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Did You Catch Joe Biden’s Message to Democrats? It Was as Pathetic as His Presidency

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AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. For the Biden White House, it's been multiple haymakers to the head; CTE assured. It's fitting since the man is already brain dead. This crew thought they could roll up and change everything with a snap of their finger. They had Congress. They had the media. The adults were back. Competency was back. And they were going to show all of us how it's done. Now, Democratic infighting threatens to derail everything, and Biden decided to step in as leader of the party to stress unity. In a three-minute pre-taped message to Democrats at their Fall meeting, Biden rallied for unity. I use that term loosely because if you watch the clip, he just comes off as a weak old man who can be rolled. It was as pathetic as his presidency.

Republicans can crack open a beer and watch this bonfire from afar. They did their part. More than a dozen Senate Republicans latched onto a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. It can pass easily. There are more than enough House Republicans to pass it as well. Now, it is still a terrible bill, but Biden needs a legislative win, and this one is his best bet. The problem is that his far-left flank wants the $3.5 trillion so-called human infrastructure package passed first. Democrats plan to use the reconciliation route on this one, but they're stuck because Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) are "hell no" votes on it. Democrats cannot afford a single defection in the upper chamber. Pelosi and the progressives want that package passed first. Not going to happen. Now, there's haggling over the price tag and what action items need to be cut, which is not sitting well with the commies on the Hill.

AOC said the $3.5 trillion bill was the compromised product. She's smoking what Hunter Biden loves, and it's not parmesan cheese. Senate Republicans did help support a temporary debt ceiling increase that expires in December, only for Chucky Schumer to excoriate the GOP afterward. Does Chuck know he's going to need a healthy amount of GOP votes around Christmas time? Mitch McConnell was so incensed that he warned Biden that Republicans won't lift a finger next time around on the debt ceiling. 

What can Biden do right? His people have learned very quickly that they cannot set the presidency on autopilot. Joe was on vacation when Afghanistan collapsed—and would have remained on R&R if the media hadn't shamed him into addressing the disastrous end of our longest war. He then botched the withdrawal by leaving Americans behind and then blaming them for not being able to get to the airport. Inflation is spiking, which will not be lost on America's mothers who balance the home budgets. Employers can't find workers who remain on unemployment. The border is a total nightmare. Europe is starting to see this man as the moron he is—and Biden is absent for it all. He's AWOL. And then he pops up for a little speech about unity (via NY Post):

President Biden implored his fractured party Saturday to come together and pass his multi-trillion-dollar spending bills — assuring Democrats that his pricey agenda will “win the 21st century.”

“My message is simple: we need to stay together, and bound by the values that we hold as a party,” Biden said in a three-minute pre-recorded address released Saturday at the Democratic National Committee’s fall meeting.

“Because here’s the deal: we won 2020 as a unified party,” Biden said. “And we look to 2022, as we do that, we need to stay unified.”

You can watch the video here. The relevant portion starts at 1:08. It's scripted as hell. He looks tired. He doesn't seem to have a commanding personality to fit the office. He can't get deals done—that's been exposed as obvious with the spending talks. It's a three-minute exercise in how someone can be abjectly pathetic when it comes to being not just a party leader but a world one. He's tired, slow, and pathetically weak. That's how I would view it as a hard-Left Democrat. It would not make me think to soften my stance. This man is detached. Dig in and push—maybe he'll break. 

On every level of crisis, Biden is not there. There are no more mean tweets, yes. How's that working out for everyone? Also, what is this bill? What's the narrative? What's the pitch? Democrats have not created one, possibly because if they, did people would see it for the soft communism that it is. With no story or communications strategy to make this bill marketable and relatable to voters, no wonder why there's been zero traction toward getting it passed. Wasn't Joe in the Senate since the 1970s? Doesn't he know the process and the principles? He can't get this done. It doesn't matter what party is in charge. The government likes to spend—and he can't even get into the endzone on this one. As Afghanistan burned, he gave speeches on COVID protocols. He said there would be no vaccine mandates. Nope—lie. And he's entrusting OSHA to be the national medical Gestapo force. 

What has Biden done that's good? Well, he's an ace at destroying his political capital. He's polling at 38 percent. Fifty percent think he's dishonest, with another 55 percent saying he's not competent to run the country. How the mighty have fallen since early August. He's lost the middle. Independents are gone, and there's no indication that Biden has the intelligence, the endurance, or the political skill to pull off a comeback. 

As Obama once said, "Never underestimate Joe's ability to f**k things up." 

Well, I think we did. We totally underestimated this ability because he's failing all the time. Wasn't his VP, Kamala, supposed to get the border under control and the people vaccinated against COVID? Yes—and she failed at both. On the border, Biden declared war on his own immigration officers over a nonstory about migrants being whipped. The "whips" were horse reins. We're not even a year into this presidency, and all Joe has done is destroy his administration's credibility. 

There was a similar crew that rolled up and thought they could change DC. They were the Jimmy Carter crew, and I think you know how that all turned out. 


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