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Omar: End 'Capitalist System.' Guarantee Jobs, Housing, Medicare and Abortion for All

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AP Photo/Susan Walsh

In the new nation that Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota seeks to create, the "capitalist system" will be left behind in pursuit of a "fair and just economy" where the federal government guarantees everybody jobs, housing, health care and free abortions.


How can we know this? She has declared it in writing.

Omar's campaign website includes a section called "Ilhan's Vision." The agenda it presents contradicts foundational American principles -- particularly the rights to life and property -- that were spelt out in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

The declaration says that "all men are created equal" and "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights."

The Fifth Amendment says, "No person shall be ... deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

The 14th Amendment makes clear that the rights protected by the Fifth Amendment apply to everyone and cannot be violated by the states. It says, "nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

In "Ilhan's Vision," a government that recognizes the right to private property is an unjust government. 

"The capitalist system has led to a concentration of wealth in a small handful of elites while working people suffer," says Omar's vision statement. "We must stop the exploitation of working people to create a fair and just economy."


One policy she proposes to help move America away from the "capitalist system" toward a "fair and just economy" is to have the federal government guarantee everybody a job and a wage.

"A federal jobs guarantee would provide meaningful work to anybody who wants it," says her vision statement. "The program would: Provide a wage of at least $15 an hour, healthcare coverage, and benefits."

But this is only the start of Omar's vision for liberating America from the "capitalist system." 

She also proposes a program she calls "Homes for All." It is designed to move America away from a "free market" in residential real estate toward what Omar calls "publicly- and cooperatively-owned models of housing."

"Housing is a human right," Omar says in her vision statement. "However, the free-market does not meet the needs of working families, while big banks and for-profit developers continue to profit off of working communities."

Imagine that: In this country, for-profit homebuilders profit by providing housing to people who earn money by working.

To stop this outrage, Omar says, "We need to move towards publicly- and cooperatively-owned models of housing for all income-levels."

Does this mean House Speaker Nancy Pelosi or her descendants should someday live in publicly or cooperatively owned housing? How about Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer? 


In the nation Omar envisions, a population that is guaranteed government-funded jobs and is living in "publicly- and cooperatively-owned models of housing" will also rely on a health care system controlled by the central government.

"Ilhan will fight for Medicare for All, a single-payer healthcare system that guarantees quality care for every American," says "Ilhan's Vision."

Under Omarcare, no one will pay anything for any health care service.

Her system would "Require no out-of-pocket costs for patients for any services."

That would include the killing of unborn children.

"It is horrifying that we continue to fight for the right to seek an abortion and access reproductive freedom," says "Ilhan's Vision." Her system would "Provide abortion coverage and care regardless of income or insurance."

How will Omar pay for her vision? By taking more of your income and targeting family-owned businesses.

"Ilhan's Vision" will "Create a more progressive tax system by increasing income tax for the wealthiest Americans."

It would also "Strengthen the estate tax to limit the amount of inter-generational wealth that can be accumulated in the wealthiest families."

Massive public stock corporations do not pay estate taxes. Family-owned businesses do. The net effect is forcing families to sell their businesses to public corporations to raise money to pay a tax imposed on the death of a family member.


This death tax enriches big government and big business at the expense of families.

It also helps illustrate how Omar's vision would turn the America Dream upside down.

It would take money from parents who have worked hard and saved to build a business they want to pass on to their children and give that money to individuals who want to abort their children.   

Who is more likely to lead America to a better tomorrow, those who work to build a family legacy? Or those who take a government handout to terminate theirs in the womb?

Terence P. Jeffrey is the editor in chief of

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