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Will Joe Save China’s Economy?

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AP Photo/Alex Brandon

I’ve enjoyed, over the months, regaling Townhall readers with (hopefully) interesting stories about amoral, communist vandals in China.  Did I tell you the one about the guy who was filching the Wi-Fi from his next-door neighbor, and when the neighbor changed the password so the thief couldn’t steal access any more, the thief sued him?  Or how about the one where a poor soul lost his cell phone.  Somebody found it, but demanded 500 Chinese yuan (about $70) for its return.  When the owner wouldn’t give him the money, the rodent who found the phone smashed it to pieces.  Or how about the business owner who sued her employee for resigning because she, in effect, refused to pay him the salary she owed him.  


If these kinds of people—and they are exactly what the head of the CCP consists of—ever get control of large masses of humanity, then there will really be serious consequences.  America has come nowhere close to waking up to that fact, but I’m trying to help.  It IS serious, folks.  What I’ve written isn’t a joke.

But then, we all saw the video on Twitter (X) recently of a bottom feeder in America who punched a woman brutally in the face because she was trying to stop him from mauling somebody else.  The jungle has taken over many American cities, and the Democratic Party revels in it.  China is plagued by a “master” class who have absolutely no conception of honor, or how to do something from the goodness of their hearts.  But America is degenerating rapidly, and one of our political parties is doing everything it can to aid and abet it.

Democrats clean up San Francisco for China. They won’t do it for America.  Who do they love more?

I will repeat, there are good people in China. I have many friends there.  So, I don’t want readers to think that everybody in that country is a Mao Zedong or Xi Jinping thug.  The “masters”, yes; the “slaves,” no, though I tend to even be a little wary of most of them, too, because they all want to become masters. And if/when they do, will they be any better than the current “master” class?  Hard to know the answer to that one. But I can’t help being suspicious because the Chinese culture produces too many people like the ones I have repeatedly described.  These aren’t isolated incidents.  I’m only one person, and I’ve heard/experienced all of this.  How much goes on that I don’t know about?  (A good Townhall reader recently emailed me about some of his experiences in China, and they weren’t pretty, either.) The “master” class in China cheats and lies and steals (and kills when they need to) like they have an unalienable right to do so. They act like there is nothing wrong with it, and they are genuinely surprised when people object. This is the Chinese ruling class. They exalt the greatest mass murderer in human history (Mao Zedong).  It’s a Leftist ideology.  The Democrats want to foist the same thing on America. 


But I really wanted to write about the flailing Chinese economy in this article. Recently, the CCP’s National Security Ministry issued a warning that it will punish anyone who speaks negatively about the Chinese economy. Some observers think this indicates the Chinese economy has reached a dangerous point. The Ministry warned that four classes of people were subject to discipline:  

1. Those who have predicted the “hollowing out” of the economy; 

2. Those who have already taken action to withdraw funds from China; 

3. Those who discuss and promote the idea of moving capital out of China;  

4. Those who are draining the Chinese economy from within.  

The allegation is that such people are trying to “shake the international community’s confidence in investment in China and...trigger domestic financial turmoil.”  The Ministry threatens to punish these “financial crimes” however the law allows (read “CCPs National Security Ministry Threatens to Punish Those Who Predict ‘Hollowing Our’ of Chinese Economy,” “The Epoch Times,” November 5.)

It’s interesting that this warning comes from the National Security Ministry, which should have nothing to do with overseeing the Chinese economy. One analyst noted, and he is surely correct, that this comes directly from Xi Jinping. The National Security Ministry has never interfered with financial or economic matters before, except for grave financial crimes which it believes might affect “national security.”  But the problems are legion. 


China’s foreign exchange reserves continue to decline.  Capital flight is accelerating from China, indicating that many investors no longer have confidence in the Chinese Communist Party.  This quarter, China suffered its first foreign investment deficit since 1998.  Chinese total government debt is enormous, maybe even worse than in the United States. And China doesn’t have the solid capitalist structure to encourage production and consumer spending that will enable economic growth out of these problems. The CCP still demands control of the economy. Socialism. It doesn’t work.

This is very possibly the reason Xi Jinping hasn’t invaded Taiwan yet. He simply doesn’t have the money. 

“The entire Chinese financial system is at risk, and the storm is coming, and it may collapse at any time,” said Li Hengqing, a U.S. based economist.  It’s hard for foreigners to know exactly what is going on in the inner workings of the CCP.  It is an uber-secretive group of leaders, and getting accurate information is virtually impossible.  But the report above by the Ministry of National Security is instructive.  Is China’s economy really near a collapse?  I don’t mean “in the next few days or months,” but then, I don’t know. Nobody knows.  


I do know that socialism never works.  You can only “debt” and “steal” your way to prosperity for so long.  And that is what China has done.  

Will Joe Biden and the Democrats try to save the country they love the most?

My substack:  Twitter (X):  @thailandmkl.   Read my western novels, Whitewater , River Bend,  Return to River Bend, and Allie’s Dilemma all available on Amazon.  Rumble with me:  lewandcou

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