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America Needs a Reboot

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
AP Photo/ Reed Hoffman

There is a sign outside of Needville Feed that reads: "Has anyone tried unplugging the United States and plugging it back in?" Let the painful laughter ensue! It's confession time. How many times have you been unable to figure things out on your computer and just decided to start over by rebooting in hopes of a new beginning. Sure, no one wants to lose the current good work, so you save what you can and hope for the best. 


But America does need a reboot? Something is not right with America today. Some are working to get the 34 states needed to convene a National Constitutional Convention. Others are clamoring for term limits for all politicians. Unfortunately, every radical answer unleashes radical fears that such plans could create more problems than viable solutions. We seem stuck in stupid! 

They want clean energy with wind and solar while they work to shut down natural gas and nuclear energy, two clean energy sources. Due to our clean energy efforts, our coal and oil resources are cleanest in the world. But
they want to buy oil from questionable countries while limiting production here. Does it make sense to move from energy independence to energy dependence before we have proven clean energy alternatives that can supply the energy we need? Of course not! We're stuck on stupid. Time to reboot expanded energy options to reclaim energy independence!

How can you have true freedom of speech and not occasionally offend someone along the way? The answer to hateful or offensive speech, is more speech and thicker skin. People throw around the term "snowflakes" for people who want freedom for themselves but can't handle that freedom for those who would
attack their own views. Freedom is messy. Freedom is loud. Let people say what they want and experience the consequences for their comments. If you offend enough people, don't expect to win many votes or popularity polls! It's time to reboot freedom of speech for all!


I always thought that government was established to protect their citizens from enemies and from criminals. Why are people buying guns? Citizens want weapons to protect themselves. They are seeing far too many criminals let go without being prosecuted or punished. Government wants to take guns away
from citizens, and everyone knows that criminals will keep theirs! In America today, crime seems to pay pretty well for the growing number of flash mobs, car jackers, and rioters taking what they want! Few big city DAs
are doing their jobs. If you riot in the streets, rob small businesses, and attack bystanders, you should go to jail and serve time! We're stuck on stupid! It's time to unplug and reboot America's law and order program!

Immigration has made America a better country, a melting pot of people who value freedom and the opportunity to earn their own dream. But people playing by the rules to immigrate to America keep waiting and never get the welcome illegal aliens receive by just crashing our Southern borders. By not
having a secure border, we are advertising for more illegals to come. The Biden administration will provide transportation, let you have benefits, and work to get you housing and an eventual path to citizenship. Why immigrate legally, when doing so illegally works so well? Time to reboot. Time to finish the wall and secure our Southern border! 


Martin Luther King, Jr. paid the price and rallied the country around a dream that one's character would mean more than the color of a one's skin. And yet today, calls for racism are encouraged. To many, you're celebrated
for saying that all whites are racist. Many blacks call for special reparations for the racism of a distant past. There is one sure result of such calls for special racial treatment-renewed racism! Reverend King would
have surely affirmed that "All God's children matter!" Under democratic leadership, America is backsliding into more racial animus. It's time for a reboot. It's time to reaffirm that "All men are created equal" is a value and a promise worth fighting for.

Personal responsibility for one's choices is a critical American value. If you commit a crime, you do the time. You borrow money for something you want, you pay your debt. President Biden executive order to "forgive"
student debt is not "free." That debt isn't "forgiven;" it's transferred to every tax-paying American. Many of those taxpayers have already worked and sacrificed to pay off their own student debt. This is not only stupid; it is an assault on basic fairness and a blatant attempt to buy votes. Reboot required! Reinstall personal responsibility programming!


In a recent interview on Jesse Watters' Fox News show, Victor Davis Hanson of the Hoover Institution confronted the extreme actions of the left in transforming America. They are attacking and overthrowing America's time-tested values.

To Hanson, the left is governing exactly the way they accuse the right of acting: "I mean, nobody on the right said let's junk the 233-year-old Electoral College; [the] 180-year-old filibuster; the 150-year-old, nine-person Supreme Court. Nobody [on the right] said let's bring in two more states and end the idea for 60 years of a 50-state union."

It's only left that has no problem stalling protection for right-leaning Supreme Court Justices facing demonstrations outside their homes. It's the left that wants to radically federalize the voting laws to ensure that 70 percent of the votes would not be cast on Election Day. It's the left that has radically weaponized the IRS with excessive increases in personnel and funding. The left calls January 6th an insurrection, but as Hanson notes: "Remember in 2021 when they had barbed wire and 30,000 troops in Washington, D.C. in the greatest weaponization since the Civil War?" Do you remember?  

When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in government entitlement programs that take from your neighbor to give you the things you ought to be forced to earn for yourself. It's time to unplug this radical administration before it is too late. In November, it's time to reboot by booting out the politicians who have played so loosely with America's time-tested recipe for freedom and opportunity. It's time to send the left home!


Terry Paulson is PhD psychologist, author, and professional speaker on Earned Optimism, Making Change Work, Claiming Your American Dream, and Becoming a Conservative Values Voter.

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