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You Bet Americans Can Defeat the Enemy’s 16-Point Demolition Plan in 2024

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AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

This new year Americans need to think differently about their personal goals because the country that makes their aspirations possible is in a late stage of a planned and controlled demolition. There are two primary impediments to people fully recognizing anddoing what is necessary to save their country. First,there is the normalcy bias, which is the tendency to assume the future will be an extension of the past. Second, there is a tendency to avoid discomfort and pain and live in denial of very real problems. 


What is difficult for many to understand is that America is being destroyed from within by elites in and outgovernment. So, for those whose normalcy bias is strong or others with a tendency live in denial, let us review the sixteen components of internal demolitioncurrently taking place in the United States:

1) The Biden administration’s open border policy hasunlocked the floodgates of a replacement migration,which displaces existing American citizens from access to jobs, housing, healthcare facilities and schools. Massive in-migration also changes demographics,voting patterns and possibly electoral outcomes.


2) The foundational rights of America such as life, liberty, individual responsibility, and propertyalreadyweakened by decades of public-school and mediaindoctrinationare now facing frontal assault and subversion from cultural Marxism and the rewriting of the American past and removal of historic monuments.  


Let there be no mistake, a country without borders and without respect for its heritage is no longer a country. But there is a lot more:

3) The marginalization of religion and morality that has undermined the nuclear family has also contributed to the atomization and disassociated behavior amongyounger generations of Americans, making them ill-equipped for present challenges and successful family formation.


4) The removal of religion and belief in God from American-schools and cultural institutions, and replacement with secular progressive creeds—notablycultural Marxismhas brought about a society characterized by people of weaker individual character and a society characterized by division and frayedsocial and political fabric. 


5) The ongoing sexual revolution, which has gone beyond homosexuality to embrace the normalization ofTransgenderism, has brought about mass confusion, high suicide rates, and the undermining of many women’s sportsall a consequence of disassociatingwith natural God-given identity.


6) The ever-expansion of class warfare at all levels of society, which is the main thrust and contribution of cultural Marxism, undermines the ability of governmentto function and brings us ever closer to political and economic collapse. 


7) Massive corruption of elites inside and outside the government, compromised by graft, bribery, and insider trading brings attendant dysfunction, misallocation of resources and undermines government’s primary responsibility to protect and serve the welfare of the people.


8)     The elite capture of most traditional and social media by the military-industrial complex, the medical-industrial complex, and the global intelligence-industrial complex, has enabled the control of propaganda narratives that have kept the public largely ignorant about the most important issues of health, welfare, economics, war and peace. 


8) The loss of election integrity and the rise of vote fraud in the US demoralizes the public and undermines the moral stature and legitimacy of what was the shining example of government of, by, and for the people in the Constitutional Republic of the United States.


9) The systematic attack on the police and lawenforcement by well-funded cultural Marxist elites who embrace Critical Legal Theory is bringing about urbanchaos and incivility across the US. 


10) The politicization, corruption and two-tiered judicial system that has arisen in America, which makes lawfare a preferred weapon of choice, providesgovernment funded courts and prosecutors with unlimited government resources to bankrupt private citizens who become political targets. 


11) The internal demoralization and weakening of the American military by way of diminishing traditional meritocracy and increasing mandated training and protocols of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity,Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), have directly contributed tocurrent crisis-level recruiting shortfalls in all three majormilitary services.


12) The transformation of the profit-based free market system through DEI’s cousin ESG—Environment,Social, Governance, is a combination of socialism through the back door and mandated environmental and social governance, which together will reduce economic growth and the opportunities that growth creates. 


13) The global elite-driven transformation of the USenergy sector through the creation and sustenance ofglobal warming and climate change narrativepropaganda promotes more expensive and less reliable so-called sustainable solar and wind power,while undermining the more reliable and less expensivehydrocarbon energy, based on petroleum and natural gas.


14) The current trends of the global elite-drivenconsolidation and control of the US agricultural industry, fertilizer, and food production supply chains—if uncheckedwill bring on food shortages and potential mass starvation. 


15) The reckless increase in US national debt escalates risk and makes America unsustainable. In 2003, the US national debt stood at $3.9 trillion, whichwas at that time 36% of US GDP. Today US national debt is over $34 trillion, which is 123% of US GDP—an increase of 772% in just twenty years. 


Such a factual recitation is shocking and may suggest that it’s over with America’s best days in the past. In fact, with growing numbers of people becoming disillusioned with so many continuous lies and deceitemanating from authority figures, spiritual revivals are happening across the land. 

Indeed, American people have a secret weapon, and we greatly outnumber the global elitists in the vanguard of orchestrating America’s demise. Our secret weapon is repentance and our faith in and reliance on God who will deliver. And since God is just, we know the wicked cannot prevail. The Psalmist (94:15) reminds us that “the Lord will not cast off His people, nor will He forsake His inheritance. Take heart, organize and discover the joy of service.

Scott Powell is senior fellow at Discovery Institute. Histimeless book, Rediscovering America, was #1 Amazon New Release in the history genre for eight weeks.(https://www.amazon.com/dp/1637581599).  Reach him at scottp@discovery.org


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