
The Biden Administration Is Laughing at Red State Flood Victims

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The total apathy of the Biden administration (sic) regarding the unprecedented destruction caused by Hurricane Helene in Appalachia shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. It is certainly not a surprise to the Biden administration. Joe Biden himself might be surprised to hear about it since he is a desiccated, mindless zombie masquerading as a human being by wearing the husk of what once was a mediocre and moronic human being. But the people actually running the country right now? They’re not surprised. Ignoring this disaster is a conscious choice by those in the Biden administration. You need to understand something. They hate normal Americans and want them to die.

Now, that may seem a little harsh, but ask yourself – what would they be doing differently if they did not hate normal Americans and want them to die? Nothing. If it was untrue, we would be seeing some action, not just a fake photo of a pensive Kamala with a blank piece of paper and unhooked earbuds. Just a couple of hundred miles away, at what was once called Fort Bragg and is now called some nonsense name, there’s a whole US Army corps full of engineering, aviation, support and military police assets. It is the 18th Airborne Corps – you know, what used to be called the Rapid Deployment Force? It could be mobilized in a heartbeat to go help out the people who are facing the destruction caused by flooding and, of course, by illegal alien looters. We can’t forget that part. We apparently now have to import foreign scumbags to do the crimes American scumbags won’t do. 

So, why hasn’t the president, or the cabal that is actually running this country while the alleged president is sunning himself on the beach and the vice president is going around joying and bratting, alerted those military units and told them to get their camo behinds into the mountains to help out? It’s simple. The cabal doesn’t want to help out. They want these Americans to suffer. You see this happen every time there’s a disaster in normal America. Normal Americans get crushed by flooding, tornadoes, or whatever, crises that are often at least partially caused or magnified by idiotic federal policies, and all you get from Washington, D.C. is a big shrug. Now, if this happened in some blue state, you know they’d be going all out. But these aren’t their people in their eyes. These are our people. And that’s the thing about Democrats. They understand that you use government power to help your friends and punish your enemies.

We are their enemies.

There’s another thing going on too. In Georgia and North Carolina, which are allegedly battleground states, the rural areas are usually very red. And you know what’s happening in North Carolina right now? Early voting. Oh, except not in the places that are 10 feet underwater. There’s no voting going on there. And do you think the Democrats mind? Hell, the Democrat candidate for governor in North Carolina and current attorney general Josh Stein was last seen far away raising money from rich people with Kamala Harris’ passed-over running mate Josh Shapiro. In contrast, the allegedly terrible, horrible, bad Mark Robinson has been out there in the middle of things as lieutenant governor actually trying to help. Why would Josh Stein not want to help? Because he doesn’t want these people to vote. However, it’s not quite as clear as that. Asheville, one of the larger towns that was flooded, is a hotbed of cat lady leftism. It’s run by straight-up communists who put diversity policies over such right-wing knuckle-dragging stuff as disaster preparedness. So, a fair number of blue voters will also be stopped from voting early. Who knows, some of them might realize that their present government hates them too and, if things dry out in time, might vote for a patriot instead of the Democrats. 

But probably not. Leftism is a religion, and we normal people are heretics for refusing to genuflect at the altar. So, when some natural disaster happens, the left is delighted. It’s cosmic justice. You saw them on X, people cheering about how those conservative folks were getting what they deserved. Where is your Messiah now, MAGA people? 

Don’t think that the only people who are giggling are those stupid enough to put that out in public on social media. In blue cities, they’re laughing hysterically. This is Gaia’s wrath for not believing in the holy sacrament of global warming, by which they mean industrialization and modernity. How dare those backwoods hicks and rubes expect to be like the elite and have power, gas vehicles, and internet – of course, the Biden FCC forbade Elon Musk from supplying his Starlink system to give internet access to people in the boonies. Instead, Biden-Harris spent billions on primitive old-fashioned systems and haven’t given internet to anyone. Guess how the people in the flooded areas are getting internet now? That’s right – conservatives are bringing Starlink systems in and hooking them up.

The feds are never coming to rescue these Americans, or any red Americans when they find themselves in trouble. That’s being left to the red states – Ron DeSantis prepared Florida so well that within a day or so after the disaster, he was able to shift his hurricane relief forces out of Florida and off to help other states. 

It’s also being left to normal people, regular folks who don’t ask questions about the political affiliation of people in trouble and get in there and assist. Remember, the kind of people you see showing up with their own boats and their own chainsaws and their own helicopters are the kind of people that you’re told are the worst people on earth. They’re Christian nationalists, they’re racists, they’re transphobes, and they should be silenced and disenfranchised and disarmed. They shame the left by doing what the left promises it will do – delivering security, safety, and prosperity – and yet never does. They’re the best of America, and elite Democrats, who are laughing at the suffering of fellow citizens, are the worst.

There will be an accounting.

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