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Words Matter

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AP Photo/Alex Brandon

The words we use matter. Their meaning matters even more. Laughing at the word salad that the looney left tosses into our culture every day just may help us fight back against the insanity that they now want us to call the "new normal."


Woman: Look up the definition of "woman" and be prepared to laugh: "an adult female person; a woman belonging to a particular category (as by birth, residence, membership, or occupation)." Only down the page does one read, "relating to, or being the sex that bears young...." But in today's gender confused world, a required "black woman" being considered for the U.S. Supreme Court won't even risk defining what a woman is! To the woke left, differences between male and female genitalia is increasingly irrelevant. Men claiming to be "women" can compete in sports against truly biological women and take victories that they don't deserve. Who needs gender equality when you can choose what sex you are! When other women competitors complain, just claim they're bigoted and you're a victim of sexual bias. Some complainers will be shamed into silence, but the vast majority of Americans know you're living a lie, male "women" are never birthing any children, and you don't deserve a single award you receive. 

Traitor: Legally, treason consists of "levying war, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." All you need today is for a citizen to openly criticize President Biden's diplomatic or military decisions to be labeled a traitor. Don't dare criticize taking out the military from Afghanistan before rescuing U.S. citizens. Don't dare criticize letting millions of undocumented aliens cross our Southern border without checking for identification or COVID status. Just realize that by labeling political adversaries as "traitors" for just disagreeing, you effectively demean all those Americans who voted for that candidate, you deepen our divide, and motivate conservatives to vote in November. In America, the answer to hate speech is not forced silence, but more speech. True freedom is messy. Standing for freedom means defending those who state things you hate while exercising your own freedom to openly disagree. Thankfully, patriots can be found in all colors, genders, religious sentiments, and political persuasions. 


It's Free: Free is defined as "without cost or payment." President Biden loves to say that all his entitlements and infrastructure investments will be "free." Don't tell that to all those making over $400K a year...and, of course, all those making under that who analysts say will pay far more if Biden's wish list is ever actually approved. Buying votes by taking from richer, hard-working Americans to make more people dependent on government under the guise of "caring" reinforces learned helplessness. It punishes small businesses and hard work while diminishing the drive to actually earn one's own American Dream. By the way, what we don't pay for now, just keeps adding to the mushrooming national debt that future generations will have to pay. That's not "free!" 

Insurrection: The dictionary definition is short-"an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government." It's worth noting that most successful insurrectionists usually bring weapons to their insurrection. They aren't welcomed and allowed in by some of the security guards, and they certainly seldom leave the occupied building unless forced out. But that certainly never stops a struggling Democratic party from using such claims to fuel congressional "investigations," imprison opponents, and drive campaign fundraising ads. Of course, when accomplishments are scarce and inflation is soaring, manufacturing "insurrections" makes for a necessary distraction. 


Fair Election: One definition states: "A free and fair election involves political freedoms and fair processes leading up to the vote, a fair count of eligible voters who cast a ballot (including such aspects as electoral fraud or voter suppression), and acceptance of election results by all parties." But to Democrats, returning to pre-COVID voting procedures does not adequately ensure "free" elections they can win. To institute time-tested election controls requiring voter ID, signature matching, same day voting, and mail-in voting by request only makes cheating a lot harder. At a time that trust in election results remains at an all-time low, fair and consistent controls build a way to earn back that trust. Needed controls will help curtail potential fraud while ensuring that only citizens are allowed to exercise our treasured right to vote.

Thankfully, November allows us to change the editors in control of our "political dictionary." Here's to the return of the good old American definitions that made us who and what we are.

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