We would all like for America to be leading the world again—economically, spiritually, morally, militarily, and in decency, honor, and truth. We did that for a few centuries: the “shining city upon a hill.” And while millions of Americans still cherish these virtues and want to (excuse me, Joe) make America great again, in other words, make America a country we can truly be proud of and that others can look up to, it sometimes seems that our leaders are abdicating that role and handing it over to…
Have you read the Republicans’ “Commitment to America”? I went over to the website and got lost. Click this, link here, read gobbledygook. I’m sure there is a lot of good, commendable stuff in it, but too many Americans can’t read—period—and they certainly aren’t going to take the time to wade through that mess the Republicans posted. I didn’t, and I probably would agree with most of it. Why couldn’t McCarthy keep it simple, short, readable, and digestible…something quick, strong, pithy, that the lowest-IQ Americans (i.e., Democrats) can even understand. Something that clearly delineates the difference between Republicans and Democrats.
Something like, “I am a woman (man)! I am a mother (father)! I am an American! I am a Christian!”
Is that so hard to comprehend?
The left is having a cow, and you and I are in amazed, joyful, stupefaction at what recently happened in Italy. A conservative woman, Giorgia Meloni, was just elected Prime Minister of that country. And she gave the Republicans, in the paragraph above, what their real “Commitment to America” should look like. Here it is, in a nutshell.
1. “I am a woman (man)!” The Democrats claim they don’t know what either one is any more, but that is stupid, ridiculous, unscientific, and a few other obnoxious things. In a handful of words, the Republicans could expose the utter absurdity of the Democrats’ beliefs. The Dems will scream “fascism,” “racism,” “sexism,” “homophobic,” “transphobic,” but they always do anyway, so ignore them for a change. The Republicans need to stand for women, and men, and draw the clear distinction between the two parties. Then let the American people decide which they prefer. They can do it in that short statement: “I am a woman (man)!”
2. “I am a mother (father)!” If there is one thing this country needs as much as anything else, it is a return to family values, motherhood, fatherhood, love, trust, and commitment. Barring a sad catastrophe, every child deserves to have a mother and father AT HOME, teaching, leading, guiding, loving them. This is anathema to the Democrats, of course, who are doing their best to destroy the family and push people to dependence on government. “It Takes a Village,” you know. Republicans can, once again, demonstrate the wide, vast chasm between themselves and Democrats. If the American people no longer believe in family, then let them vote Democrat.
3. “I am an American!” This is fascism, according to the Democratic Party. They won’t come right out and say, “patriotism is fascism,” but they don’t have to. Their globalist, hate-America agenda has been evident in the movements they have spawned, literally over the last several decades. America is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and, most horribly, white supremacist. None of those things are actually true, but it is the message of the Democratic Party. Well, Republicans, campaign on “I am an American!,” let the Democrats chirp, “I am a globalist!,” and let’s see what the American people think about it.
4. “I am a Christian!” We should never force religion on anybody. That is wrong. Even Jesus didn’t do it. But we also should not run from our commitment to what we believe in. The left is anti-religion for the same reason they hate the family: they cannot allow people to have a higher allegiance to anything other than to them and the state. If there is no God, then the highest authority IS the government. And the bigger the government, the more powerful are those who control it. They don’t want you loving your family or your God more than you love your government. That is true Fascism and Communism 101. Well, again, nobody should be forced to adhere to a religion, but nobody should be ashamed of it or run from it, either. Proclaim your determination to protect religious believers from FBI thugs, Republicans. Let’s see what the American people think about it.
Now, that’s not so hard, is it, Congressman McCarthy? It doesn’t hide anything, it doesn’t obfuscate, it doesn’t confuse, it doesn’t bamboozle. Four short statements, clear and distinct, to draw a firm, decisive line between Republicans and Democrats: “I am a woman (man)! I am a mother (father)! I am an American! I am a Christian!” Commit to something that rings true to every decent soul in the country.
Maybe I’ll move from Thailand to Italy. I can understand that woman, and, unlike McConnellarthy, she has some guts.
Mark Lewis is a native Texan currently living in Thailand. He has a Master's degree in history and has taught history and English in America, South Korea, and China. His first book, Whitewater, a western novel, was recently published, and is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Eliva.com. And check out his new blog at thailandlewis.blogspot.com
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