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AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

That desiccated old weirdo in the White House seems to be getting slightly less unnatural media love as of late. Is it a trend?

Should we tax billionaires? Who cares? They all hate our guts, so why again should we spend political capital helping them to keep money that they will just spend screwing us over? Also, the old-fashioned reason is a trap. Understand your battlespace – facts, evidence, and truth – are not going to get the people who hate us to stop hating us. So, don’t play their game.

Is the Media Turning on President Badfinger?

No, not yet, but there are some cracks in the crusty façade developing. Some of the media outlets were toying with the idea of calling this border crisis a “crisis” recently, and many were complaining that the administration is pretty much freezing them out of being able to report on the disaster. And then Project Veritas comes along and scoops them all, getting photos of kids in cages – I mean “Children’s Happy Fun Spaces of Love” – and it’s got to be humiliating that a dude who made his bones punking ACORN while in Superfly drag crushed them.

There’s some media whining and mumbling about the freeze-out. And there seems to be a growing impatience with Raggedy Psaki and her inability to form an honest sentence. It’s not so much that the liberals are being treated like dirt and lied to. They dig abuse in a weird, creepy way. It’s that everyone sees them donning their figurative gimp costumes and being led around with a leash. They aren’t concerned with being treated badly as much as with being seen to be treated badly by the normals and thereby being laughed at.

Their pride might outweigh their dedication to liberal fascism. Maybe.

But don’t get your hopes too far up. When Stumbles McFingerboy took his multiple headers on that tricky stairway, they rushed to his rickety defense. No, it’s nothing. But Trump! Gosh, it’s just the wind, as if merely getting blown around like the cow in Twister is reassuring to those of us who don’t want an ancient dust pile as president.

This is why mockery is so important. Mock them for not having the power they like to think they do, for just taking it when the *dministration (I like that construction!) treats them like garbage in front of us all. You just have to rub salt in their wounded pride.

Tax the Zillionaires!

Taxing people is against my conservative principles, but so is wasting my limited political resources helping people who do nothing but shaft us. And this is particularly true then these people would spend the money we save them on making us into serfs.

The *ministration (yeah, I dig this one) recently explained how it wants to up the income tax on billionaires, and Big Chief Warren wants to tax their wealth too. And I say, “Oh well.”

Why again should the GOP devote a minute of time to helping these creeps out? Why should we get tarred with the “Party of the Rich” label on behalf of people who freaking hate us?

It’s self-evident – we shouldn’t. Let them be held upside down by their Gucci loafers and the coins shaken from their pockets.

But, but, but, our conservative principles!

I know. I’m not a big fan of taxes in general. But you know, I am a fan of taxes on our enemies in particular. Some might point out that Milton Freidman would not like this. True. But Milty was not dealing with a bunch of California Gender Non-Binary Warbuckses trying to disenfranchise us. My conservative prime directive is this: I accept no conservative principle that makes me less free.

Hey Richy Rich, you got no friends now. There’s a price for all that posturing. Think about it the next time you expect us to lift a finger for you.

Don’t Bother with Reason

Suddenly, there’s a whole swathe of SJW jerks barely concealing their glee in trying to make anti-Asian hate crimes the next capstone on top of the big pyramid o’ oppression. In response, you could point out to them that the numbers really have not gone up….

That there’s no evidence that Trump accurately pointing out the virus came from China ignited a tsunami of hate….

That the freak in Atlanta was evil in a different way than racism…

That the *dministration just folded on the lawsuit protecting Asian kids from outright racial prejudice in college admissions…

You could point that all out, and it’s all true, but it does not matter to the SJWs. This is not about reality. This is about filling up their empty lives with feigned righteousness and raw power. They are beyond such bourgeois concepts as facts, evidence, and truth.

So don’t waste your time reasoning with them.

Never engage them in terms of reason because they understand that reason is their enemy so using it is, itself, racist. You will never change their minds, so don’t try. You must instead use a two-pronged strategy to defeat them.

First, crush them. You must break their hold on power by refusing to comply and by voting for the most conservawoke individuals you can. Did Trump argue with their wretched creatures? No. He just did his thing. He used his power.

But those bourgeois concepts as facts, evidence, and truth do have use for normal people. Normal people never got the memo that truth is lies and that lies are the truth. They do react to spotlighted hypocrisy and brutal mockery, as well as rational presentations of the evidence.

So, ignore the woke wine moms, the college cretins, and the media morons except to use them as butts of your jokes. Vote for the hardcorest conservatives out there. Laugh at the SJWs, and keep the heat on them. They win only when we give in – that’s why they now seem almost entirely focused on canceling other libs. If we refuse to care, and we can win.

My original Kelly Turnbull action thriller People's Republic tell what happens when America splits into red and blue countries. See what the fuss is about, and check out my other four novels about Indian CountryWildfireCollapse and  Crisis

My super-secret e-mail address is kurt.schlichter@Townhall.com.


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