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Totalitarians Try to Win by Force, Not by Political Persuasion

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

The Democratic Party has just given convincing evidence of what many of us have known for a long time—that they are an amoral, totalitarian political party that does not believe in the democratic process, but has every intention of ruling by force.  Rather than using political persuasion, rather than saying, “Here are the political positions of Joe Biden and how they will benefit America.”  Rather than saying, “And here are the political positions of Donald Trump and how they will hurt America,” they are using force, weaponizing the Justice Department, to try to win the election this year.  Ruling by force, not by political argument, is the method of totalitarians.  And that is what the Democratic Party has become.


China will attack Taiwan in the not-too-distant future; I don’t know when, but it’s coming.  They should do it while Biden is still in office, which means, to be safe, in the next few months.  But maybe they have a scheme to ensure Biden’s re-election so they can put their invasion off until their economy is in better shape.  Wars are expensive.  But regardless, the CCP will attack Taiwan, and force the people of that independent country, against their will and desire, to become part of the People’s Republic of China—just like they did with Tibet and are doing with Hong Kong.  There is no attempt at political persuasion.  There is no “will of the people” here.  China will endeavor, by military compulsion, to overthrow what the people of Taiwan want, and compel them into a system those people do not wish to be part of.  It’s what the Bolsheviks did in Russia.  It is what Castro did in Cuba.  It’s what totalitarians do.  

And it is what the Democratic Party is trying to do in America. 

As many commentators have noted, the trials against Donald Trump are simply a political strategy of the Democrats to win this year.  They are totally political.  It is their major stratagem.  They’ll try a few issues, like abortion and a supposed low unemployment rate, to boost Biden, but they know those issues will not win for them.  Joe Biden has been an absolutely horrible President.  Most Americans, including Democrats, know it, and his popularity ratings fully reveal it.  So, if you were a Democratic Party operative, what would you do?  Biden is utterly indefensible.  How can you fill up a 30-second TV commercial with his accomplishments?   It’s impossible.  So, the strategy becomes destroy Trump in whatever means imaginable.  “Their guy is worse than our guy!” is their complete plan for this year.


Do you remember the Bret Kavanaugh hearings?  Democrats didn’t—couldn’t—attack Kavanaugh on his sterling judicial record.  So, they tried to destroy him personally.  That’s the Democratic Party today.  They cannot win by argumentation.  So, they try to use force, they smear, they lie, they cheat, they use whatever underhanded means possible to win.  And they are extremely good at it.  They’re getting more and more practice every day.

It’s incredibly important to understand that all of this has absolutely nothing to do with what is best for America.  Every intelligent individual can see that Biden has been a total disaster for America, and the world in general.  We do not live in a safer, more prosperous country, or a safer, more peaceful world because of Joe Biden.  And most American people recognize that.  But, to Democrats, to totalitarians—and this is what is SO crucial—a safer, more prosperous America is utterly irrelevant.  They couldn’t care less about that.  Their actions are totally, 100% about political power, about exercising their will over the American people.  That’s all the Deep State (including many Republicans) care about.  Donald Trump represents the greatest threat to their hegemony over America.  Thus, Donald Trump, in whatever way conceivable, MUST be destroyed.


Totalitarian hegemony and power over the American people is the one, single, solitary goal of the current Democratic Party.  And there are no boundaries.  They have no morals.  They will do, and use, anything they can, including abusing and misusing the (once) greatest judicial system the world has ever seen, to accomplish their purposes.   Judge Juan Marchan is completely apathetic about “justice.”  He is a Democratic Party operative goose-stepping to Democratic Party orders to get whatever convictions he could against Trump.  Use the power—the force—of America’s judicial system to defeat Trump.  “Justice” has now been politicized.  That is as unAmerican as anything can possibly be.  It’s the use of power to try to gain and hold power.  It’s totalitarianism.  It’s what the CCP does in China.  And it’s now what the Democratic Party is doing in America.

So, the trials of Trump are perceived by the Democratic Party as their best political strategy for winning this year’s election.  There is no attempt at political persuasion, of convincing the American people that the Democratic Party’s agenda is better than the Republican Party’s.  Americans have seen for the past three years what that agenda has produced, and Biden’s unpopularity is evidence of what they think of it.  So, use totalitarian force—the so-called “Justice” Department—to try to steal victory.  


In a sense, it’s a desperate tactic.  The Democrats must hope that, over the last few generations, they have brainwashed enough Americans into believing Leftist doctrine, that the majority of the people are now so stupid that they can’t see through the ploy.  The methods the Democrats are using are totalitarian; but the country is still the United States, and still holds free (though corrupt) elections.  The Democrats do not have totalitarian power yet.  That’s their goal, but they don’t have it yet.  

But they can still try to use totalitarian methods.  And that is what they are doing.

The question is, and only November 5 will answer this, are they reading the American people correctly?  Or have they awoken a sleeping giant?

Check out my substack for all kinds of material.  There’s lots of good stuff on Leftism, the Founders, etc., along with Biblical studies, so sign up.  Video podcast every week for paid subscribers.  Follow me on Twitter:  @thailandmkl.   Read my western novels, Whitewater , River Bend,  Return to River Bend, and Allie’s Dilemma all available on Amazon.  


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