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Jefferson, Mars and Pluto, and Climate Change

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AP Photo/Susan Walsh

The following was written by Thomas Jefferson in 1799:

“Snows are less frequent and less deep [now].  They often do not lie below the mountains more than one, two, or three days and very rarely a week.  They are remembered to be formerly frequent, deep, and of long continuance.  The elderly inform me that the earth used to be covered with snow about three months every year.  The rivers, which then seldom failed to freeze over in the course of the winter, scarcely ever do now.  This change…in the spring of the year is very fatal to fruits…I remember that when I was a small boy, say 60 years ago, snows were frequent and deep in every winter.”



True climate scientists tell us—and we have Thomas Jefferson’s affirmation of it—that there was a general warming trend in the 18th century, coming out of the “Little Ice Age,” which followed the Medieval Warming Period in the early part of the second millennium.  One wonders—what caused this gradual warming in the 18th century?  It could not have been the Industrial Revolution and fossil fuels (“greenhouse gases”) because the former was just beginning, and the latter were not in common use at the time.  I’m not a climate scientist, I’m a historian, so I don’t know what caused the 18th century warming.  I just know it happened, as other such “warming periods” have occurredin the history of this planet, none of which could have possibly been caused by man’s use of “fossil fuels.

So, some other explanation for previous “warming periods” must be sought.  Is it possible, just possible, that any current “warming” that is going on could be effected by the same process that triggered earlier warmings in earth’s history?  Is that a possibility?  There are numerous climate scientists who believe such, with good evidence, but it just so happens that none of them are named Al Gore or Greta Thunberg.  The great scientists Al and Greta are always tobe believed.   Oh, by the way, I hope you people in America enjoyed the record low temperatures you were recently hit with.  China had the same a few weeks ago.  Temperatures here in Thailand are about normal for this time of the year—no especial warming or cooling.  Drat.  No snow in Bangkok.


I would suggest the possibility that, given historical records, man has very little, if anything, to do with our current “warming period”—if, indeed, such is trulyhappening.  We all know that it’s not “global warming” any more, it’s “climate change,” and that amendment was made because recent years HAVEN’T shown a decided warming cycle.  Computer models, which are where “global warming” came from, don’t control the weather.  

There is apparently some scientific evidence, though, in fairness, it is disputed why such is occurring, that other planets in our solar system may also be experiencing a “warming” trend.  “New Scientist” website, in May 2007, had this interesting blurb:  “There have been claims that warming on Mars and Pluto are proof that the recent warming on Earth is caused by an increase in solar activity, and not by greenhouse gases.  But we can say with certainty that, even if Mars, Pluto or any other planets have warmed in recent years, it is not due to changes in solar activity.”  Harumph!  “Even if Mars and Pluto ARE warming up like Earth (supposedly) is, it’s not the sun doing it!”  Well, that may be true, I don’t know.  Perhaps too many Martians and Plutonians are using fossil fuels.  But it is suspicious that warming is apparently happening on other planets, too.  It needs to be explained why man is causing it on Earth, but something else is causing it on other planets.  And, more to the point, how this is absolutely known well enough to destroy the Earth’s ecosystem and cost middle-class taxpayers trillions of dollars to pay for governments futileattempts to change the weather.  Methinks a rat existssomewhere.


Evidence, of course, means absolutely nothing to the Left. Or, they aren’t willing to examine any other ideas, because they’ve made up their minds, their ideology is their infallible religion, thus please don’t bother them with the facts or other potential explanations.  Their motivations are entirely different.

I don’t know why Mars and Pluto are warming up, but I do know something else that is happening on Earth—the Left is grasping for global power, and they want our money.   One way to accomplish that is to convince as many people as possible that a major crisis is at hand, in the hopes that the ignorant and gullible will transfer as much power and wealth as possible to the despotic elite.  And it’s working.  That is what “climate change” is all about, and that is ALL “climate change” is about.  

Can anybody tell me what the weather was like in the region currently occupied by the state of Utah in March, 715 A.D.?  Or the 50 years before that?  Afghanistan in August, 1122 B.C.?  Mexico in June, 1401 A.D.?  Please give me the weather in those places and times, and please tell me how you know.  Since you and I both know you can’t do that, how do you KNOW the “climate” is “changing” NOW?  To say, “it’s changed over the last 50 years!” is to imply you know what the climate (weather) was, all over the world, in any given 50-year period in the past, and that the climate (weather) is different now.  You don’t know that.  You can’t know that.  And if you do think you know it is different now, then you have fallen into the Left-wing tyrants’ trap.  


Thomas Jefferson wrote, in 1799, of the “changing climate” of the 18th century.  But, interestingly, he wasn’t hysterical about it, he didn’t blame mankind, nor did he start some kind of movement to give power to a cadre ofglobalist elites.  History, folks, history...

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