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Politico Makes a Humble Bragg, ESPN's WNBA Airball, and Rolling Stone Buries Its Rebel Nature for Biden

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Presentation Paradox – SKY NEWS

In Germany, there was a protest rally and a knife-wielding assailant was apprehended after attacking a number of attendees. One police officer died of his injuries, while six others were wounded before he was stopped. Here is the headline from Sky News about the episode.

What Sky News is clearly hesitant to explain, as it gets light mention deeper in the piece, is that this was the violent work of a counter-protester from Afghanistan, and one of his victims was the organizer of the event.


With Donald Trump's conviction delivering a rise in the polls for him, Axios has gotten wise that other issues are what voters are truly concerned with, so there is a need to address those accurate perceptions that are injuring Joe Biden's approval!

Oh no, did we use the word "wise"? Because this attempt by Emily Peck of Axios is rather desperate, but it certainly is not wise. She tries to sell us on the idea that since inflation has slowed – now at around 1.1% – we should all be happy and stop complaining about the high prices in grocery stores. The amusement is that along with Peck's piece is a handy chart explaining just why it "feels" like prices are still high.

To put things as simply as possible for Ms. Peck, just because inflation slowed it does not mean prices have dropped, it only means they are not increasing as rapidly as recently felt. This has been your Econ 101 lesson today.

Glossary Over Things – POLITICO

I guess we can at least applaud this Politico piece for being somewhat reserved, in light of all the jubilation that has been seen in the media following the conviction of Donald Trump. Even so, there is some clear bias still on display in this profile of Alvin Bragg, the man who prosecuted Trump.

Bragg had campaigned for his district attorney post on the promise of prosecuting Trump, and he had to get extremely creative to resurrect a dead case, inflate misdemeanor charges that had expired, and fabricate felonies that went mostly ill-defined in the case. Yet, despite all of that energetic effort on the part of Bragg, Politico described his work as that of a "reluctant prosecutor."

Legalized Press-titution – ROLLING STONE

  • Cheerleading for The Man is SO Rock-N-Roll!l

We still chuckle at the announcement a few years ago made by Rolling Stone Magazine that it wanted to reestablish its journalism chops. Ever since, it has become one of the more pathetically partisan outlets, pledging fealty to the Democrats and attacking anyone in politics and music daring to upset the statists in Washington.

Look at this partisan pom-pom waving at Trump's conviction and just try to recall a time when this was a magazine that was brazenly rock-N-roll and promoting the wild life. Now, it's hectoring someone who consorted with a porn star in order to curry favor with an 80-year-old doddering authoritarian. Sadly pathetic.

Low-Octane Gaslighting – THE HILL

  • I guess we should just disregard all the pledges made by Hamas, is that right?

Briahna Joy Gray was speaking about Hamas and the intentions of the group for Palestinians, stating they merely want a free state just like our own, and there is no desire to kill all of the Jews.

This is a refreshing change from all of the their prior demands that Israel become eradicated, and all of the river-to-the-sea talk. We assume Ms. Gray is on the verge of brokering peace!

News Avoidance Syndrome – ESPN

In the WNBA, Caitlin Clark is becoming the biggest boost to the league and the most divisive figure, but through no fault of her own. It is becoming apparent that there is a fierce undercurrent that resents that a white player has generated so much interest. The negative reactions in the press have also become apparent on the court, as Clark has been frequently targeted for rough play. 

This weekend, in particular, she was on the receiving end of a flagrant foul by a teammate of Clark's college rival, Angel Reese. For reasons unexplained and yet revealing, on ESPN, when running highlights from that game, the network avoided the conflict entirely. It was only after being called out for this avoidance that it came around in later broadcasts to actually cover the episode.


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