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No! Biden’s Student Debt 'Relief' Is Not 'Christian Compassion.'

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AP Photo/Elise Amendola, File

Since *President Biden announced his plan to allow a large number of people to just rob the American tax-payer, a large number leftist elites have attempted to theologically bully people who objected by labeling them “UnChristian.”


These people range from extremely wealthy former NBA coaches, to Instagram memers that have the courageous keyboard spirit, to my left-of-center friend (will call her Kelli) who see nothing wrong with the policy.

The message is all the same. 

“If you attempt to critique this policy, and claim to be a Christian, we will abusively cancel you.”

They generally word it like this:

"Christians who have a problem with loan debt being forgiven, need to remember that their faith is built on the belief that they had a debt that someone else paid."

The comparison is not compassionate. The comparison is insipid. So bad in fact my lovely bride informed me the discussion has forced her to avoid social media altogether for a while.

It strikes me that those making this argument are also using a false set of definitions in the discussion and out of necessity I feel it’s important to correct their lexicon.

Since the program will cost working Americans an additional $500,000,000,000.00 in taxes it might be helpful to explain exactly what’s happening as well.

For many generations the American tax-payer has worked extremely hard to earn money to feed their families with. (If you live off of Medicare, welfare, or Government subsidies—you’re already disqualified from having a say in this discussion.)

As tax-payers labor they send varying amounts of what they have lawfully earned for themselves to the federal government. The government for these same generations has turned these dollars into Pell Grants and other similar programs to assist students in accessing mostly private college and university educations. The agreement with the students includes a requirement to pay this money back as it is being lent to them. If the government did not use the money for said lending they could be bolstering our roads, military readiness, or border security.


When the loans are repaid the government has also agreed to help fund these efforts by having the student pay back sums of interest which are added to the loan’s total repayment. These interest payments also assist We The People in caring for our mutual needs.

When these loans go unpaid, the monies needed to care for roads, infrastructure, defense and national security then must be funded by additional monies raised by further taxing said tax-payers. (None of this even includes the monies lost to the federal treasury by just the mere “payment pause” that Biden instituted after coming to office. Equaling another possible $60,000,000,000.00 in operating loss in just the last two years.) Hence new taxes must continually be raised, much of it by tax-payers who should not be asked to.

Enter the theologically twisted memes.

It is not biblically consistent to claim that Biden’s plan in any way resembles Christ’s death on the cross for our sins. 

The debt that Jesus paid was first and foremost a literal debt that no human could have paid. There was no sacrifice that a fellow human could have made that would have satisfied the debt of even their own sin, much less that of every person on earth. It took literally God Himself to make such an offer of love and sacrifice.

The students who all voluntarily took the money from the tax-payers sat through orientation classes carefully having explained to them how long and how difficult taking the money would make their lives until it was repaid. But they are able to repay it. It’s not an infinite amount and many who took it parlayed it into a law practice or a medical residency where they have the ability to charge high prices for their specialized knowledge. 


Also, if Joe Biden’s policy was in any way similar to Christ’s offer, he would not be pointing the gun to the heads of others to enforce such “forgiveness.” Jesus took it on Himself to pay the debt owed. Biden literally is hiring 87,000 additional armed agents to come to your home and force you to give up more of what you’ve labored hard for to enforce “forgiveness.” 

Compassion doesn’t force middle and low income people to subsidize “naked days” at Ivy League schools. Compassion doesn’t underwrite someone’s foolish decision to get a $300k degree in Gender Studies. Compassion does not allow injustice to injure the innocent. Compassion does not institute a policy to make the situation even worse.

Put simply because the government is giving away what you earn in such frivolous manners, the institutions taking this money in are incentivized to behave badly.

Harvard University sits on an approximate endowment of $54B. Just sitting in a low yield savings program somewhere they make between $1-2B per year simply on interest. With roughly $800 million in student revenue (much of it coming from loans you’re paying for,) they could literally give their education away at no cost and still sock away millions per year in earnings after bills are paid.

The cost of a college or university education has skyrocketed. It is a problem. And it is worth a national discussion.


*President Biden’s plan does not address the root of the problem. Rather he has exasperated it.

And no amount of smarmy memes can change that.

No, Biden’s plan isn’t “Christian Compassion.” 

It’s gunpoint robbery, and you’re the target.

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