The Biden administration has helped unleash a new epidemic that is far more dangerous to our republic than any virus known to man-it's a virulent epidemic of legitimized government control. The spread of China's COVID-19 certainly provided the grounds for the start of our government control "addiction." Yes, using government power is addictive. We've known that power corrupts, and the only way to feed the corrupt addiction is to find reasons to exercise more power and to attack anyone who tries to stop it.
Once the COVID lockdown was in place, it was far too easy to extend controls. A taste of such power reinforces the importance of the politicians who control it. They now know they can keep people home-keep people from meeting-make people be vaccinated-make changes in voting options-take from some citizens to give to others. Once addicted to such power, it's tempting for politicians to take advantage of other opportunities to inflict their will.
Recent mass shootings are being used to push for radical gun control laws. At the same time, many liberal DAs are not prosecuting dangerous criminals and have made more crimes misdemeanors, making citizens feel unsafe. The sales of guns are on the increase. Why? Self-protection in an increasingly dangerous world is a top priority. Bad guys can always get guns. Having no-gun zones is an open invitation to crime. Guns are critical in hardening soft targets and protecting our schools. Leftists want to control a citizen's access to weapons but seem to have no trouble allowing their own security teams to carry the very same weapons to protect politicians like them. Guns don't commit crimes; people do. Control criminals, not citizens!
With Democrats waving the rainbow flag to further LGBTQ rights, the gender madness is spreading to controlling schools, sports competitions, and restroom access. If states pass laws prohibiting transgender "women" from using women's bathrooms and competing in women's sports, government funds for school lunches may be cut. The vast majority of women do not want "women" with male genitals in their locker rooms and bathrooms. Enough! South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has threatened to sue if Biden persists with his radical plans.
Democrats keep using "white privilege" and claims of "white supremacy" to justify special support for anyone other than whites. OK, they leave Asians out, too; they are too successful to be victims. Far too many minority Americans want government control to usher in more special programs for victim groups, reparations in California for past racial sins, and a return to "affirmative action" in hiring and school admissions. Training people to be victims dependent on government entitlements and making any citizen feel guilty for taking responsibility for their own lives is not the answer. Using a new racism to correct past racism perpetuates a racial divide. Liberty works if you work, no matter what the color of your skin.
Democrats are sure that the "proven" threat of global warming means we must force you out of your gas-driven automobiles and into fully electric vehicles. We'll make this happen by ending energy independence-limiting drilling, canceling pipelines, and letting inflation take gas prices to the stratosphere! There are not enough "green" cars at a price citizens can afford. These crazy rules are hurting low-income Americans who must drive to their jobs. Democrats don't care. Clean energy is a god of the left, and their god requires that they control your choices even if it moves our country into a recession.
Democrats claim any attempt to limit voting to time-tested same day voting is "voter suppression." They want to require states to have multiple days, mass mailing of ballots, and limits on what IDs can be required. For decades, citizens have been able to find a way to get to the polls to vote, to secure and show a valid ID, and to arrange for a mail-in ballot if needed. There is low trust in our elections because there are now more ways to cheat. The federal government wants to take control. They want to end the time-tested history of states managing their own voting to ensure that only citizens vote on a timely basis. Stop making it easier to cheat; make it more secure so we can trust the outcome.
Frustrated by decisions that have not gone their way, some key Democrats have threatened to change the way the political game is played. If they don't like the makeup and decisions made by the US Supreme Court, they want to pack the courts with more judges they can control. They don't like the minority party being able to limit their congressional action. As a result, they want to get rid of the filibuster, use liberal judges to legislate from the bench, and depend on executive orders to control the outcome.
Even locally, in response to drought conditions in the West, local water authorities are imposing their will on citizens. Instead of establishing a clear water allotment for homes and businesses and consequences for not honoring those limits, they over control, micromanaging even the days you can water. Let citizens take responsibility for their own choices about how they use their allotted water. If their efforts to curtail their water use fall short, charge them more and eventually use stronger consequences.
The American revolution was fought in response to the tyranny of an over-controlling, distant government. Relying on their rock-solid belief in a citizen's God-given rights, a war was fought, and a government was formed to give control back to the individual.
With government overreach impacting more and more areas of our lives, it's time to take back our rights.
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