decided that people who are sick of seeing so much of their paycheck going toward putting food on the table and being told by the leftist Chip Dillers in the media that "All is well" despite the clear indicators that it's not are evil, racists, sexists, homophobic, transphobic, hydrophobic, agoraphobic, and any other things they can think of, all while spewing hatred toward anyone that just disagrees with them on the right path forward.

Frankly, I'm sick of it.

Look, I don't mind people disagreeing with me. After all, I'm married, so it happens all the time and I'm used to it.


What I do mind are the unhinged, pathetic people who can't seem to handle even a slight setback with anything remotely approaching reason. If whoever fills the roll of president is that terrifying to you if they don't perfectly match your own politics, then maybe you should start working to rein in the federal government so that it doesn't matter so damn much.

Oh, wait, that's a constructive suggestion. We all know they don't handle those well.

My bad.

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