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The Debate Didn't Go As Kamala Harris Had Hoped

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AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Editor's Note: Watch the latest episode of Kurt Schlichter's "Stream of Kurtiousness" below! Join Townhall VIP to get exclusive access to Kurt's weekly VIP columnVIP podcast, and, of course, the "Stream of Kurtiousness" video series! All uncensored! Use promo code KURT to get 50% off your membership.

I don't think Kamala Harris introduced herself to America in the way that she really wanted to. That's why she seems so eager for a second debate. Initially, she was getting a lot of high-fives because she didn't screw up completely, but now they're thinking they might need another one. Maybe they need her to get back out there. But will Donald Trump accept a second debate? I don't know, and I don't know if he should. Given how the ABC News moderators treated him Tuesday night, the network has probably ruined the chances for everybody.



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