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When do We Say "No Mas!"

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

The only thing we are lacking in this country, besides the collective will, is someone to vocalize our feelings about this government and the way it is being run. Roberto Duran realized that the gas had run out when he uttered the famous words in the fight against Sugar Ray Leonard, "No Mas, No Mas”, and the fight ended.


Barry Goldwater, Hugh Scott and John Rhodes, all three Republican Congressman, drove to the White House and told President Nixon, No Mas, and he took those words to heart and resigned.

King Edward V111 after probably hearing the words of that famous song, "I need my love to keep me warm", abdicated the British throne to marry an American divorced commoner: Mrs. Wallis Simpson..

Now we must take up the phrase, No Mas, and direct it to this government and its leaders? Why, you ask?

1. Congress and the Senate pass laws that they exempt themselves from, and trample the rights of free speech and freedom of religion for the rest of us. Isn't that why we had the Boston Tea Party in 1773?

2. The President has a law passed through the Legislatures and then independently mends and changes the law whenever he feels it is needed. Huh? I thought this was a democracy with 3 branches of government - all with specific and equal duties.

3. The next thing I wish to mention has so many objectionable parts that I will have to bring each one up separately:

a. A no bid contract for the biggest change in history of our medical system.

b. Given to a Canadian Company.


c. Who has an officer who was, reportedly, a classmate of the 1st Lady.

d. The same Company that was dismissed by the Canadian Government from working on a similar project that also didn't work.

e. Who was unable to produce a workable Web Site for the new medical law.

f. Said company was paid an obscene amount of money for a product that doesn't work and may have to be scrapped.

g. The aforementioned company is now being paid to fix the mess they created on an open ended contract, reportedly. Say What?

4. There are numerous actions that would lead to dismissal in the "for profit" environment;, unfortunately such environment is unknown to our government. The feeling one gets from our federal governmental officials is that profits are obscene coming from the sweat and labor of the wee folk. However these politicians haven't any problem with a deficit, something they are quite familiar with.

5. The wee folk mentioned above are now being well taken care of with Welfare, food stamps, disability insurance payments, unemployment insurance etc. It is reported that over 50% of the adult population is on one or more of these programs, with the majority not being vetted to see if they actually qualify for these programs.


I certainly understand that both average citizens and politicians want to succeed in what they do, but their goals are diametrically opposed to each other. Citizens want a good business environment, freedom to live their life the way they want and a chance to pass their efforts and successes to their heirs. Politicians want for the most part, a good district, county or state that will allow them to remain in office so they can attempt to carry the fervor of their constituents while increasing their fortunes in the percentages usually seen by only the best of Wall Street traders.

So back to the beginning. "No Mas" should be easily understood by both sides with these few examples. Let's make it our statement to counter "If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance." (PERIOD)

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