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Maybe Cuomo Deserves That Emmy After All

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AP Photo/Seth Wenig, Pool

Yesterday's press conference by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was a remarkable bit of daytime drama.

This latest episode of "As Albany Turns" included a tear-jerking (although there were no tears) choked-up performance by the lead protagonist. Although his character is now going through a dark story arc provided by the producers who wanted to shake things up a bit for ratings.

After years and years of working in the theatre business, I've developed a bit of an expertise when it comes to recognizing some of the tricks thespians employ to convey their heart-wrenching emotions to draw sympathy from their eager audience. Let's just say, Andrew Cuomo's performance was well-staged, well-rehearsed, and well-coached.

"I fully support a woman's right to come forward, and I think it should be encouraged in every way," Cuomo said. "I now understand that I acted in a way that made people feel uncomfortable. It was unintentional, and I truly and deeply apologize for it. I feel awful about it, and, frankly, I am embarrassed. And that's not easy to say."

Very moving. Right?


Just listen to Lin Manuel Miranda as Alexander Hamilton when his character goes through his own sex scandal in act two. He gets emotional begging his wife for forgiveness, and I swear to you, his voice cracks exactly the same way. It's called acting!

But, more important for Cuomo is the content of his press conference, not the performance value.

During his press conference, Cuomo said he had completed the sexual harassment training his administration mandated for everyone employed in New York State.

If this is true, one wonders if he misunderstood the purpose of sexual harassment training. It's not supposed to be training so one can learn how to sexually harass. It's supposed to prevent sexual harassment.

Let's assume, for a moment, the training was, in fact, sexual harassment prevention. If that's the case, let's review what Cuomo actually said at this press conference rather than gush over his emotion and empathy as the in-the-tank media wants to do.

"I now understand that I acted in a way that made people feel uncomfortable. It was unintentional, and I truly and deeply apologize for it. I feel awful about it, and, frankly, I am embarrassed."

Wait. He now understands what he did and said was wrong? NOW?

So, what is the point of all the sexual harassment training if you only understand what sexual harassment is once you get into trouble for committing it?

The fact is, this statement is an admission of guilt. And it would be treated so for any other New York state employee who isn't named "Cuomo."

You try attending your company's HR-mandated sexual harassment seminars, then go do what Cuomo did to his employees. Then when you're called out for your behavior, try saying, "NOW I get it. Now I understand that what I did was wrong."

You think you'll be able to keep your job? Fat chance.

This is all a show, and Cuomo is performing for the media to try to act his way out of trouble.

On second thought, maybe he really does deserve that Emmy award.


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