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Why I Live in Thailand

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AP Photo/Gemunu Amarasinghe

It’s pretty simple. I live in Thailand because I got tired of the tyranny in China, and I can’t afford to live in Joe Biden’s America. Here’s the story.


I moved to China to teach in 2011 largely because I couldn’t find a job in Obama’s rotten economy. I worked for an American university that had a joint business program with a Chinese university. I was an employee of the American university, and, honestly, I had five enjoyable years there. And, modestly, I was doing great work, even meeting and helping students in other schools in the city, some of whom I still communicate with. But the Chinese government can’t help being despotic, and in 2015, for purely arbitrary reasons, they told me to leave. They didn’t care what kind of job I was doing, or that everybody—faculty, students, administrators—all wanted me to stay. The Chinese government cares nothing about its people. Never forget that. The Chinese lady at the school who liaises with the visa office told me, and I quote, “They don’t care if you are the best teacher in China.” So, I was gone.

But I did enjoy it, so much so that in 2017 I returned, this time to another school, working under the auspices of a Canadian company who helps find teachers for Chinese schools. Another great 2.5 years. I even served several months as the Director of Teaching Affairs for the program. But, tyranny strikes again. “Gotta go, Lewis, scram. You know we don’t care anything about you or the students.” Great government…

But it wasn’t quite so easy this time because, right then, they dumped their Wuhan virus on the world, and I was stuck in China. As soon as things cleared up a bit, there was a great demand for foreign teachers, so in September of 2020, I was able to hook on with a Chinese agency/school. This time I worked directly for a Chinese employer.


I have mentioned before on Townhall that there are two classes of people in China—masters and slaves. The common people, the slaves, are mostly good folks just trying to live a decent life, like good people everywhere. The “masters”—and by that I mean anyone with even an ounce of authority over anyone else—are pure scum, horrible, despicable people, who will lie, cheat, and steal anything they can. Such was the kind of man I went to work for that September. He immediately began to exploit my labor, underpaid me, stole from me every chance he got, and lied endlessly. When he told me he was going to cut my salary because he couldn’t afford to pay me the pennies he was giving me—a bald-faced lie, and we both knew it—I resigned. He took another pound of flesh before I could get away, but I’m in the process of suing him now, and maybe I’ll get some of my money back. But I doubt it.

This is actually a common practice in China. Not only do employers cheat foreigners, who don’t know how to fight back, they cheat their own people the same way. My best buddy here in Thailand has a Chinese girlfriend who is currently living in China, but hopes to come here soon. Her current boss, who drives a BMW, has been stealing money from all her employees, too—“I can’t afford to pay you.” The Chinese people, the “slaves,” have been cowered for so long that most of them don’t fight back. So, their employers will often steal from them. Very common. I’ve heard of several cases—foreigners and local Chinese—where this has happened. When I left the thief I was working for, I ended up getting stuck with another Chinese company of the same ilk—more thieves, liars, and cheats. So, I resigned in the middle of my contract again, and this time, having had enough, I moved to Thailand. Rather, I escaped to Thailand.


I came here because the buddy I mentioned above convinced me to come. As noted at the beginning, I’m not sure I could afford Biden’s America anyway. Houses are too expensive and rents are too exorbitant. Not can I afford, or want, an electric car. I’m not a rich man by any means (so please, everybody, go buy my book! Just kidding. I will have a sequel out in a few weeks…) Thailand is a nice place; some of you have probably been here. I pay about $250 a month for rent and utilities, and can buy a good Thailand meal for about 2 bucks. I don’t have a car, but I don’t need one. I can take the bus for 30 cents. And I own a bicycle. Health care is modern and inexpensive. Right after I moved here, I got an ear infection. I went to a nearby clinic, saw a doctor, and got some medicine for $18 total. Thailand, of course, is known for being on the “sex vacation” circuit, but that’s only if you want it. They don’t flaunt it, and their perverts don’t ram their lifestyle down your throat. And the Thai people don’t mutilate their children. I can see the ocean from the balcony of my condo. It’s a 10 minute walk. If I want a western meal, there is pizza, McDonald’s, KFC, Taco Bell, Burger King, Sizzler, Dairy Queen, and even Krispy Kreme donuts. Why go back to America and pay Biden’s inflation prices? Eat your hearts out, suckers.

The last six months I was in China the police harassed me three time in my apartment and school. I’m not anxious to go back to America and get harassed by Biden’s FBI or IRS.


I’ll return to America some day. Because I love the country and it’s my home. But, I had all of China I wanted, and I don’t want Joe Biden at the moment. So, I’ll stay in Thailand awhile. Come for a visit. Or even to stay. You can live on 1,000 bucks a month here, easy. Sa wat dee kap.

Mark Lewis is a native Texan currently living in Thailand. He has a Master's degree in history and has taught history and English in America, South Korea, and China. His first book, Whitewater, a western novel, was recently published, and is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and And check out his new blog at

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