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Building a Positive Case for Victory in November

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Joe Biden obviously presents a tempting target for Donald Trump in this year’s Presidential campaign.  Biden has easily been the worst President in American history, and his senility is becoming an issue even the Democrats can no longer ignore.  If the Dems do drop Biden for someone else, Mr. Trump needs to tie his Democratic opponent to Biden’s policies and make sure the American people know that it is the Democratic Party that owns the last three years of horror in the country.


But attacking Joe Biden is not enough.  Mr. Trump must present a positive, inspiring case to the American people, who deserve to hear that.  The nation doesn’t wish only to see mud being slung.  Americans should know where Trump intends to take the country.

Here are some of the things I want to hear from Donald Trump in the coming months:

1.  I want to hear Make America Great Again, meaning a return to the principles of freedom, capitalism, and virtue established by our Founding Fathers that made America superior in the first place.

2.   I want to hear America First, not Somalia or Venezuela first, not some globalist puke where America continues to surrender its sovereignty to the United Nations, WHO, Bill Gates, and the WEF.

3.  I want to hear about a balanced budget and reduced government spending.  I want to hear about a frugal government that lives within its means and doesn’t waste tax dollars on frivolous trivialities that spur inflation and needlessly take food and money from Americans’ lives.

4.  I want to hear about safe streets and strong police.  The first business of the government is to protect its people from criminals, thugs, and foreign invaders, and I want to hear Mr. Trump say how he plans to do that.  I imagine a lot of inner-city Americans would like to know, too.

5.  I also want to hear about protecting children from sexual predators and butchers who carve them up for money and hedonistic pleasure.  And what to do about betrayed transgender individuals who need help escaping the horrible mental and physical trap in which Leftist lies have ensnared them.  I want to know what Mr. Trump intends to do about the evil deviants who are “coming for our children.”  And I want to hear about giving our children a good, solid education again in the basics, including morality and patriotism, which will produce honorable American citizens in the future.  I want to hear Trump say he is going to abolish the utterly useless “Department of Education” and press Congress to quit giving so much money to educational cesspools (like Harvard) that are using that money to preach a Leftist hate-America ideology.


6.  I want to hear about standing up to China and bringing some of those jobs in China back to America.  I want to hear our candidate tell those murdering communist scumbags exactly what they are and that we aren’t going to take any more of their lying, thieving refuse.   Punch that bully in the nose for a change.  Recognize Taiwan's independence and see what China does about it.

7.  I want to hear about a strong military that recruits dedicated Americans who love the country and not about a sissified DEI military and perverts wearing dresses who give orders to REAL men.  I want to hear about creating a military that will (again) defend America’s interests but won’t squander money and American lives on senseless wars around the globe.  

8.  I want to hear about America’s border being defended and about ridding the country of people who are here illegally, living off the hard-earned money of decent, hard-working Americans.  Money that those illegals have absolutely no right to have.  I want to hear about AMERICANS being protected for a change, not foreigners who have no cause to be here.

There are also a few things I don’t want to hear: 

1.  I don’t want to hear lies about man-made climate change, and I want to hear how Mr. Trump intends to veto ANY bill with ANY man-made climate change money in it.  I do NOT want my tax dollars misused for a lie.  

2.  I don’t want to hear about the 2020 election EXCEPT I do want to hear how this election is going to be fair and honest, that corruption and cheating by Democrats will be stopped cold.   


I don’t want a totally negative campaign from Mr. Trump.  That is what the Democrats will do because they have nothing positive to offer America.  Again, Joe Biden’s atrocious record as President is fair game; his failures need to be exposed.  But what are Republicans going to do about it?  Most Americans—at least all of them who aren’t Democrats—love the country, and they want to see a strong, prosperous nation that they can be proud of again.  Mr. Trump needs to present that vision of America to her people, exalt America as a great leader of freedom and justice, encourage and inspire all Americans to better and better things, through their own efforts and abilities, and not through a nanny government.  The Democratic Party’s answer to everything is more government.  Trump needs to draw a strong, decisive contrast with that, indicating his faith and trust in the American people and their abilities.  I don’t think Americans will respond well to a totally negative or even a majority negative campaign.   Mr. Trump, give America something to vote FOR, not just AGAINST.

If Trump does the above and presents a great positive agenda of how America can be strong and mighty again, it will be a clear distinction from what the Democrats will do.  And he will win the election in a landslide.

And if he does all the above and still loses, Thailand is a nice place to live.  America will be finished, and you won’t want to live there anymore anyway.

Subscribe to my substack  for more on Leftism, our Founding Fathers, and true freedom. My “Story of the Bible” series will help you understand God’s Word.  Follow me on Twitter:  @thailandmkl.   Read my Western novels, Whitewater , River Bend,  Return to River Bend, and Allie’s Dilemma, all available on Amazon.  


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